Survivor perk changes suggestion

So I finally reached lvl 40 on all of the survivor and experienced every perk that they offer and heres a list of suggestion to change some of the perks to make them good to use or balanced.
Adrenaline: doesn't fully heal after being unhooked
Borrow Time: revert the effect on stealth killers and when used, put it on 2 min cooldown
No mither: doesn't leave blood orbs for Oni
Desicive strike: only activated after being unhooked during struggle OR reduce active time up to 40 secs
Vigil: now you can recover half the exhaustion while running but you don't get the recover bonus and it doesn't stack
Diversion:now recharges while in chase, but recharges for 1 min
Autodidact: reduce tokens to 3, beginning skillcheck penalty is slightly bigger but at stack 3 increases the chance of skillchecks
Mettle of man: after use and being fully healed, your aura is revealed to the killer no matter what distance for 1 min
Also what do you guys thing about the devs removing the perk tiers alltogether? I think they should remove them altogether and it will benefit beginners since it will make loadout preparation faster.
Recover from exhaustion while running is a big no no idk why people want this back so much it'll just break the game again
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Why nerf mettle of man? It’s pretty balanced where it is now, with the whole protection hit thing
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Adrenaline: doesn't fully heal after being unhooked
Its fine as is
Borrow Time: revert the effect on stealth killers and when used, put it on 2 min cooldown
It just needs to be based on killer distance from hook, no CD needed
Desicive strike: only activated after being unhooked during struggle OR reduce active time up to 40 secs
Only change I would be okay with is deactivate if someone else is hooked, 40seconds is wayy too short
Vigil: now you can recover half the exhaustion while running but you don't get the recover bonus and it doesn't stack
Recover half speed isn't too bad
Diversion:now recharges while in chase, but recharges for 1 min
Sure, this perk is pretty weak as is
Autodidact: reduce tokens to 3, beginning skillcheck penalty is slightly bigger but at stack 3 increases the chance of skillchecks
I can't say either way without looking at all the math behind this
Mettle of man: after use and being fully healed, your aura is revealed to the killer no matter what distance for 1 min
This perk was already nerfed to the ground and is a pain to use, it doesnt need to be weaker.
Also what do you guys thing about the devs removing the perk tiers alltogether?
Perk tiers are literally just to pad play time and grinding, there is no negative to removing them for players.