Old rank reset needs to go

I really hope this was a bug because I'm sick of this. I'm hate playing with newbies. Goes for survivor and killer, I want to play with people who have to same skill as me or who are more experienced because that's a challenge.
The new rank reset best come back because I hate being with low rank players.
I'm perfectly happy with it. As a rank 7 killer, I was facing nothing but top rank 1-2 survivors. When I got booted back down to 13 I'm getting rank 4-8 survivors, which is what I SHOULD be going against in the first place. Not being a punching bag for top ranked survivors with 20 times my hours has made the game far more enjoyable.
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^ agreed. If you are red rank, after reset go back to purple. If you are purple go back to green. Green to yellow, yellow to brown. (1-4=5) (5-8=9) (9-12=13) (13-16=17) Also Bloodpoints and rank should be cross platform. There is no satisfaction when you are a rank 1 killer on Xbox then want to switch to PC. You have literally no progression for your time spent in game and poor low rank survivors get wrecked by a "new" player. Love this game, just want to be able to play on PC and not start over, be able to have a full time job, AND keep consistant red rank so my games aren't dull.
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The old rank reset allowed everyone to play without massive lobby times. I mean ya new rank reset made things easier, but reality if low rank killers had to wait upwards of 40 mintues for a lobby. Who in there right mind starting out a game is not gonna uninstall and play something else?
Also even with old rank reset you'll be red rank after a few hours of play bad or gold survivors aside.
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The new rank reset just pushes All bad players into high ranks. Hows that a good idea?
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Like any of it matters, you can be a rank 20 killer and still get a red rank SWF.
Rank is entirely meaningless right now.
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Because they can learn from the good players plus The reset is too much for me to handle
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Isn't it fun to watch a rank 20 giving every single pallet for free to the killer when the match starts?
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Same would apply to new players. But with old reset you didnt got New players as long as you were a good player, cause they would have been reset far away . Now you just have to deal with bad players All day long make it much more miserable.
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You know the devs plan to implement batch matchmaking which will render the rank system obsolete. Your performance from match to match will determine the player with whom you are matched. They explained that the rank system will be available for personal goals and bragging rights. Am I the only person who read the dev development thread?
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your logic makes no sense, this bug or old rank reset is better. if youre good youll rank up faster and get away from those players that arent as good. TBH it sounds like you are struggling to reach red ranks again, if thats the case then you shouldnt be red rank, i dont mean it in a mean way but whatever that other rank reset was terrible, this isnt perfect as everyone will soon get to red ranks but near the start it was bliss, i reached rank 1 within the first day or two, i couldnt stop double pipping damn it haha
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Wow thanks for crushing my dreams dude...
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Arent those rank 4-8 survivors are the same rank 1-2 survivors you’ve been facing that got bumped back in rank reset? They didn’t keep their rank anymore than you did.
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Theres nothing wrong with not being red ranks, i honestly dont get why so many people want it so badly. you should play to enjoy the game not about just ranking. but youre upset you arent reaching red ranks, yet near everyone hit red ranks, i had people that lead on chases for 5 seconds, never touched a gen because they was so scared and overall just had no map sense. im not saying youre like that, im sure youre much better but iv been rank 1 for years, i know all loops, can always hit greats skill checks etc. i dont even use meta perks i just randomize, so imagine how it felt when suddenly iv got 3 teammates never touching gens. my advice, ignore rank, play for fun. games should always be about fun and no matter how bad your team is you should be able to pip and safety pip most games, if you come to a halt it doesnt mean youre bad just you can improve... thats all.
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Nah, they're already back in red ranks. Day 1 of the reset, absolutely, so I quit playing for a few days.
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Did no one watch the dev stream? @Peanits said that getting reset too far was a bug and to let them know about it with all relevant information.