SWF is not a problem

This needs to be said over and over again because it keeps popping up in this forum over and over again.


And allow me to explain my reasons as to why:

  • The majority of people playing SWF are casual players playing with their friends

I don't have actual statistics of this, heck, I'm sure not even BHVR has stats on this. But I am certain that most people who play with friends aren't out to bully the killer every game they play. They are there to chill and have fun with the game, it is a party game after all. Most people come to this game because they think it would be fun to play a horror game with some of the most iconic characters in horror with their friends.

No, DBD has not been and will never be a horror game for anyone with enough hours on it. Anything above 50 hours and you most likely won't even be scared of the killers anymore. Nor the environment and atmosphere. So you cannot use the excuse that survivors "shouldn't be on comms" to keep the "horror atmosphere". That just doesn't work like that. If survivors want to play with friends and talk to each other while they do so, like in every other game, they can.

And even if they are on comms, not all of them will be coordinated. The information is useful and valuable, yes, but will most survivors use it to their highest potential? No. Of course not. Some survivors still bumble around, not paying attention to the information their teammates are giving and are still surprised when the killer is after them.

I've been in comms with everyone who are at red ranks (ranks don't matter, I know), and everyone got wiped because we weren't coordinating as a team, we kept fooling around having fun. Which is what most survivors do anyway.

Of course, that is not to say there aren't people who just want to win, win, win every single game. I know some people who are like that and thankfully I don't play with them as often anymore.

  • SWF Death Squads are not as common as you think they are

One of the reasons people hate SWF is because there's a possibility that 4 survivors with the best gear and the most meta build possible will kick through gens and run them around the map like there's no tomorrow. These are what people refer to as the SWF Death Squads or the Depip Squads.

Here's the thing. The chances of you meeting these kinds of survivors are very miniscule. Unless you are playing late at night or early in the morning, you won't find these kinds of players because your lobby will most likely be filled with partial SWFs or solo players.

Don't believe me? Play just 10 games as any killer, in any rank in at a normal time of day in your region. Screenshot their loadouts and ask them if they are an SWF. You'll probably find that most of them aren't, or that they aren't bringing the best items or the most meta of perks.

People only use Death Squads as "the worst SWF has to offer", and that is true. But they overexagurrate how often they appear in your games. You probably won't even find one every single day you play this game. Heck, you probably won't find one in a month. They are that uncommon.

  • It's what is keeping Dead by Daylight alive

Want to know how I got into Dead by Daylight? A couple of friends invited me to play the game and I just so happened to have owned it through Humble Bundle. After that, I got hooked and addicted to the game. Breaching more hours than even the most enthusiastic player in the group I was playing with.

SWF invites new players to come and play the game, it's what keeps new players coming, it's what keeps BHVR afloat, it's what enables the devs to create more and more content for us veterans to enjoy.

The more players that come into this game, the less longer the wait times will be, the more variety of players there are, the more killers that play the game, the more people who play the game casually.

If you're asking to remove SWF, you're just asking people who play the game seriously to snipe solo lobbies until all their friends are in the same game. You're basically asking BHVR to remove what is essentially keeping the game alive in favour of...... Nothing. Because the game will continue to be played like normal by anyone who really wants to play this game with their friends.

And with no SWF, people will no longer play the game because they won't be able to just chill and relax with their friends. They won't be able to just play a couple of rounds, whether or not they win or lose, and just have a laugh. And the players will dwindle fast.

Just a quick reminder that the forums is NOT an accurate representation of the whole Dead by Daylight playerbase. Some people might be fine or even get excited with the changes the entirity of the forums dislike. So don't always assume the majority opinion of the forums is the majority opinion of the playerbase, BHVR has their own statistics (ones they don't release because they know how their playerbase reacts to stats of any kind), and they can discern what needs to be changed and what doesn't.

And while I don't always agree with their changes, they literally educated themselves in this. They are professionals in this field. We as players may think we know more than them at the current time, but they have to think way far away from that.


I'm pretty sure I am not going to be making many friends with this thread. Considering how this forum often is. But I needed to say something about this because it's getting a bit ridiculous with all the people saying that SWF should be removed when it wasn't a problem in the first place. It's just perceived as one.



  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Yes, I've seen that thread. I would love to see it, but as of right now splitting the playerbase to Ranked and Casual is just not gonna cut it. Mainly because everyone, even those who claim to play the game competitively, will just play Casual and we'll still have the same experience we have now.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I don't disagree that some people do have it worse than others, I've seen people like those myself watching other people play the game. Maybe it's because I live in Australia that I don't get comments like these often, but the worst I've got is just them commenting on how I'm a terrible killer (despite 4king them). Maybe it's region dependent, because I always hear that people in the US and Europe tend to have it worst when it comes to endgame chat abuse. Although who knows?

    I'm not trying to justify SWFs that are genuinely out there to bully the killer, but I am seeing people becoming hostile at people just mentioning the fact that people play in an SWF. And that isn't really okay. Some people, like myself and several others, just want to play the game with others and not worry about what the outcome of the game is. I think the reason threads like this are popping up is because, as I said before, there is an inherent hostility to people who often play this game mainly because they can play with friends.

    And true, I didn't really think of that too far. But I guarantee most survivors won't use meta perks or use every meta perk in the game to try and make your life as a killer miserable. So my point on that still stands.

    I literally saw a thread just today about how people want to see SWFs getting handicapped and replies to it that are in favour of that happening are getting upvotes. I would love for the gap between SWF and Solos to be closed, that is ultimately what most people who play Solo and people who play Killer want. So we can start balancing around that as a baseline. But blaming others for playing the game with others, and just playing with others, with no evidence they play to bullly the killer or anything like that. Is not the way we should be going.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    SWF is fine if they balance for it.

    They need to give all aura reading perks to survivors baseline, and highlight with a nice bright pink glow all totems and traps that are visually seen or touched by a survivor to everyone else.

    We need to add a HE IS CHASING ME! mechanic with a map wide bright red survivor that all but the killer can see, that instantly turns yellow when chase is dropped.

    Do this so solo survivors are almost up there with the information swf have and then we can balance killers around it.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I did say give Solos information, but not that much. That's just highlighting everything that even SWFs won't take notice.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    That is why, the game is now being designed to be balanced around SWF.

    What the game originally designed was is a hide and seek where you can't communicate with the other survivors. Now it's more about the chase and it's being balanced around that with the assumption that survivors also get information from others.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    Honestly the people who say they run into 4 man toxic swf are just lying to themselves.

    How do you exclude toxic Solos.

    If you get 4 toxic Solos, these people would assume that they are a swf.

    Imagine getting upset over teabagging tho. It's literally playing into what a survivor wants you to do... Get mad and make a mistake.

    I do agree that SWF isn't the problem people are making them out to be. Coordination can happen quite a lot in Solo Qs too. Those who have played survivor long enough pretty much know the Survivor MO and will almost instantly recognize coordination opportunities.


    Teammate vaults shack window towards the inside but gets downed by a hit from the outside. Simply point or wave at nearby pallet, ez pallet save

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    No, the fact that they are balancing around SWFs proves that people are coming to play this game with other people. And most of them will be on comms. That is something the devs can't change and probably won't ever change. SWF is not a problem, but it does change the original intended design of the game.

    That does that mean SWF is a problem, it simply means the design of the game is evolving. Going from a more hide and seek approach to a more chase heavy approach.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    What I mean are recent the patches the players are getting, new features like Breakable Walls, which whilst they are still just on one map, Peanits has mentioned that they will be on every map as soon as they possibly can.

    I say it's evolving because it's shifted heavily from how the game originally played, where it was more of a hide and seek and try not to get caught by the killer kind of game. SWF groups don't need to be nerfed, like at all, you're essentially just punishing people who play with friends casually at that point.

    And it's the PTB, it will be changed if the developers think that it may have made it more frustrating to play against. They may get it right, they may get it wrong. Who knows? We only have to wait and see. This thread however is less about balance and more about why SWFs are not as big of an issue as everyone makes it out to be.

    It's a small issue that is preventing you from seeing the larger, less polarizing issues. Which is balancing around the idea of a statistic, or a group. Rather than a clear pre-defined win condition. I say the devs are balancing around SWF because I believe that's what they think they are doing. However, I disagree that is what they should be doing. I'd rather they balance around what clearly defines as a "win" on both sides. Which, according to Almo, they don't because they believe the game has no pre-defined win condition.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Oceanic regions, prior to that, Southeast Asian regions, I've never really seen any SWFs that are hardcore or tryhard multiple times in a row. Which I'll admit, might skew my bias a bit. I will say though that I've heard a lot of my US/EU friends say that SWFs are the bane of this game. Though I still really doubt it's as bad as people make it out to be.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    The biggest problem with 4 man SWF's is most of them leave really rude and negative/disrespectful comments in the post game chat if they didn't survive/survived but had something to complain about as usual. Behind a screen or not, no player deserves this kind of negativity after playing a game. A game is meant for fun; when I see people harassing the killer for being good or just playing the game I get so angry because games shouldn't be taken too seriously for someone to write horrible things that could secretly be affecting the killer's feelings in real life.

    THAT is the main issue with most SWF's, the toxicity in the post-game chat. And I know there is an option to hide the chat but as a killer you just can't help but imagine what kinds of things they're saying in that chat after the game has ended.

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    This. If you read this and disagree, you are just biased or not capable of understanding what you read.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    I not care about splitting community. I can wait extra 5 minutes for match as solo surv/killer. 

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    You can tell the difference easily between a group of solos that are just really good and a team of swfs on comms who are giving information to each other granting them an unfair advantage. There is a level of coordination that is simply not possible in solos. While some killers will yell "swfs!" Just because they got looped and outplayed by really good survivors (which isn't toxic, it's just being outplayed), that still doesn't negate the fact that cheating swfs exists.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    They are not balancing around SWF's what gave you that idea? Literally the most recent information of SWF was a chart saying that most people play solo, and "that's why they won't balance around SWF, becuase it wouldn't be fair to solo" - something along those lines.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    So it's only me lucky enough - yesterday dodge from four SWF five times in a row?

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    Yes keep defending your easy mode (at the cost of Killer Players) ofc its fine ... all you want is fun ... well if the game is designed about 4 Survivor having fun all the time well .. the killer player wont have fun ...

    But its fine play your SWF abuse DS and BT and bully Killers into leaving the game...

    Your Queue times will just get higher and higher and when you find a game its vs a rank 20 Killer you can bully or one of the last tryhard Killer Players who play the same 3 Killers and slugg you into oblivion...

    If this is what you want sure.

    BTW: Dont sit on the other side and tell Killer Players to chill ... join our ranks get into red ranks and see it for yourself then tell me if you enjoy it...

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Well no, obviously the statistics are untrue, or heavily skewed, because I deal with the same thing when playing Killer.

    Then again what I think is that they already have aspects of the MMR system they want to fully release with the next update already in the game. When I play Clown, Ghostface, or Legion I find I don't get as many SWF. Also I face more peole who are less competitive, and less skillful at the game. Either because they are not SWF, or because they were boosted to Purple/Red ranks.

    But when I run Freddy who I primarily play to farm, and rank up each reset - I will face 4 man swf back to back, or at least extremely good players. Who will even often complain in end game chat "Could you imagine a 20 minute que just to face Freddy again".

    Then when I play survivor my ques are no longer than 5-6 minutes, even when playing with friends right now.

    So I strongly think that these MMR system is already in affect to some extent, and has been for some time, also skewing statistics.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    That is just simply not true at all.

    How do you as a killer determine whether the people you are facing are in a swf?

    There are already plenty of Perks, Visual, and Audio Cues that will tell you where a killer is at most of the time. The level of information you get as a solo is nearly the same as SWF. Fun fact, one of the main reasons I don't run DS, is to have that extra bit of information that will tell me if the obsession is being chased or not. You can also, as a solo, tell when a person gets injured, and when they go down, and WHERE. (With the exception of Knockout, a heavily underrated perk.)

    Where is the unfair advantage? Sure you could argue that object and BT and DS blah blah. All of these have a counter (Perks & Addons)

    I'm pretty sure 90% of the killer community to quickly shout swf are indeed just getting outplayed at hay bale loops. As well as not being able to truly discern what is and what isn't a swf

  • CoopaTroopa006
    CoopaTroopa006 Member Posts: 11

    The reason I would say im facing swf is only cause if the fact I get faced with red ranks when im like a 16

    I never get a chance to do anything as they memorised the map,the loops,etc that or the know exactly how to do flashlight dodge

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    You are right that not all SWF are toxic, but it's the small minority of bully squads that really stand out and give SWF a bad name. I've encountered a few of them where they'll Head On from lockers, Sabo hooks, ensure DS is ready, etc. The moment I see them doing this, I just shut down from even attempting to win. I just smack gens, destroy pallets, etc for points.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    I play against SWF teams that aren't toxic on ps4 all the time. Dont get me wrong. they will still get the gens done in 4 1/2 minutes and 4 man you. They are just nice about it.

  • fairfieldisms
    fairfieldisms Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2020

    I agree with this 50/50. There's a lot of SWF that are super kind, but also a lot who can be super toxic. I've found that it's not just one or the other. I've had my fair share of both.

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    I was gone after you said allow me to explain. So much for this being sarcasm.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,873


    From my experience, SWF are a problem. Communication is a HUGE advantage, even for a middle-of-the-road squad. It's what makes or breaks a match. They could do a bunch of things wrong, but as long as they are telling each other who is going for the save and who should stay on gens, they have a good chance of ending the match and escaping quicker than your typical solo que lobby. A big problem with solo que is 3 randoms going for the save. As a killer I love to see that. As the survivor on hook, it's cringy. Now what about the toxic SWF who are competitive and take things too seriously? Those guys will enter Kill with Friends aka The Lab, and test out different tech. The will dissect the game mechanics in and out, and return to bully killers at optimal performance. I imagine most killer mains don't have that luxury of going to "the lab." I imagine most killer mains are solo and don't have others to play with, otherwise they wouldn't be killer mains lol. Now I'm not knocking SWF players being able to "practice," but it gives them an advantage & makes them much more formidable. Killers mostly have trial and error, experience, this forum, and Youtube videos to rely on. SWF has all of the above and then some.

    Not a killer main, but when I do play as killer to get my extra BP, do my daily rituals, and work on the Rift- playing against SWF and Solo que are like playing two different versions of DBD. One is fun and exciting, the other is usually infuriating and frustrating. Can you guess which is which?

    Now you are not always guaranteed 4K or even 3K for solo que, but when the survivors do escape- you can still say: "Damn they got away, but I still had fun. Well played, they deserved it." SWF is more like: "I hate this F'n game. That was some B.S. I quit. I am not playing killer any more."

    When I get thrashed as killer, I usually suspect SWF (especially if they tea bag lol and only one person comes to save hook EVERY time) so I will look up the survivors' friends list, and sure enough- it feels like 8 times out of 10, they are on each other's friends list.

    I say divide the player base and give killers incentives to host SWF like extra BP, unique charms not found in the Rift, or clothing. That way when your typical SWFs send toxic messages to the Killer, the Killer can simply reply: "Thanks for the extra BP, you ungrateful b*ast*rds- and you wonder why you have to wait 10 mins for the next killer to put up with your sh*t. 😛

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Firstly BHVR are truly on the side of money that survivors and SWFC brings in so don't worry.

    Everyone including yourself realise SWF breaks the game and SWFC smashes it.

    You mention about the game being about horror, we have a cowboy coming... just how terrifying is that... Yeah.

    The game is about being immersed, not knowing who the killer is, where he is etc. however SWF makes money they introduced it. SWF fun is talking to your friends and the fun you can have with the killer, let's face it, it isn't the generators or totems.

    I'm afraid you are also talking about PC and not console, please see any stream of SWFCs and private information relayed across the small and huge maps.

    SWF has to stay, it's bad for the game but good financially to the game and it shouldn't due to SWFC but you can't prove comms as it is external to the game.

    Whilst the killer sweats the SWF/SWFCs usually have a chilled easy game but to prove it needs balancing with SWF nerfs, or buffs to killer & solo survivors...

    Q. Does playing with friends give you an advantage over solo players?

    A. Yes, either with or without communications. Friends have your back and whilst negative plays may result in over the top altruism, it is the players choice.

    There you have it, all BHVR have to do is balance the game

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Your only three arguments for not balancing the game are:

    • most swfs are casuals
    • coordinated swfs are rare
    • the game would die without swf

    Every of that arguments is good. But no reason to not just give the killer a 25% BP bonus for every survivor playing in a swf.

  • MakoaKeo
    MakoaKeo Member Posts: 74

    I didn't read your post. The fact that SWF on comms can say "Oh he's on me do gens" or "no he's going back run" gives such a HUGE advantage to survivors and is absolutely a problem.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    "You can also, as a solo, tell when a person gets injured, and when they go down, and WHERE. (With the exception of Knockout, a heavily underrated perk.)"

    Or, maybe Killers choose not to use Knockout because voice comms negates it completely.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    SWF was so bad with matchmaking that all my friends quit playing. It's just like you said, casual players who just want to play games with their friends. Every game was 15, 16,17, 5 versus a level 5 killer. Total nightmare to play and gave the killer a huge advantage. We'd play for hours and not once power the gates. I always laugh when killer mains on here scream about how unfair SWF is.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    I'm in shock that you'd say that SWF isn't a problem in a game that relies on not having much information.

    Technically SWF is fun and you know your friends have your back but add 3rd party comms and it becomes hugely favoured for survivors, even playing with SWFCs as a solo.

    You failed to mention console at all as your post heavily suggests you play on PC and mostly chilling with your friends as a survivor. I understand why you feel like you do but SWF is a huge buff

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited February 2020

    I read your post and I am confused because you said, "You can't just ask survivors "Are you SWF" most say no, we even know in the team I play with just to say "no". It would be stupid not to."

    Are you someone that uses SWF and also bullies the killers?

    Also the only problem I have with anyone that uses SWF it makes many perks useless. If I could communicate with my team then why would we ever use things like Spine Chill, Premonition, Kindred, Dark Sense, Bond, Empathy, and the list goes on. If i could simply just tell my team where the killer is then it is like have all those perks PLUS the 4 you took. That is one of the reason's I find it unfair to the killer. The killer gets the same benefits as we do 4 perks and that is it and the same vision we do. If we get the ability to monitor him from all 4 survivors it can make the game easier for us and much harder for the killer.

    I also think if they do decided to balance the game for SWF users then they would have to buff the killer a little more and that would make it a little unfair for us Solo Que players who do not use voice chat.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Not very common actually, I play in red ranks on both sides on PS4 and they are pretty far from a common occurrence.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Anyone with game sense knows to do gens since someone is usually getting chased, you don’t need comms to do a gen, plus the obsession mechanic exist.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I really agree with most your ideas. I feel like instead of trying to buff the killer to the SWF level they need to debuff the SWF to the killer and Solo Que's level somehow and your ideas are pretty good. =)