So some were scammed buying the game now. ANSWERED by our hero not_queen

DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

With the continued ignorance of ignoring the issue of no Sydney servers on Xbox, the platform is broken and good players gone. The servers were announced of course, so when they don’t come that’s the definition of a scam for anyone who bought the game from that information.

Ps4 pc are the only ones with servers and it looks like it’s because of money and I have no idea about Nintendo.

Spread the word anyone effected. Say their scammers. Our voices arnt heard because were alone and a underdog against higher people in abused power.

Post edited by DYNAMICskills7 on


  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Ps4 and PC only have Dedicated servers...? Uh... You mean All platforms have servers.. Cause I play Xbox and we have the worst servers (when playing survivor). So every platform has servers... so I don't know what you are talking about.

    Plus... if you are new to the game How the old matchmaking without the servers worked was as so:

    •Killer's connection = 25 to 15 minute wait

    •Survivor load times = 5 to 15minutes

    •Latency is based off of Killer's ping.

    Heres how new matchmaking works:

    •Killer = Instantly (within 1-3secs) finds a match with 4 survivors.

    •Survivor = Instantly (within 1-3secs) finds a match with 3 Survivors and 1 Killer.

    •Latency is based off the Server's ping (which is definitely not optimized for consoles at the current moment)

    I even noticed the differences. They are subtle, but you weren't lied to. The servers are indeed here.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,559

    Ah yes, the Australians are rebelling. I seem to remember League of Legends also forgetting to put in a server in Aussie territory.

    Welp, all you can do is wait.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    To be fair I'm in tennessee and have 150 ping

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,497

    Australian's on PC and PS4 are connecting to a dedicated server in Singapore, that's our closest server, getting pings from around 50 to 100, as far as I know there is no DBD server in Australia, there may be plans for one, who knows.

    But it seems XBox players are not getting connecting to that server, they are getting pings over 200.

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2020

    Pc ps4 is confirmed Sydney though? They announced it a while ago for pc and pings match that of Sydney. It doesn’t with Singapore. People that live in Sydney getting 30- ping proving it more. Compared to northern and western au being a little closer to Singapore having around 100-.

    I know this may sound stupid, but if it is defined as a scam with misleading info, can’t they be taken to court? They listed a chart of servers a while ago and said they will be releasing them, i dont know if they stated platform specific but I don’t think so. And this is a money driving action and in the end people tricked and unable to play the way it’s meant to be played. I have played for 3 years, but new players are screwed with no money’s worth, along with ogs gone now.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    How do we know that there's no Xbox server in Sydney?

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2020

    We all have 200 ping and are getting foreigners and I have messaged any Australians I have come across to get their opinion and they said their in the ######### too and some are quiting. My western au friend is always getting the foreign server too.

    Feel free to ask the devs, but their ignoring this and Im sure I have been seen with my spam attack on peanut.

  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    don't mind him, he literally will defend the devs til he dies, I would recommend contacting steam/xbox/ps and ask for a refund, tell them the game is literally unplayable at this point, and most of the time they will actually listen. people really shouldn't stand for this #########

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited February 2020

    What you're recommending isn't possible as far as I'm aware, since I don't believe any of the platforms in question grant refunds on games that have been played for more than an hour or two. Also, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread untruths about me, please and thank you.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I see. That does seem odd, since PC at the very least definitely has Sydney servers, as noted by other commenters.

    @Almo, are you able to confirm whether or not the dedicated servers for all platforms are in the same locations?

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    The refund won't happen. Most games you get from Steam, PSN or Xbox has a guaranteed refund if you only play the game for 2 hrs or less and you have to make the request within 2-3 weeks of purchasing. There are some other variables but this is probably not one.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    is there a list of servers somewhere? because on the centee of the UK south. coast ive yet to get a green bar. its awful

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,552

    Afaik. These are the servers

    "US East (Ohio)

    US West (N. California)

    South America (São Paulo)

    EU (London)

    EU (Frankfurt)

    Asia Pacific (Singapore)

    Asia Pacific (Seoul)

    Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"

    So I have no idea about what is this sidney server you talk about.

    Also... isn't xbox still p2p?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994

    Oh boy, you accepted the ToS so you allowed the Servers

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    Where’s that source? This is mine

    also tos shouldn’t cover their аss with lying about releasing it does it?

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    Oh should mention Xbox ps4 don’t do refunds like steam and need a huge excusss as to why, as big as no mans skies old disaster or bigger.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994

    ToS actually does as I believe it mentions that any change can go into the game you purchased

    So this is like updates, patches, DLC, etc

    This will however mean they can put Dedicated Servers on, also I don't remember them lying about releasing Dedicated Servers

  • SupaSlay3r20
    SupaSlay3r20 Member Posts: 139

    He's saying that there aren't any servers in Austrailia.

    Also, xbox recently got deticated servers.

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    The lie was Sydney’s. Any change can go into the game, but it’s something that’s not put into the game and lied about. I linked their own words about it and pc ps4 has them.

  • A9F6
    A9F6 Member Posts: 91

    The servers are terrible anyway. It very rarely connects me to the London (EU) server which is the closest to me.

    When I do go get London servers I go around 30-60ms but I'm usually on 150-250ms nearly every game I join. Its horrible. (On xbox) I would love for cross play sooner rather than later to maybe help find games on the server with lowest ping for everyone.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    If I can play games to escape my own depression and daily existential crises, then Aussies should be able to play to escape fires.

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2020

    Thanks so much for the information to fill us in finally. Completely understandable knowing the context and that it’s a issue. You’re a legend. I assume peanits didn’t know a thing and that’s why he ignored every post. :/

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    Oops comment deleted. Said thanks so much for the information finally and it’s completely understandable knowing it’s been a issue. You’re a legend. and I assume peanits didn’t know a thing which explains why he ignored every post. :/

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    I wish this would be valid on the PC version. Players are in crisis because of the dedicated server...

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    I’m sorry to hear. I can’t comment on that. While I was kicked off Xbox I haven’t found any issue with pc atm. Now that dedicated are removed for now, I’ll be returning to Xbox for my main saved stuff.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Thanks for the info. I didn't even know the servers were disabled again. I guess that explains the 150 ping every match. Glad to know its not the servers

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    On PC there's definitely one in Sydney, but those in places like Perth usually get Southeast Asia as it's ever so slightly better ping

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,658

    The original post in this topic is beyond cringeworthy and filled with baseless allegations and histrionics.

    Imagine if they simply asked a yes/no question regarding the issue and tagged a dev.


  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2020

    You have no idea what I went through to get a answer and you don’t understand the method used. I started around 7 discussions and totaled around 1k- views with no responses and harassed and stalked peanits for a answer to no avail and had almo tagged along with mods probably breathing down my neck nearby watching. Also one of the first few to point out there’s a problem and the only person to pursue a answer. It wouldn’t be crazy to say I started the server investigation, but that is egotistical and a complete assumption.

    also props to authority, if I complained on f13 forums, corrupt mods there ban you for any reason they can get their hands on and me complaining about a problem like this equals a warning or ban for spam and rudeness etc. topics end up deleted and hidden if it makes them look bad. And they break their own rules and even forget them smh. they also make friends with members and if a member doesn’t like you, the mod just sides with them lmao. At least here is better so far, could be wrong.

    Post edited by DYNAMICskills7 on
  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    Man, I strongly recommend you to enjoy this before the dedicated server arrives. In the PC version, we feel as if we are officially threatened by holding a gun in our heads.

    You can find plenty of videos like this.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    By the way, I would like to note that 98% of the feedback is not generally read. I will not be able to say anything about the moderators, but perhaps I can justify it because the moderators sometimes do their job properly. That's why I quit forum jobs.

    But the best suggestion I can give you is to keep calm. Justice will find its place one day. Who knows, maybe months or years later ...

  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    not sure why you would say this is only an xbox issue, this happens on PC as well, just probably less frequent. You can tell the match/ping quality is quite different when you are connected to the east coast server and the west coast. I'd say 1 in 20 matches I'm connected to the west coast server, but i just leave at the lobby.

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    Oh my goodness there’s a song and it’s not even bad. Thanks for your share.

    @geishroy at least 1/20 is better odds then having a bad host in 1/10 games, at least for my region. If it’s more of a problem for others, I suggest starting your own battle for attention. Could change the title name and starting comment to suit the new cause, with dev response and already high views, I’m sure this might be the main source of info and complaints. But i dont know if it’s worth it currently with low odds and some regions are small or weren’t confirmed to have local servers to begin with. If this gets bigger and if it really is a problem, maybe.

    @Raven9 I seem to be the one to make my own justice all the time. When the whole f13 thing happened I felt powerless, sad and frustrated. I couldn’t do anything, Like a mountain standing in my way. I could have just left them, but it upsets me knowing their ego is bloated along with god complexes. I could only make myself feel better causing chaos attacking their forum over the course of 2 months with 100 emails and having them shut down pm and disabling all contact to mods and admins for all members. I dont know if it still is.