Admit you nerfed sound.

This sound "bug" is too perfect and one sided to be accidental.

The last time you mentioned sound (when it actually was bugged) you did not say you FIXED the sound, you said you ADJUSTED the sound. So the initial sound bug was caused by you attempting to do a stealth nerf but you screwed it up and made chase music to soft and survivors clearly audible during a chase right?

Why can i hear survivors fine when there is no chase music, but the second it starts up you can audibly hear and feel the sounds drop off and muffle like crazy.

Why when i get blinded are survivors literally silent? all sounds just vanish.

Did you do this so you could have custom chase music?


  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I know as a survivor if I'm looking at myself do a gen or gen is no longer my main focus ALL sounds either vanish or are muffled. It's extremely consistent too. This is why I run spine chill permanent since keeping my head on a swivel means purposely putting myself at a disadvantage. That one second is the difference between life and death.