I dont get it at all.

Like, when I started playing dbd I thought it is supposed to be horror game. Now I just cant figure out all these complaints about killers - in any horror game he must be OP.

When im playing surv the only killer that makes me a little scary is ghostface, cuz of his sneaking abilities, any other killer just makes me laugh.

It is not just interesting to play surv in the way of horror type, now its more like "bully m1 killer for fun. Family edition. Pegi 6+"

I know this post wont make any difference, but I would be glad to hear everyone's opinion on that


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    I think we all agree with you, its not a horror game, its a horror THEMED game, but the game itself is very arcade.

    TBH it would be an amazing achievement to make an actually scary game that you play in co-op, co-op so quickly removes any fear and it just becomes fun.

    "aaaah dude, help me, this zombie is eating my face, help"

    "idk dude, pretty dark hallway, you go first, go on, im right behind you, OH #########, RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN"

    it would just be messing with eachother, good times probably, but not scary.

    To come back to balance of DBD, yeah, it is rather painful how often survivors just completely control the game with the killer standing there not being able to do anything about it (cough cough DS, BT, Adren, Unbreak, Dead Hard).

    I have the most fun as survivor when things turn bad, like the killer suddenly having 3 stacks Devour Hope or so, that can be pretty tense and therefor fun.

  • peacemaker94
    peacemaker94 Member Posts: 21

    Thats it. The most interesting game in dbd is when things are hot as #########. Like it is way more exciting, when u can feel the tension of the match, not just be stupidly tunneled or something

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    There is no horror. The most you can have are jumpscares by Ghostface, Michael & Piggy.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    Try to watch same horror movie 500 times.