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A solution to the ruin change I think will work for everyone

Now I know this has been thrashed about and I didn't want to bring this back up but I think I have found the perfect solution which will help the devs achieve their goal, They say the newer players are complaining its too hard and the older players are just laughing it up, but to find a balance is difficult, Could this be the answer?

So for anyone that didn't know what the old ruin did it made skill checks harder to hit as you had to hit a great skill check and you had to kick the gen in order to regress it and the new ruin means you can hit a normal skill check and when someone leaves the gen unattended it regresses on its own.

So here is my idea: If a survivor is in red ranks then the old ruin takes effect in terms of skill checks being harder to hit, If a survivor is in purple ranks then they get a mixture of hard and easy skill checks and If a survivor is in green ranks or lower then they get the ruin as it is currently.

The reason for my ruin changes is simple and makes it a perfect mix giving people the chance to improve as they progress up the ranks.

I would love your thoughts on this change and maybe just maybe the devs might be interested in the change.
