Make Killers Great Again


Nurse was already a difficult killer to play as before the nerf. Not because the fatigue, but because her power is very glitchy. Her teleports sometimes go haywire or you don’t teleport through certain objects like cars etc. Not to mention she is painfully slow. Adding the blink recharge on top of fatigue really makes playing as her not enjoyable. She needs special add-ons if you want a decent game, and even then the bugs still get you. She needs her fatigue taken away or her recharge take away. Having both is just a big middle finger to the killer base. She needs a buff. Same with legion and Spirit. It seems that the devs are finally doing reworks to help the killers (doctor buff), so I hope they take into account the unnecessary nerfs killers have so playing killer will become more fun and more people play killer and lessens the queue time for survivors. Devs, please make killers great again.


  • Sodahead
    Sodahead Member Posts: 99

    I hate how killers like doc can spam their powers nonstop but my Legions are punished to death.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 576

    Yeah, The nurse needs need a base kit as before.

    And recover the distance range addons.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,378

    Spirit is fine, her nerf really didn't hurt her besides her Shadow nerf which isn't a big deal.

    I'm situational about Legion, I don't play them as much unless I'm at the low ranks.

    As a former Nurse main I can agree, her nerf made her much harder to play which I don't mind, but it made her very irritating to play. I won't use her unless I run double cooldown add-ons on her.