FIX DEAD HARD or remove it from the game

I know programming a game might be challenging, but you can't let people waste a slot with a perk that doesn't work. Fix it, fix your extremely low quality servers, or remove the perk from the game.


  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I swear, this happens to me every single day, usually multible times. Both that dead hard wont work and the bullshit hit at windows.

    Dont fix dead hard, fix the servers. Remove dedicated servers, how much more proof do you guys need that they are not fine?

  • DxDen1004
    DxDen1004 Member Posts: 19

    I agree with you. Funny thing is that on steam community hub (where I posted this same discussion) there are people saying that we are timing it wrong, we should use it just to gain some meters, and similar moronic things. The perk's description says "dash forward quickly to avoid damage". since this is not true and does not work properly, NO MATTER THE REASON, just fix it or get rid of it.

    Anyway, we are just wasting our time since devs just care about new cosmetics to earn every single dime they can instead of actually taking care of tremendously broken game mechanics.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    They have separate teams for those things, typically you wouldn’t have your cosmetic designers fixing bugs or your bug fixers making cosmetics.

  • LeonardPChurch
    LeonardPChurch Member Posts: 24

    I love when people say that. How about wording it like yeah they have TOO MANY comestic designer developers and NOT ENOUGH core game developers. The underlying issue is priority, regardless of the current situation.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2020

    Your title should be "fix dedicated servers". This has nothing to do with Dead Hard and everything to do with ping from the dedicated servers.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    And how do you know that their cosmetic team outnumbers all the other teams?

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I echo what everyone else has said. Your complaint is with dedicated servers. On PS4 I used to be able to hit dead hard at the correct time almost every time. I used to be able to hit great skill checks well over 50% of the time. Since the dedicated servers on PS4 both of those things happen way less for me.

    I've had to stop using dead hard because the dedicated servers make it nothing more than a wasted perk slot. If they ever decide to fix the dedicated servers (I have my doubts) I will start using dead hard again. Until that happens, if it ever, you'll have better luck using a different perk.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    How do you know that they have so many more art designers than bug fixers? Bug fixing, i would think, takes longer than making cosmetics. So cosmetics would pop out faster than the bug fixes. I am also not saying your wrong with dead hard, it would be nice if it got fixed. But some people adapted to it by doing it early to gain a distance, that's their way of using the perk.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    It is caused by EVERYTHING going through the dedicated servers.

    Change the game to directly communicate with each players computer and not force it to go through the dedicated servers and you've fixed it excluding tweaks.

    I keep saying this, dedicated servers ONLY need to monitor and record so each computer has a connection to 4 other players and a server.

    Fixed, next...

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I guarentee you more people work on bug fixing, and overral programing of the games design than there are people making cosmetics.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Maybe? Idk

    What does that have to do with my post? lol

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited February 2020
  • DxDen1004
    DxDen1004 Member Posts: 19

    I really appreciate all your comments, I am happy to hear your opinions, and I must say you all are very polite, on the contrary of the Steam Community Hub users.

    Anyway, I understand that the issue is with the dedicated servers, and for this reason the perk might be difficult to fix. Therefore, in my opinion, it should be either reworked or substituted with another perk since it is in fact a wasted slot. What annoys me the most is that the description of the perk clearly states that when used it allows to avoid damage, but in fact that's not what happens.

    To clarify, I am not talking about doing it too late so that you only see the exhaustion icon (that's clearly player's fault because he did it too late) but the problem is when the animation actually starts (you can see it if you slow the video down with the feature available on YT), the perk activates, you get exhausted and nevertheless you take damage anyway.

    From a technical point of view (just speculation now) I think the animation starts and the player's hitbox is removed, and then added back when the animation finishes. If this clearly doesn't work because of lag, the perk could be adapted and changed, for example you could first press the E key to activate a temporary invulnerability that lasts one or two seconds, and then within that time press space to perform the actual dash. This could allow the player to either use the invulnerability without the dash (giving the killer no clue about when dead hard will be performed and no chance to interrupt it, as it should be and as it was before the dedicated servers) or with the dash, so that the player can make it to a pallet or window. In both cases exhaustion should be applied.

    This way, from the moment the E key is pressed, the server knows that the player must be invulnerable for the next one second, but the killer can't know until the animation starts, so the animation can be performed without the risk of it being interrupted. This idea might be stupid, and difficult to use since it would require two keys, but I feel I would use and appreciate dead hard more if it was something like this.

    Since we are talking about fixing it, what do you guys think? How would you modify it in order to make it more usable and more reliable? Could removing the perk and creating another one be a solution or it's better to keep it as it is, knowing that it may not work?

    Can't wait to hear your opinions!

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I thought dead hard just made you have a seizure on the ground after the killer hit you. So you can die harder. Exhausted.

    Memes aside hits usually give priority to the killer. For this one special instance give to the survivor. Heck, let the survivor make the 'I'm about to faceplant and everyone in the match needs to know it' scream play but let dead hard take priority.

    Also if I'm more than 4 feet away from a vault please stop letting killers throw their weapon at me kthx.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I feel as though a lot of perks for survivors just feel useless. I don’t mind dying in a game as long as I had fun doing it and in this game I don’t have fun dying because of the overwhelming amount of frustrations playing as a survivor 😂 deadly strikes should be buffed if it’s only good one time why is the skill check so small? Don’t make me work hard to get my ONE stun that I’m using a perk slot to get in a very specific situation. Just give me a perk that will let me spawn in with a baseball bat lol we should be able to stun more or get the killer off us with more ease. They’re fast, invisible, no heartbeat. It’s not a good look playing a game for the first time with so much Neediness for my teammates to help me win. I’d rather just back out and queue up for another hour since the wait times get ridiculous too. It’s messed up I see survivors leave with 5K bloodpoints and killers RAKE it in. Range on killer window hits and hits in general are too much as well. If I vault through a window, make him go around or go through it too at a slower speed. Windows and pallets are the only main survivor necessities to evading killers and you’re gonna tell me I can still get slapped once I get to the other side? Pallets seem too few sometimes and spread out. Give me perks that benefit me more throughout the game in helping me stealth or stun. It makes it more fun to play hide and seek then seek again rather than hide and once found you die and queue up again. Nah I’m good. I have so much fun evading the killer in Friday 13th 😂 predictable teleports when you’re getting chased too. Even though Jason IS OP, at least I don’t have to rely on perks that have lengthy cool downs and very specific things to take place to use them. People complain about DR and people’s response is ... use calm spirit? Can you tell me

    who I’m playing before the match starts then? OR just make the perk have more functionality or work against other killers more effectively?

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Sprint burst and LITHE you get UP to 3 seconds of boost? 😂 i shouldn’t be queuing up for a game where I’m seeing one person slay all 4 teammates as often as I do whether I play with randoms or not. Killers don’t need to be that fast or invisible if there’s so few perks that I can use with enough functionality to escape. I didn’t pay money for a game to pallet loop a killer only😂 give me more. Killers should be fine getting 1-2 people on a regular basis. They don’t need to slay whole teams of 4. This is just my experience playing with randoms of course at the beginning ranks but that’s still ridiculous how easy it is to kill people off just to sit in another queued up lobby for an hour. People who play killer don’t need to complain about anything because from what I can tell playing as one I stopped after a few times because I felt bad for the 4 survivors I went against playing as wraith. It doesn’t make any sense for a killer to be invisible, have no heartbeat and have a perk that allows you to hit someone after uncloaking almost immediately. The loop that keeps people playing is perks. And when your perks seem useless or don’t counter enough or help you do more than just pallet loop then nah... I want my money back.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Maybe add more hiding spots give us a better time. Lockers are obvious . Games seem short lived

  • LeonardPChurch
    LeonardPChurch Member Posts: 24

    with the current garbage condition of the game, if they have a single designer, it's too many. literally 0 money should be put into a new content, even if it crushes the finances of BHVR. It's out of control at this point.

  • LeonardPChurch
    LeonardPChurch Member Posts: 24

    Who said ANYTHING about "outnumbered" I said TOO MANY of one and NOT ENOUGH of the other.

    Completely different!

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Then how will BhVr pay the ones who do fix bugs and the other jobs over there. For the ones that make content, should they be out of the job until everything is fixed? Forced to find new jobs until BhVr sorts everything out?Everyone knows new content is a factor of making money for them and that's how they pay the employees. It's unlikely and a fool's dream that everyone will be okay financially after people can't work for weeks until things are okay.

    It does sucks when bugs, core gameplay and such aren't fixed or something keeps getting broken or glitched out, no ones gonna say the opposite unless they are naive or blind to the truth. It can be so mind-numbing annoying to keep experiencing them over and over again However, it's silly to want all content to stop completely until the game is fixed.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Too many of one would mean that one team likely outnumbers the other team, even if just a minor outnumbering.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Glad you know the inner workings of BHVR, does your roommates dad work there or something?

    As someone said above, don’t even bring the cosmetic team into the conversation anymore, what they need is to hire BETTER tech people... note I didn’t say more I say BETTER

  • LeonardPChurch
    LeonardPChurch Member Posts: 24

    No. If your house is burining down and the fire department shows up, and there are 10 firefighters who are struggling to contain the fire, and you see 5 police chiefs standing talking to reporters, I'm sure at the point, you'd agree they have TOO MANY police chiefs and NOT ENOUGH firefighters.

    CHIBICHIN101 Member Posts: 6

    Today is May 22 and this is still happening. I knew I had to use dead hard earlier than usual but even tho I did that, it still didn’t work. If you guys can fix the server, that’ll be great. But if you guys are not that professional, then fix dead hard like adding dead hard one or two more seconds for avoiding damages. Then, even if we all have to use dead hard earlier, it still works because we will have a little more time to be immune to damages. I know if you do this, lots of killer players will complain about it. But you guys can’t help it because the server can’t be fixed. So please consider this. Thank you for reading.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    every single time i get off the hook, im spamming E and my dead hard isnt working. i get the exhausted side effect and it says that i used my dead hard but the guy still hit me

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Hits like these are exactly why they need to get rid of the ability to hit through a window. 99.9% of window hits are things like this that shouldnt be happening to begin with.