Does the Nurse need updating

Let me state the following: (a) This is not a killer bashing

let me start by stating some facts.

(a) The nurse has the slowest walking speed of all killers at 3.85m/s. Survivors run at 4m/s. So out the gate she can never catch a survivor on a 1 to 1 scale. This is why she needs the blink.


(B) Her recovery time is increased with each blink and swing there after.

1) Imo the blink play seems more gimmicky than useful and this is due to how blink mechanics.

If you see a survivor they will be ahead of you a fair bit 90% of the time. Since you can never walk faster than they run you are forced to blink. Now this is the only killer I know of that is forced to user her ability in order to have a chance at killing, here’s what I mean by that.

The Trapper doesn’t need to place a trap to kill players , it helps but it can be done without. Micheal doesn’t need to stalk as he has a null heart beat at Evil Within rank one and can sneak up on players. Basically all other killers abilities increases the likelihood of wining if used, however the Nurse Needs to use her ability just to have a shot at killing period.

This feels very dependent and forced when compared with other killers.

2) The main usefulness of her blink I feel is going through objects not closing the distance. The problem with this is the (a) Distortion and (b) length of time after blink to react (c) cool-down time.

When you combine all these factors it feels more like luck is needed vs skill.

The blink distortion”warp like effect” makes it hard to judge where a survivor is once you arrive. After you have less than a 1.5 seconds to make a choice, either (a) swing or (b) blink.

Couple that with the distortion it can make for a tough choice. Then add in the fact that if you don’t charge blink out the gate you’re losing distance but if you charge blink out the gate you’re increasing distance more than you need. Now you compensate for it but if you miss your swing well now it’s a long look at the ground for you.

Other killers with great movement speeds like Billy, Oni, or Legion doesn’t suffer as much as the Nurse.

Again I’m not saying She needs to be easy to play with. I love that there is a hard killer to play as. I would like to see some change to her kit that didn’t make it feel so reliant vs other killers

I feel any of these will aid in her being a more played killer.

1) Always show where she’s going to land and don’t make that an add on. All killers with location perks be it traps or hex knows where they will pop up at. Yes I know these are things set but imagine if you placed a hex, trap or portal and you got an aoe indicator that you might end anywhere inside the circle. Those characters wouldn’t be as fun or as tactical

As it is, you need to mentally calculate the amount of time holding charge to where you will end up.

2) Allow pressing blink to cover the length of a pallet by default.

I feel that giving players a base distance that they will always blink when performing a quick blink. I can not stress how frustrated I get when they hop a pallet or vault a wall and then I blink quickly only to go nowhere and have to be subjected to the fatigue.

3) Increase her movement speed and make blink more of a closer than a long gap closer.

This will change how she is played over all but allow for juke plays.

They could give her 3-4 charges that recharge after x-amount time. Each burst could be the distance of a pallet.

what’s your ideas on bringing this killer to the fore front


  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Leave her as she is.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    Even the bugs? Even the fact about hitboxes? How about the fact its literally impossible for new players to learn nurse?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I'm a little biased, got 1.5k hours on nurse.

    The bugs are bugs, they need fixing. Hitboxes are only a problem for me when i'm using 3-blink-nurse. She's difficult to learn and incredibly punishing to play, if you're not pretty good, but that's part of the killer imo.

  • MakoaKeo
    MakoaKeo Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2020

    "Allow pressing blink to cover the length of a pallet by default." dumbest idea in your whole post. do you not do 1-inch blinks to fake out the survivor ever?

    to address the topic, the Nurse is fine. if anything I wish she'd be reverted because the blink on a charge system is dumb.

  • Cotten
    Cotten Member Posts: 31

    If I need to blink one inch I might as well hit them. There is no situation where a null blink is useful Imo. What I was getting at with that statement is: There should be a default length when pressing blink. If you use the add on that allows you to see where you’re going blink to, you will notice that it takes a while for it to charge through a wall/pallet but won’t take as long to charge to cover the same distance in open space. So having a default distance might be useful. Also We should be able to end blink mid use. That would add a lot of plays to her.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    Nurse is good. Nurse is still the strongest. Nurse just needs even more skill to play her (sure it's not nice to baby nurses, but it's still fair, baby huntresses have it hard too). She's perfect now (except maybe too much gimmick add-ons but whatever)

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243
    edited February 2020

    Her biggest issues are bugs and accessibility. She's downright difficult to get down at even a basic level, and she's mechanically unique. I think she's fine once you get her down, and she's incredible once you get good, it's just that most don't have the time or patience to get there, understandably so.

    As far as blink distortion, a lot of that could have to do with platform and framerate. You can afford to be patient and get your bearings if your initial blink was accurate though. The chain blink window is long enough to rotate, find the target, and make a corrective blink with high DPI on mouse.

    I would argue against covering pallet distance by default because that is a great mindgame to play with Nurse at pallets. I will bait bad vaults by intentionally short blinking at pallets to get them to vault into me.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    A sweaty nurse with add-ons in Red Ranks is pretty much a GG.

    Nurse, Freddy, Spirit and Doctor flip the tables on the survivors because you have to adapt to their mind games. They have much more control over their chases and the survivors just have the option to react to the moves they make