New Killer. The Mummy. New survivor. Jessica Smith. New Chapter. The Collapsed Of The Hidden Tomb.

LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283
edited December 2020 in Creations


It was a nice, sunny day in Egypt. There were tours everywhere going into Pyramids and temples. One unlucky group got caught up in a collapsing pyramid. Some say it was a terror attack. Some blame God. Some blame natural causes. What happened will forever be unknown. But legend has it, the tour guide never made it out and now is known as a myth called. The Mummy.

Power. Every 1 minute 30 seconds, the mummy can create a sandstorm that will leave survivors blind for 5 seconds!

The Mummy can also shoot sand out of the hand at any pallet or can even block a window for 5 seconds. Has a cooldown of 30 seconds.


You become obsessed with one survivor. Every time you create a sandstorm, that survivor will go down one health state. If the survivor is already injured, they will be inflicted with the mangled status effect for 20 seconds. Purple addon.

When you create a sandstorm, one working generator will get stuck in a sand dune for 10 seconds and will regress 2x quicker during this time. Purple addon.

When a sandstorm is over, every survivor will suffer from the oblivious status effect for 15/25/35 seconds. Brown/yellow/green.

When a sandstorm is over, one unlucky survivor will be exposed for 40 seconds and they will be shown to you for 3 seconds. Pink addon.

When a sandstorm has been created, survivors auras are shown to you for 3 seconds. Purple addon.

Sandstorm will be activated for an extra 1/2/3 seconds. Brown/yellow/green.

When a sandstorm is over, one survivor will be left stuck in a sand dune for 3 seconds. Green addon.


Powered down.

When the exit gates are powered, every remaining pallet is destroyed, and every window is blocked for 30/45/60 seconds.

’I will do anything to power you down! - The Mummy

Broken Rescue

Every time someone gets rescued or escapes the hook on their own, they will be inflicted with the broken status effect for 40/50/60 seconds.

‘You can’t be saved and healed. No no no no no.’ - The Mummy

Hooked Regression

When a survivor is on the hook, you gain a token up to a maximum of 3 tokens. Every token gained gives an extra 5% regression to good skill checks and 2% regression to great skill checks for survivors on generators. When a survivor has been rescued from a hook or escaped on their own, you lose 1 token.

‘Get Your teammate and you won’t be regressed.’ - The Mummy

New Survivor. Jessica Smith


Safe Place.

You can now heal inside lockers. Once fully healed inside a locker, the next time you get hit. You will suffer from the mangled status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. You can only heal with Self care or a medkit when inside a locker.

’Its so much safer in a locker.’ - Jessica Smith

Escaping Sense

Once the Exit gate is opened and you are standing on the other side of the gate, the killers aura is shown to you for as long as you are standing there. Escaping Sense increases the killers movement speed by 3/2/1% when the exit gates are opened.

‘Common sense, is the key to escaping.’ - Jessica Smith


You can now place 3/4/5 traps on the ground that are invisible to the killer, every other survivor can see these. When the killer runs over the trap, their movement speed is decreased by 5% for 3/4/5 seconds.

’Did my trap slow you down?’ - Jessica Smith

New Map, Inside the collapsed pyramid. And the outside area is a desert environment.


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