Opinions on survivors that let others die so they get the hatch?

I just want to know how yall feel about this. So please leave a comment, I want to know what you guys think!


  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    its fine IMO. So long as they dont DC.

  • Survive together or don't, right there in the game description.

    Key Features

    • Survive Together… Or Not - Survivors can either cooperate with the others or be selfish.

  • magrag156
    magrag156 Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2020

    It doesn't anger you when you're the survivor getting killed? I mean I have never gone through this but I think I would get pretty ticked if they watched me die.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    oh i mis-read the title. I thought you ment people who suicide on hook to give the other person the hatch.

    If the other person was giving it their all up until the point where i was downed, i would be fine. If they just urban evasioned waiting for me to get caught, then yeah screw them.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309
    edited February 2020

    Perfectly fine, just like survivors deciding to die on the hook so someone else can get the hatch. One is just a bit of perfectly allowed selfishness, the other is simply altruism.

    Sure it's annoying if you realize someone has been sitting on the hatch during the 2 minute chase you just took the killer on instead of working on the final gen, but they're not breaking any rules so it's a waste of time to get angry about it, and especially a waste of time to talk trash to them after the match.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    To me personally it looks pathetic. I never leave a man behind in those scenarios unless he deserved it for playing really badly and costing us the game, the killer is face camping him, or he was toxic.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    It depends on how i feel the other survivor did. If they screwed me over then they must die too! If they did their part and was very helpful then Live! Buddy! Live!

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    It's part of the game. I don't feel any anger to another player putting their own life ahead of mine. If I can see their aura indicating that they have found the hatch while I'm on a hook then I'll just stop struggling and let them have the hatch. I hope other players would do the same for me. There is no sense in giving the killer a free kill.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    I had this happen today. A Meg was injured and we were the last two alive. We were on the game and I could hear her breathing above me. SO I go upstairs, and find her hiding at an exit gate.

    I healed her up and started sneaking away. When I noticed she hadn't moved away or anything, I went back.

    Sure enough, she was just crouch walking in the area at the gate.

    So I dropped the pallet there and bounced back and forth over it. She saw what I was doing and sprinted away.... right into the killer. I got the hatch since she was dead on hook.

    If you're going to do that, you may as well DC. You're useless and have given up on the game. Try the entire time or don't play.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    One time I was in a game and there were three of us left. I got hooked (my first) and could see both of my teammates. One was moving sort of in my direction, but taking the long way around, trying to be safe. The other was crouching on the other side of the map. The survivor that was moving my way got downed and hooked too. We were quite far apart, so the other player could have easily rescued one of us from the hook, but made no attempt. They stayed crouched in the same place the whole time. I can only imagine that they found the hatch and was waiting for us to die. I didn't stick around after to find out why.

    I get that people don't want to risk getting killed trying to make a bad save, but they could have easily saved one or both of us. We weren't being camped and the killer could not be in two places at once. They weren't even working on gens, just hiding and waiting for us to die on the hook. I hung on the entire time, hoping the killer would find them. :) There is more to the game than just escaping. Thankfully, that was the exception, not the norm.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited February 2020

    I really, really hate it when one of the Survivors just abandons the other and hides the moment they realize they're the last two. At least try to help out instead of completely abandoning your teammate.

    If it's something else like a Survivor killing themselves to let the last one get the Hatch, then that's fine with me.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    I wouldn't do it, but it doesn't bother me tbh, I just die and go to the next game, you know when matchmaking finally puts me into another match lol escaping really isn't important to me lol if someone is that desperate to escape then hey go for it, karma will catch them eventually 😂

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    I'm the kind of survivor who let's myself die on hook if I know there's no way the other, other than myself, survivor can save me.

    However. If a survivor is on the hatch when they could have clearly saved me, then I get a little annoyed. I even stick on the hook longer in that event, but that's about as far as my annoyance goes. Even then, it's more likely I just die, because I wanna get a new game.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2020

    In solo queue, I expect it from everyone.

    It's not behavior I model or endorse, leaving one person to do all the work while the other hides and Urban Evades, but it happens sometimes.

    I don't have the patience for outwaiting that crap, so I usually end up dying trying to fix a gen while they putz around. I think it's a waste of time and missed points, and I don't understand it, but I just move on when it happens.

    If I'm on the hook and another Survivor signals they have the hatch, I'm happy to let go and give them a crack at escaping through it -- unless they were a complete jerk during the match.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    If the killer is slugging for the 4K then just leave me, they are probably lurking anyway.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    Usually if i see one hiding in a locker I'm gonna just killed that survivor. The last survivor can leave the area.