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Hex: Ruin

I don't know about you guys, but the repair times of generators should be extended instead of nerf of toolboxes. With SWF, you can witness that all generators are finished in 3.40 minutes ;D lmao
Why is the title "Hex: Ruin"?
Anyway, Gens are boring, why not a more interactive way to longer the matchtime?
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Extending the length of gens time is not the solution imo. There definitely needs to be a solution but increased gen times will make playing survivor more boring then it already is and would harm solo survivor players so much that it would be forcing people to resort to playing SWF way more often just so they can have a chance to coordinate the progress of gens better.
I know people want ruin back, but it’s hard to deny that ruin as a fix to gen speeds was the most inconsistent solution there could be. you could have a ruin see almost little use due to getting cleansed early, or have it last the entire match and have super slow gens that give the killer more time then they need.
From the outcry of the community after the ruin nerf and ScottJunds video suggesting a new slowdown mechanic that caught the attention of the devs. I’m confident that the gen speeds will get addressed either the next mid chapter patch or the chapter 16 patch. So let’s just be patient and wait to see what they do.
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What is witht the ";D lmao"?
And no, nothing fun about sitting on gens even longer, as everyone and their mother already said, more objectives.
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Hex:Ruin in the title I wanted to mention how useless is. Maybe you may be right with what you say, but the answer to it is 3.6.0 patch version.
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Rename Hex: Ruin, to Hex: Ruined to better reflect its effect.
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It's not really useless. Just unreliable af. I stopped using it because of that.
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This is why they are introducing the likes of sabo back into the game as a way to give survivors something else to do.
You don't want more time on gens as its the most monotonous part of the game.
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Many vocal survivors complain about needing to cleanse totems as being "impossible" or "time consuming" when it comes to a match so I'm not sure BHVR would be willing to upset their "new players"...
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survivors don't care about secondary objectives. Unless it is part of an event, but bhvr doesn't do events anymore anyway.
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Of course they do and the events only showed that it is then better to be something beneficial.
Totems were the only real other secondary objective but unless they needed to be done like say for devour hope or at end game with noed then why bother?
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Maybe they should add broken parts to Gens? Like forcing the Survivor to actively look around for replacements in piles of junk scattered around the map stopping progress on the Gen and adding additional time to install the replacement.
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After rereading your post, i'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or what. Anyway I wrote this to further explain why survivors don't care about totems:
Survivors typically only go on totems if they are lit or get notifications that they are active or activated, etc. This is why things like noed and devour hope actually work and catch people off guard. Secondary objectives don't work because there are no real incentives for survivors to do them. Survivors need to do gens to leave, they're not going to hunt for 5x random totems to prevent noed, especially if they don't know how many still remain. Noed being active for 1% of the match doesn't really affect their survival, the killer has to actually hook people AND be far away for them to get devour stacks (most survivors unhook in the killers face with BT, most killers can't even 3 hooks to even activate it).
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Longer gen times also means longer hook stages as without you could just camp people to death and not worry about losing gens.
That is not the answer
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It doesn't matter if it's boring or not tbh, gen speeds need too be increase for better game health. End of the day people just gotta eat the bullet so the game is better. Not every killer can/will pressure gens like Billy, Huntress, or Spirit, they need more time too get too gens.
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That why I said "if its beneficial" and mentioned the new sabo.
The old one many used and after the nerf is when the phrase gen rush was coined. This new one while not as strong gives survivors another thing to do rather than gens.
The problem with totems now are the perks which punish a survivor for doing them which then promotes gen rushing itself rather ghan doing them imo.
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The devs have said they don't want to add secondary objectives or additional mechanics to the game, so I think that's a dead suggestion.