Today I was kicked out of the match ( disconnected from the host) AND I GOT BANNED FOR IT.
After it I was watching a streamer, he was kicked out of the match as well AND WAS BANNED TOO.
What is going on with the dedicated servers?! Why do we get banned?
We pay for this game , so be that nice to make customers enjoy what they spent money for.
agreed , as i said in other posts already, this dc punishment is a joke. cause innocent people get punished, because the game has so many bugs and connection issues. plus the guilty people will just keep suiciding on first hook, so the whole dc penatly system is for nothing.
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For how long? 30 seconds? 5 minutes? How many times have you previously disconnected?
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Ive made it a point that the MTBF factor on this software is something to be discussed. I got tons of flak for it. I sill can attest to the fact that we are playing these games on LEAD-FREE soldered motherboards and with RAM sticks that are still from the TERRIBLE batches of chips that FOXXCONN received. So unless your computer is clustered on High Availability and your network has near-ZERO packet loss and you are playing on BONDED NETWORKING. My suggestion is, Dont play the game.
I was really stoked about the new killer coming out and was going to buy him. I love playing hitscan and was onboard. But after this fiasco. IM going to save my pennies until they resolve the penalty system which fits the average consumer-level pc model of SOHO networks and systems. VS what a business can run. 😞
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honestly this made me laugh my arse off. why? because I don't have this and i rarely have issues with my connection and software. I'm sorry you have issues but what I love is that people talk about ALL the innocent "BANS" out there. this is not something that is big if it happens a few times. if it starts happening more I'd look to more reasons why the software crashed and submitted to behavior to look at to see what they can see for those. the next thing you need to do is look to your network connections, because there are a great many things more than their software, your computer and the dedicated servers. If you submit those logs, perhaps they can see hey it is because of X and we can put this to rest finally. Mostly people whine here without submitting logs, not all but most. Lets stop the blame game and start helping each other and behavior out by doing what the END USER is supposed to do.
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1st time "disconnected" and got a 5 minute ban, the streamer got 5 minutes as well.
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You do know that lead free soldered mother board solder (also no Mercury) have been the norm since right before the PS3 launched right? Companies lobbied against it since the early 90s with most past 91 don't have it. It's not the servers but the programming and location in relation to the servers. Some people have no problem but the live near the server and have fast internet.
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It’s better this way. For Honor has a disconnection penalty system in place where you’re penalised for 15 minutes if you quit, and it can be entirely circumvented by pulling the plug or task manager or system menu depending on your platform. That lets people ruin others games by being replaced with terrible, useless bots, or having high-level bots that wreck and carry the worse team and get the win.
At least this way, people can’t quit and come back within 30 seconds of leaving. Of course there’s gonna be cases where you weren’t “meant” to get banned because it wasn’t actually your fault that you got kicked out, but it’s better to do it this way than make it easily exploitable and otherwise useless with there being no point for it to exist.
Just be lucky that at the very least the first ban isn’t 15 minutes long in DBD. If you’re getting constantly kicked out, then you should give up and play another game before it really does become a hard ban that leaves a mark on your steam/platform profile. Try again tomorrow if you want to avoid that.
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I got disconnected once and got a 5 minute ban timer.
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Id rather a few innocent people getting a soft ban once in awhile then no one getting a ban at all. I feel the suicide on hook issue needs to be addressed but it's a step in the right direction. It's better than when people dc'ed for all their bullshit reasons and got away with it.
I don't like this killer. DC!
Ruin wasn't found within the first 20 secs. DC!
I got found first. DC!
The killer tunneled me. DC!
I missed my ds. DC!
The killer hit me. DC!
If your having constant connection/technical issues that result in you dc'ing accidentally I hope you can work those out. If you can't maybe this isn't the game for you?
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Sorry, but this system is necessary to keep people from intentionally disconnecting when they aren’t having the kind of game they want to have. Because those disconnectors are ruining the game for other people.
If you get disconnected once in a while, you’re not gonna have that penalty often, and let’s face it five minutes is nothing considering the queue times we often face anyway.
And if your Internet connection is bad enough you have to worry about disconnects all the time, you’re hurting other players anyway, you’re fun shouldn’t come at penalizing other people.
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Happen to me last night. Server closed connection on me while I was placing a Hag trap. Got banned 5 minutes. I agree with the DC penalty system so right now as its was a one time only and 5 minutes i'll give it a pass. (plus tonight it will be 24h and the punishment goes back to 5 min again if it happens again which I hope it won't). What I am worried about is players who have these issues more often.
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It helps prevent people from doing it all day.
The only people upset now are the ones who csnt get away with it without consequences.
If the game is buggy, or your net is bad, you KNOW you may get kicked. You KNOW it can happen. Yet you put 4 other peoples game at risk for it.
So take the 5 mins, calm the hell down, and come back in a few or play something else.
DC bans are the best thing to happen to this game.
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Wake up, they just suicide instead *suprised pikachuface*
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I got a 10 minute penalty. Game randomly crashes while I'm playing sometimes, just now I get punished for it. I play on PS4
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If you got a full on ban than I doubt your story. You have to DC quit a lot to get a full ban so you're either lying or you have internet so bad you can't connect to a host in which case get an upgrade and stop screwing over your team with your lag
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I like the penalty. I never dc because it does screw everyone over. I had 3 survivors dc when they seen the doctor. Then the doctor found the hatch first, closed it, then shocked me until the entity killed me. This match hurt my rank. So yes the dc penalty is very necessary, much needed and rightfully added to the game.
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I love how when people give feedback about the current penalty system, some of you immediately assume the person is suggesting get rid of it.
Just because you aren’t experiencing the lack of optimization this game has doesn’t mean others aren’t.
Maybe they could look to fix these issues while they are at it, or is that too much for some of you to handle?
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Oh, good. The system is working as intended. Thank you for confirming that!
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Playing onlinegames with other people that depend on you on a potato internet make you deserve bans jsut as much as rage-dcs.
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This is why I changed my mind about the ban topic. I initially supported d/c bans, but when I stopped to consider how buggy and poorly supported this game is, with various glitches and d/C's occuring regularly, it doesn't make sense. At least half of the time, people d/c because of the game itself, so d/c penalty is a bad idea.
It's another one of those band-aid fixes the devs love so much. People hate d/C's? Don't fix the problem, blame the customer for falling victim to the 1,000 bugs this game has.
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It's human to think "our own experience" is the end all be all of everyone in the world. You don't have access to their support system. You don't have access to the game code, or likely have the experience to know what you'd be looking at if you did, and you certainly don't understand how you are playing right into the attitude the devs want their customers to have.
In the end, you are screwing over your own fellow gamers by disregarding experiences that "aren't your own". Congratulations for being one of the fortunate ones that doesnt have to suffer the ineptitude of the developers at a cost of being blocked from using a product they paid for.
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At the very least, the people who DC on purpose will be forced to stop doing that. If they suicide on hook early then people will report them for too.
Back when I used to play DBD I didn't get any DC penalties. Is it that the game coding itself leads to dropped connections, it is this more a problem with some people's gear? Given the abundance of bugs in the game I wouldn't completely rule out the former.
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First of all the game does not "LEGALLY" let you do anything. the TOS says you do not quit the match without using in game functionality (killing one self on hook). to disconnect, or LEAVE MATCH, you MUST leave the game functionality and use menu functionality to leave the match. This is a last resort to if you get stuck where the game can not end (stuck in geometry etc). do not think it's legal anything, the LAW has nothing to do with it, but if you wish to use the term loosely the LAW of the game is the Terms of Service and Disconnecting (rage quitting) is against the game.
If you are stuck in the geometry or the game can't end, you have to dc but at that point you need to submit logs and a ticket for people to look into what happened.
fist of all "suiciding on hook early" is using in game functionality and that is not something that can be reported (or it will be ignored) just as camping and slugging are allowed.
I never disregarded anyone's experience. I even have said that there are people that get hit with this when they shouldn't. but you are the one that is playing into someone's hands... the hands of those that think THEY write the rules, the ones that say killers can'ti camp, can't tunnel and that it is bad bad bad and I'm disconnecting because i don't like it. this is a tantrum like a 5 year old throws when they DC, and this hurts the game it causes people to stop playing. The devs wrote the game, they wrote the guidelines/rules/ToS that you agreed to when you downloaded the game. I gave my experiences to show that not everyone is crashing, or having issues like this as the people that don't have issues end up not complaining on the board about not having issues. this game is played 100's of times an hour across the world. you don't see everyone here messaging. ALSO I never said I do and thus why I said when there is a crash like that we should submit logs so that the DEVS can look into it and then perhaps find the part of the program causing this. I am not the problem, you are because you don't want to help improve the game, you only want the game your way and your way alone. If that is what you want go to play a single player game and forget this one. even in a single player game you can't get around their in game rules hahah!
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There really is no reason to be rude to me. honestly.
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just because i admitted I laughed at your comment? well 1) I'm playing on none of what you specified, 2) I have rarely had a crash that could not be explained and if I do I send a report in. I have not had a Disconnect penalty at any point, and your recomendations are absurd to the point of being funny. I know several people that have no major issues with the game in various places, just their network connection issues (explainable issues) I was not rude, I even sympathized with you on your issues but you didn't see that because you through I was being rude. read and understand and if you are not sure of something ask don't blame.
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The fact is that before this penalty, teams would actually strategically disconnect for something as simple as keeping the killer from getting pop/bbqchili, or to "give hatch" in an unintended exploitative way based on out of game communication. People would disconnect if they were going to be mori'd or if the killer even did a mori anywhere. They'd disconnect to prevent blood warden, they'd disconnect to prevent the killer from pipping, they'd disconnect to help their friends pip by not getting the -10 altruism for being hooked without being rescued, and so on.
The emergent gameplay of 0 dc penalties was for dcs to be used in degenerate ways. People STILL do all these things, but they do them a maximum of 1 time per day. And that's better than infinite uses. Having played at the highest level I can tell you rank 1-4 SWFs were the worst culprits, but I've seen green, purple, even yellow ranks dc to give hatch or deny a perk, and the dc penalties are just necessary. It became something people abused, and now we're here. So when you suffer a soft penalty for your occasional technical issue, realize that it is abuse by players that necessitates the system.
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so you respond with a huge, long rant bringing things up that I didnt even mention, then again, bring up the ToS and that we have to play the game the way the devs tell us and so on and so on.
I'm guessing you're still having most of your things bought by your parents. Tell ya what, lets finish this conversation when you start having to pay for things yourself.
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Before the nerf I remember bots kicking people's asses in siege in For honor and we wanted them more than players . Man those were good times.
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this game is so ######### up that rank 16 killers face rank 1 survivors and the devs don't see any balance issues. Their french canadian arrogance is pretty amazing. Its honestly a wonder that behavior made this game given their complete inability to balance this game or even try. or even care.
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Based on the devs ability to fix bugs, I don't think they have the experience to know what they are looking at either.
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Wake up, (hooking a survivor) takes more time and DC takes about 2 secs. Those valuable seconds hooking someone give your team more time to do GENS. *surprised pikachuface*
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Pop goes the weasel exists. Bbq exists.
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Unfortunately it's impossible for the servers to determine what is a crash, bug, or an actual disconnect. If you get kicked out of the match multiple times and it happens consistently I would recommend creating a ticket on the dead by daylight support forums linked here.
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Thank you for your scathing remarks, I feel quite rebuked... actually no I do not. first of all I brought out more information, if you are talking about a water shortage and you only talk about the stream that used to give you your water but it's shrunk and dried up but ignore the huge damn that was just erected diverting that water to another town/city you won't understand why it is happening. Terms of Service (ToS) is something that you agree to in order to do what you have decided to do. Everything on your computer has a ToS including your windows operating system. If you violate these Terms of Service the owners of the product have the right to terminate your usage of their product. Behavior has decided that they will allow people some leeway by using these penalties instead of telling people it is time to move on to a new game.
Now to answer your comments about my living conditions and everything else personal. first of all you are talking to a disabled veteran who was present during wartime actions on the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON CVN-73. I have been in combat zones in 4 different areas. I have had a job since probably (I do not assume but I am guessing I am correct) before you were born. I pay my own way thank you very much. you are being disrespectful when I was not disrespectful what so ever. Next time do not be disparraging to someone because you do not like what they say, and perhaps if you read you will learn something.
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Agreed. It seems like the people who habitually disconnect are the only ones mad about it.....
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What do you mean by that? Killer can't get anything from bbq and Pop if a person DC's. Not sure if your saying "I'm going to DC so the killer doesn't get to benefit from his perks.... so that will help my team" which, I can actually see that as something that could potentially help your team BUT that is not what the devs want. Just think about it. You DC to deny the killer some of his perks...that's just not right. I play both survivor and killer and I can see that it can benefit the survivors to DC to deny the killer from using his perks. But once again that's just not right and that's not what the Devs intended in the first place. That's one of the reasons why they have implemented this DC penalty.
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I’m going through the same issue! I always gets kicked and lately penalized for it. I’m not one to DC but at this point I might as well because I’ve been penalized 3 times!! The first time I had to wait 5 minutes, then 10, and now 12! AND I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!! it pissed you off! And I’ve exhausted every other option there is MULTIPLE TIMES ! Please fix this ! I’m losing hope and I’m going to find a new game to play
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Really not surprised to see this toxic community have zero empathy for people experiencing issues with the game. While there's certainly a need for the penalty, there needs to be something done about people getting kicked from matches that are no fault of their own. Not to mention the various bugs. I've seen survivors get stuck in lockers, been unable to personally leave through the exit (with no blood warden) and various issues with the game kicking me (and usually at least one survivor) out of the game for no reason at all. (My internet is just fine in these cases, TYVM. I only play with Green Ping and I never have to reconnect to DBD)
It's no big deal when it's just a 5 minute penalty. But when it happens multiple times a day, it adds up significantly. And through no fault of the user. That's a HUGE problem. And I'm sure if it happened to the same people who just say "GET BETTER INERNET" (as if that's even an option, or even part of the problem) wouldn't be so satisfied themselves.
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Some serious thread necromancy here ;)
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Any MOBA has a 30 minute ban. Doesn't matter if your PC crashed, your internet disconnected, game crashed etc.
You're lucky you get 5 minutes.
Better to have a DC penalty then no penalty at all imo.
Post edited by CronaWins on1 -
There are some good people in this community, but are overshadowed by the toxic posters that most likely hit hooked survivors. On the DC topic, the concept is nice, but the execution is poor. Rockstar does a pretty good job with GTA online's penalty system. If you get reported after a few times, you're sent to some kinda bad behavior lobby for a while. Behavior should do something similar, a gamer that has multiple DCs in a short period of time should be penalized for 24 hours. I think this would be the best way to do this, instead of instantly penalizing people who are pretty much collateral damage by being caught in the fishnet. I hate that you can lose your items if the match disconnects as it starts too, that shouldn't happen at all.
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Still don't get why the hell DC Punishments are still in a game like DBD. With a game with this amount of issues and balance problems. DC Penalties need to go ASAP.
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Bro what irritates me is when I get kicked from games 2 times in a row without any reason. 99% of the time I'm not camping or doing anything wrong I'm just running around the map slapping people. That dosent matter to the game though because it will see me having fun and kick me anyway.