How to Easily make No One Left Behind Good

MasterTater Member Posts: 46
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

It is inconceivable to leave someone behind.

Once the Exit Gates have been powered, gain 50/75/100 % more Bloodpoints for actions in the Altruism Category and perform them 50 % quicker.

The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you.

I think if you were to make this perk trigger when the last gen was completed it would be a lot stronger of a perk.

You could actually get some VALUE out of it as the meta these days is to wait till the escape is guaranteed to open the door

I compare to other End Game survivor perks like Adrenaline and Hope that trigger when the last gen is completed, these would be so much weaker if they triggered when the gate was opened.

Just as a consistency change for other perks make the effect same the same over the tiers and have the bloodpoints change per tier

As someone who likes to be Altruistic i would love to run this instead of Adrenaline and just have more Survivor perks that are viable