The deathslinger is NOT worthy of the 110



  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited March 2020

    That is some terrible analysis. I agree with the pros. The cons are missing A LOT and some are wrong.

    First perk synergy. Unlike huntress yet he is a range and is able to use all exposing perks in the game - rancor, noed, haunted, MYC, Devour etc. That means for example he can shoot you from far and yet hit you with noed easly. If that is not a amazing /for me way too strong/ synergy I don't know what else do you need.

    Second - I have to disagree with the fact chain is easly broken - quite the opposite. It takes quite some time to break in which time he has almost aways enough time to pull you next to him by either gettting you back to a window or a gap where he can hit you OR he can reposition himself while he pulls you. I am giving example inside the preschool where the basement is - you know that small loop right after you exit the basement. I was shot there after I vaulted the window but I manage to hide behinde pipes so he cannot hit me. Well he pulled himself /not me/ around the pipes and and at the end of his pull the he managed to lunge around the pipes and still hit me no problem at all .... It seems you just have no xp currently with it and just say what you've see in few hours.

    3rd connected to the second - from what I've seen even if you dont hit the survivor while he is healhty with basic atack you still injure him with the gun and even apply to him deep wounds ....

    4th his hix box may be weird but he can actually shoot through things usually Huntress can't - for example on the new map there are a lot of holes in the wooden structures and you can shoot through these holes

    And just for the record I am pretty sure you CAN break the chain and you wont get stunned. I saw Zub doing it

    He is pretty strong in chases/way too strong if you ask me/ which ofc results in no map pressure

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    All I said was you were saying things were as they are not

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    The deep wound part of his power is the thing that pisses me off so much about him. Deep wound is no threat at all to any survivors since it's so easy to get out of and how so many things completely stop the timer from going down.

    The only problem if he gets 115 speed is that they will have to increase his terror radius to 32 meters which would hurt him a lot.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I don't think they need to make him faster, but I do think he shouldn't have a movement penalty when aiming. Also he should reload automatically after a successful hit. JMO.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Seems you are late to the perks are one of the few things he uses well atm, you used the unsafest wall in dbd as a cop put for your second point which says a lot right there , and finally I've already gotten to the point where as long as I hang out at a pallet that's even moderately safe hes screwed..and since you seem to be missing some info on the killer I'll let you know if you break the chain minus the stun the survivor suffers 0 I'll effects..once its discovered what loops he cant use its game over..hes still riding on the fact that hes new to everyone..demogorgan was the same way..looked pretty good but look at him now..anything else?

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I'd prefer a slightly better version of iri coin be added to his kit so he can get rewarded for sick shots..because right now that's ironically when hes weakest

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Hmm..interesting thought..the ads may be a bit much but the reload would save a little time

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    You sounds really sad /like really being sad for some reason/ and that just affects your judgment and kinda exposes your personallity. He is way better then you are trying to make him look. There are currently not many places where he can be countered when it comes to looping. T - walls - he is great there. All the Autahaven maps with all the pallets in open field - I'd be scared to play there. Using the exposing perks is great - they are extremely strong. You can't have it all in life. We learn that lesson when we get older. The wall I mentioned is just an example - you know what examples are right ? IF you get hit around any other wall he can just do the same - move himself to a side and instead you going to him he will pull himself around the obstacle and he has some really nice lunge to try and hit. And I am not missing any info on the killer. You were just sad you are getting stunned if the survivor is behinde an obstacle and I just told you how you don't get stunned if the survivor is already injured and there is no need to damage him atm. The cool thing about this cancelation though is that you can continue running without much of delay and just melee the target. There are just so many more things going better for him than the huntress

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    10/10 counterclaim, but here, let me hit you with your own weapon:

    You’re incorrect and speaking falsehoods. I win, bye bye.

  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137

    I don't think he's the best killer, but he's a lot of fun to play for me

  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137

    Well I'll say this. His exposed add on sucks, and if they'd lessen the range, it would make a big difference.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Played against him 3 times and we bullied him in all 3, yet ive played him 3 times and I now have 10/12 kills with him, yet I struggle with huntress. I am missing a lot of shots atm though and SWF would annihilate me id say.