I miss when this game was fun
I miss actually enjoying this game. I remember I used to play this game DAILY. Now I can’t be bothered. Between survivor wait times taking near 15 minutes or playing killer and getting SWF that legit just play to piss the killer off the games not fun anymore and I don’t think it will be again.
This new DLC coming up literally looks like it’s gonna cause more issues and be so annoying down the line that they’ll have to nerf him anyway.
I really feel with the state of the game right now it’ll be dead by next gen console release.
But hey that’s just my opinion. A fan since day one but unfortunately a fan who’s really losing all interest in the game.
Its been bad recently. People giving up on 1st hook, people going afk, long queue times for survivor.
The irony is the PTB tonight has been more fun than the live version in a long time. Short queues (for survivor at least) and nobody is going afk, disconnecting or giving up on hook.
Also put with good ranks too for survivor but facing a few too many rank 20 killers.
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he is already.. 110 speed. :D
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I think most of my problems is I’m a PS4 player. I just miss how the game was 2 years ago. I still love this game but it hasn’t been enjoyable for me in months.
wait times means I don’t wanna play survivor but need to for rift challenges.
then if I take a week away from the game and come back to play killer I’m constantly in the sweatiest games against the most annoying SWF groups 🙄
I just wanna enjoy the game but honestly for a long ass time it’s been near impossible to even like playing
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Yeah, I also missed how this game was before all of the amazing balance changes that have only been making the game more fair and balanced for killers and survivors alike, I totally want back all the broken toxic bs that was in this game 2 plus years ago.
To me it sounds like you are just missing the hey-day's of being in toxic 4 man swf's that could run the killer for all game and stall it for minutes on end without fail using broken insta heals, pre nerf ds, pallet vaccums, insta flashlights, infinites, and more with no egc to cease the madness.
Yeah this game sureeeeely was so much better back then and hasn't improved vastly since release.
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Sure actual gameplay has improved. But the community and play styles and the constant mess the servers are in make the game more painful than it ever had been.
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Are you sure about that? It's not like there is a literal period referred to as the "dark times" in dbd history by many veterans. Are you so quick to forget how awfully unfun and unbalanced this game used to be with also horrible bugs, matchmaking glitches, and VERY toxic playstyles and hordes of bully swf teams out to make the killer their plaything. I think you need a vibe check
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I saw someone DC at the start of the match against Monto because they couldn't handle getting harpooned first.
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I'd scream and panic as my first response, then my second one is to try and free myself before Hardcore Henry downs me
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Exactly my point. But ya the game in general is in a much better spot like I mentioned earlier @LoverOfDemogorgon. I’m not Debating that. I played the game from the start. But I’m now having much less fun with the game in the state it’s in now than I ever did back then.
I think it’s mainly because wait times means I’ve to wait forever to get games and then after waiting near 15 minutes I have a chance of getting a trash game or a SWF. If I didn’t have to wait so long before games maybe I wouldn’t care so much about it all.
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Same story. Went from daily to maybe a couple games a month.
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Kinda sad really. Like I still adore this game it’s just I haven’t found it very fun to play in awhile for all reasons mentioned above 😭
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Just pray that another company comes out with a good game that directly competes with Dbd. Behavior needs a fire lit under their buts to improve things and if they don't at least we have other games.
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I miss the days when Nurse was relevant.
Sure, the game was crappy for lower tier killers. But at the end of the day, you could always bring out old Sally and put the smack-down on survivors.
Good times, good times.
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There is a game that Monto’s played a few times although I’m not sure how it compares to dbd, as I’ve never played it. I think it’s called Last Year but I think there’s a lot less to it compared to dbd so I just stick with dbd.
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Yea, it looks interesting. I have watch Ohmwrecker and Monto playing it but it just doesn't seem as fun. I already have all of my survivors leveled to 50 and once my killers are as well, I'll be taking a vacation from Dbd and trying out Last Year and Monster Hunter. Hopefully, when I come back, things would be more fresh and less tedious.
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She still wipes the floor with survivors on people that are good with her.
Just think they need to fix her bugs and tone down the charge times
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I’m a PS4 player so I can’t play last year but I’m just waiting for one game to come along and catch my interest long enough and I’m probably gonna take a couple months away from DBD. Hope it comes back fresh and fun cause otherwise when next gen comes along I’ll be giving up on DBD
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This game is a ######### mess once you hit purple ranks as killer. The amount of effort you have to play against actually good survivors is draining.
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I’m usually red ranks once I’m playing the game and it’s so SWEATY. Like you can’t just sit and have a casual fun game you’ve to try so hard to get a half normal game going. Like when they changed how deranking worked I think that added to my annoyance cause at least when it used to drop you like 10 ranks I could spend 2-3 days having casual not so sweaty games until I was back to purple and red.
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Agree. Its not the same but just ordered Hunt Showdown for PS4. It looks pretty good. Might be my new multiplayer go to game...
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Good, take a break if you are feeling forced to play the game
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What's more important, some cheeky cosmetics for a horror game or your mental health?
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Nobody is forcing you to play, again, if you are feeling forced the best thing you could do is take a break from the game, video game addiction is a real problem.
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I wish I had more varied tastes when it came to gaming. I am not a fan of first person games, infact, Dbd is the only game I can handle it with. All other ones give me a headache for some reason. I am hoping for a new 3rd person action game with the quality of the Ninja Gaiden series that came out on the original xbox. I havent played a game that i enjoyed more than it.
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I get where this guys coming from though. Like you wanna have the cosmetics which means you’ve to play a whole lot and with how little I’m enjoying it that means I’ll have to spend money which is crap
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the game is really fun when everyone isn't sweating. they really need to refocus it, everyone sweating for 4k/4 escape just leads to everyone being asshoIes to each other and trying to make the experience as miserable as possible for the other side.
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i mean to be fair... if yall are really loathing this game, then just don’t play. nobodys forcing you to playz
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Amazing you say that! Ninja Gaiden on the original Xbox is my favourite game. Still the best in that genre imo. Even later stuff like Bayonetta and the recent Devil May Cry's weren't as good.
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I don’t hate or loath the game though that’s the problem. I adore this game. It’s just become kinda unbearable almost all of the time recently.
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Some game play video was in my YouTube feed and it brought back so many good memories! It really is my all time favorite 3rd person action game. Bayonetta was decent and I love DMC but I still think the first is the best, and still not better than Ninja Gaiden. Too bad Tecmo had a fallout with Tomonobu Itagaki, he was the main reason why it was so good.