I can no longer play the game because penalty stacking.

I have been playing the game for a couple of years and since i started to play, game client was dog poo with a lot of crashes and random disconnects from game or steam or whatever (my ISP is working totally fine, not a single service interrupt for more than 10 months).

I never counted the crashes beyond "#########, i was opening a safe exit gate, what a time to crash" because if i had the time to play another game, i just launched the game again and join queue but since the DC Penalty was implemented, these 2-3 crashes per day is making me wanted to just uninstall the game forever and never look back.

I think each day or something like that the countdown goes down a few minutes and maybe i see a 15 minutes countdown so now that I have less time to play at the end of the day, I cannot spend 30 stupid minutes because you are forcing some players to suicide on hook instead of pressing a button while the playerbase that constantly have crashes gets an enormous male reproductive apparatus inserted in their bum because your client stability is yet to be seen.

But oh boy, OH BOY! i can't wait to buy your new DLC and after the first crash, which there will be A LOTS because you know, NEW PATCH and BEHAVIOUR... i can't fing wait to buy the new dlc and get smacked in the face with a 30 minute BLOCK from a game IN WHICH YOU CANNOT RECONNECT TO A GAME AFTER A CRASH BECAUSE YOUR CLIENT IS AN ABSOLUT DISGUST, YOU JUST GO ######### YOURSELF FOR 30 MINUTES because allowing ppl to reconnect now that we have dedicated servers IS TOO MUCH WORK. Better do nothing.

Also I would like to point that I am an advanced computer user. I never have problems with my computer and i have played countless games in my computer and the only one where the game crash is DBD so do not dare you go the way "maybe your drivers are outdate hurrdurrr".


Just look at what happened to me yesterday and guess what, if i disconnect because this ######### client i get punished after someone cleansed a totem while in dying state but I guess that is a problem with my ISP and the dedicated servers or even my computer which has made up code only for me that allows survs to cleanse a totem from the ground with inmunity to grab.


  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 563

    This is exactly how I feel, game crashes consistently on PS4 and is just a lag show when it does decide to work. No other games do this (other than Apex legends lol)

    No matter how much we complain nothing will change man sorry to say

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I don't know about you both but I rarely have client crashes. As a PC tech I'd say there may be something going on in your system causing it even a possibly bad download or install. I'm not saying you don't have a legitimate concern, but when others rarely have crashes I think the issue may be more on the client computer. suggestion: have you submitted your logs so that the devs can look at what happened and possibly help you? if not then you have no room to talk because you have not even tried to fix your end.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Well i got no issues with thenew disconnect penalties on PC. Guess why. I never DC.

  • susto
    susto Member Posts: 10

    World of Warcraft, Doom, Counter-strike. Mass Effect, Witcher series, PUBG, Path of Exile, GTA5, Overwatch, HOTS, Starcraft, League of Legends, Frostpunk, Control, Faster than Light, all Darksouls, Sekiro, Surviving Mars, Resident Evil 2, Diablo 3, No Man Sky, They are Billions, Sea of thieves, Left 4 Dead, Half-life... those are the games i played last year and keep playing this with exactly 0 crashes. NOT A SINGLE ON. BUT YOU ARE RIGHT, it is my system that is not working properly.

    And yes, i always summit logs and click SEND. Disconnect penalty should not exist if CrashReportClient.exe call to execute is made from the game itself.

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 563
  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    agreed, they should remove penalty until the servers are stable enough. it's not fair to punish innocent people.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Instead of being so defensive, perhaps you should listen.

    I'm with him. I rarely get client crashes (I don't actually remember the last time it happened that wasn't my own fault). I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but if it happens that much to you, and not everyone equally...logic dictates there's something specific to you going on.

  • susto
    susto Member Posts: 10

    That is not how things work buddy. If I play docens of games and only one is crashing, the problem is optimization in that game and combatibility issues with different hardware setups and drivers versions. That is a developer problem, not an user problem.

    You not having crashes mean nothing when it is obvious that the game optimization has never been ideal because myself have had crashes for a whole patch and in the next one have 0 crashes for months and then in the next chapter have few crashes and so on.

    The problem is that i didn't give a single F about having 1-2 crashes after 3-4 hours of playtime for that particular patch version since they added a PENALTY for having the game crashed.

    This is something they need to fix because they know that this is common amongst the player base and they know really well that their game and servers are not 100% stable.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    That actually is how things work with multiplatform engines. If it's not wide spread, there's something specific happening with the configs of the people it's happening to (on the PC side). Whether it be hardware, driver, or software related. If it's not happening to everyone equally, it's not necessarily the games fault.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all some of those don't even use the same setup as dbd and those are single player. you can have 500 games installed on your computer, and only one of them could crash a good deal if the installation was done badly and that can happen. I've had WoW, Mass Effect, Witcher series, Starcraft crash on me and it wasn't because of their client but the installation as the logs on my computer showed what was going on. There is more than one reason a program can crash and most of those are not due to the program itself but some error introduced either by modding the game in some way, a bad update that came down, or a bad install and the right conditions just then started to manifest. lots of possibilities.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494
    edited February 2020

    Comptia A+ certified tech and i have M$ certs.

    This game crashes.

    Not played the last three ays to let it reset. I got a 20 minute penalty at that point and the next one i am sure was goign to be an hour. It is not my fault the friggen game crashes. I send in the reports and then dont play for a couple of days if i get too many in one day

    And if i send in report i should not get a temp ban. They even said that with dedicated servers they would be able to tell the difference. Guess what? They might be able to but are not applying the knowledge and still giving us penalties

  • susto
    susto Member Posts: 10

    You just proved my point. Lack of config testing or whatever you wanna call it but a lot of people crashes in this game and it is a developer issue.

    For giving out another example, I want to point out Path of Exile. In a few leagues (they launch a big league every 3 months) I would say like 2 i can remember now, the launch patch of those leagues was really unstable and thousands of players having crashes in a lot of situations. I was really lucky and did not suffer for a single crash but i would never had my head stuck so deep in my arse and say that it was a problem with their computers because i was not having any crash. It was obviously a client problem and thank god Grinding Gear Games for having an amazing hotfixing team and those crashes never last more than a few days.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    He's talking about random crashes. Never happens to me. I'm just assuming that his crashes are not random.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    This happens on both PS4 and PC (I'm sure it will happen on Xbox as well when the servers are enabled).

    This specific problem is not a coincidence or a problem with anyones configuration, it's a problem with their servers.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    Okay. Then it must be happening to everyone equally.

    (spoiler: it's not)

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I haven't had it happen to me a lot but I can't say the game never gets weird for some reason.

    I've posted this story in another comment but I'll just say again because it's short: I was just waiting on the hook to be saved, first hook too, on a call with my one premade friend, and this randomer Quentin comes up and saves me off the hook, but as my feet are touching the ground, I get sent to the scoreboard (like the game finished) and when I checked, I noticed Quentin got taken out of the game too. My friend was even asking what happened, and if we disconnected.

    Weirdest DbD story I've had yet.

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    Oh boy, just another Topic about people and their crashs... well, youre the only one out of 400k players that expirience that...

    Now go to the game, dc just another time, and let us play in peace please. Theres a Bug section for this, no need to cry in here.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Penalty system is pretty bad considering

    1 - now players who want to leave just quit via hook sewercide

    2 - it doesn't account for games played I crash once every 20 or 30 games maybe but have ended up with a couple 15min penalties due to playing a lot

    Fixed nothing but can inconvenience people who play a lot.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
    edited February 2020

    I also on ps4, at the beginner it was 5 mins it wasn’t bad waiting it out because the game crashed but the more it happens it’s starting to get Anyoying especially when your playing with a friend enjoying yourself playing abit of dead by daylight game crashes about 5 games in now I have a timer yay when your with a friend it’s worst ,me and a friend were playing I got a blue screen gave us both 15 mins timer :) next day he gets disconnected after the loading screen at the start of a match, I escaped the match and i have a hour ? How am I geting a hour for his game disconnecting because we are in a party, I gave up after that, Now if I get disconnected due to reasons I can’t help I should not be given a timer, it happens at least once a day and it has nothing to do with my internet i have no issues on other games, Jumped on today for abit of fun middle of the match running to a chest what happens opps black screen and Now I have 6 and a half hours from another crash wahooooo!!!!! I enjoy playing ps4 but atm it’s abit dis heartening I have been thinking about moving to pc do these have the same issues ? I would be playing on a gaming laptop ... ? Any advise would be appreciated,

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Yeah I think the DC penalty is a mistake, even without the crashes. Killers are over it and I had two disconnect in three games today. Survivors still DC or die on first hook. All it does it make less people play the game.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I love the dc penalty. It’s amazing how few survivors rage quit now. I would imagine 95% of the whiney posts about how this ONE game crash causes a 2 hour penalty (totally neglecting the other 10 purposeful dc’s) rofl cry me a river