Toxic Sabo Squad... Harsh to watch...

Just check the post game messages form the second match... 13:22
You could argue and say "Hey! That MM only happens in PTB!" but we all know that's quite common even off the PTB
Being hooked is not fun for Survivors
Don't you know the rules by now?
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New PTB just makes it even further fun for killers... Lower number of killers, longer wait times or as BHVR call it... "matchmaking'.
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They revisit each cornerstone to make amendments to try and keep things interesting
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This is what happens when you have people testing your game and are community leaders that can't play the game to the high level of others. These people are all very nice and all but they aren't representative of top players who know the mechanics inside and out.
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This isn't a very accurate measurement of anything, first killer was rank 15, second killer was rank 15, Last killer was rank 20.
All fairly new players, playing new killers, with new mechanics... these players wouldn't have done well against any sort of seasoned players.
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you dont need the video to know that removing hooks with 2.5 second speed is unfair
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They literally were wiping hooks in front of his face before he even finished the pick up animation
How exactly does rank affect that
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Rank effects it because any killer under rank 10 would hear the notification and immediately go to another hook, if you think experienced players don't know how to deal with things more than less experienced players then I don't know what to tell you.
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So let me get this straight. A high rank killer has the ability to stop picking up a survivor mid animation and freeze time so that he can get the survivor that breaking the hook in front of his face to hit him so he cant break it which is 2m in front of him. Got it.
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If a survivor is dropping a hook in front of an experienced killer I can guarantee that experienced killer is turning around and going to the next hook, additionally if a survivor is dropping the hook before the killer has even stood up they're saboing completely wrong, sabo really only works if you sabo the hook when wiggle has started, 16 seconds is plenty of time to turn the heck around and find another hook, lmao.
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what if no other hook is nearby? sometimes the nearest other hook is further away than what you can make.
you live in some weird bubble in which 2.5 second sabotage time is okay, this isnt related to skill. because they would just follow the killer to find the next hook and do the same there.
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I'd love it if more survivors followed me as killer, would be the easiest game of my life, and if they aren't running toolboxes they can only sabo one hook per minute, if multiple survivors are following me about and saboing, that's even more survivors not doing gens and putting me into easier chases, oh the horror of it all!
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I saw your other BS stuff on other comments your a entitled survivor main how would you stop if another survivor is gonna unhook the next hook and they all run boil over and since theres a 30 second cool down you can do it all over again and theres a 30 second respond time so you would have to find another hook which is 32 meters away from you since the 2 closest are gone stop with this BS and admit your wrong
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Ahh here we are again with "what if every survivor is absolutely perfect and does nothing wrong and is running all these perks" yada yada yada, slug, dodge toolboxes in lobbies. I play more killer than survivor at the moment, it's not BS I just know how to play the game.
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I posted the same video, I strongly hope the devs will reconsider. This has the potential to end up in a bloodbath for killers
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They need to increase the time. Which they'll probably do. Maybe they'll BUFF Monstrous Shrine and make hooks Unsabotagable.
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I didn't watch the whole thing but I saw a few minutes of it and I don't see the problem. The killer wasn't played very well and he was still hooking the survivors plenty of times.
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I'm a rank 1 killer and know this is broken since theres a thing called swf this is possible if everyone runs saboteur boil over and no mither how are you gonna slug now then I have the right to say hangman's trick isnt a broken tracking perk
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Hopefully this shines a light on the issue with this and it is changed before going live
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Sabo squads are what made me quit playing DBD entirely for well over a year. I came back with the Demogorgon update because they didn't seem to be a problem anymore.
I guess it looks like it's time to put DBD away again =/
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I don't care about hangmans trick lmao? You acting like I'm making threads asking for this buffed perk to be nerfed...? and you can slug, just not for very long, if you have a team chasing you about, down 1/2 and then hook another, it's not rocket science.
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Yeah, me too
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This is just some group of people trying to get views on youtube, and congrats, you gave it to them.
Nothing about this is interesting, this is a team focussed on doing nothing but that, fine, enjoy, who the hell cares?, just walk around and if they dont do gens, report them for holding the game hostage, gg ez.
Heck, go slug, not much saboing to do when they are slithering around.
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How about a constructive comment...? I have played normally and 99% hooks for my team, you think I can't do this on my own without trying to meme now that I don't even have to spend time 99% hooks? Sure...
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You might not want to recognise this....but you are the weirdo, this, again, will not happen in normal matched. 99.9% of anyones experience wont suffer from this purpose build silly setup these players are running.
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Again, this is just an example or a build, it doesn't even have to be a build, I know almost nobody is gonna use it, but please know my SWF will, good luck killers