Gens are impossible to balance

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

The Devs have to balance the Gens so that they’re reasonable at all ranks, which means that they have to be solo-able in a decent amount of time.

In high ranks, survivors naturally optimize Gens. They’re glued to them unless they’re in a chase and they only send one person for a save. Which can mean they fly by fast, however, high rank Killers tend to have the access to the anti-gen builds because they tend to have way more perks to work with since they level up all or more of the Killers, since they usually have higher playtime and dedication.

But in mid/low ranks. Survivors are more scared of the Terror Radius and can’t always tell if the Killer is distracted or coming for them so they tend to hide and not to do gens. Also, they often lack the game-sense to be efficient with saves and hooks often pull multiple people off Gens. So Gens can’t take unreasonable amounts of time or games last too long or don’t finish.

Gen speeds right now are as balanced as they can be. The base speed in fine in unoptimized survivor teams. And at high ranks, Killers have the tools to slow down Gen progression if they view it as a problem. They can run Freddy with jump ropes, Pop, Discordance, Corrupt and Ruin if they want to


  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    If you balance map sizes and loops, you can balance gens.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    There are no high rank anti-gen builds. Old ruin helped. New ruin is a joke, and prevents the use of any other type of gen reduction...and is a ######### Hex, on top of it.

    I agree that they are impossible to balance, but not because of the reasons that you mentioned. They are impossible to balance because the devs have ruled out all the possibilities that have been brought up. Can't increase gen times because holding m1 for long periods of time is boring. I get that, but so his spamming the spacebar while on the hook. They also don't want to add any other secondary mechanics to the game for the survivors, but instead of fixing god loops, they added a secondary mechanic for killers to break walls. Seriously. It had to take way more time to come up with the break walls mechanic than it would have taken to just fix the god loops.

    It can't be fixed, because they aren't trying to fix it.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Gen times are not a problem. Map sizes are. Low/Mid rank survivors don't know how to use a big map against the killer, bit high rank survivors know.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Gens are easy to balance. The problem is their whales would complain and stop giving them money.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Sadly all they will do is shrink the map size and keep all the loops but move them even closer.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Why is everything so killer friendly around here? Stop complaining 😂 killers have a lot at their disposal and I don’t think there’s much more they need reduced on the survivor side or buffed on their side. If anything increase map size or do something to prevent camping hooks. I think gen speed increase while killer within certain radius of hooked survivor should be a thing whether perk or temp boost for everyone. It’s not fun and quite frankly I’d rather not play the game anymore. It’s just not that serious to get kills that way. Penalize the killer PLEASE or make the timer longer if he’s near! Maybe that will help :)

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    This has always been the problem. If they increase gen times for high rank then the survival rate will plummet at low rank.

    This is why they need to do more to bring low rank players up to speed (tutorials, guides etc)

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    By timer I mean hook bleed out timer until sacrifice reaches second stage. Have it slow down by a percentage if he’s within a certain radius. Because this is bs games ruined

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    That's just it, though. If you decrease map size, so gens are closer together, and eliminate god loops, you would be in a much better place. Killers could more efficiently patrol gens, and force survivors apart. A killer should be able to hit multiple gens in 80 seconds that it takes a single survivor to complete a gen, not need 80 seconds just to cross a map for a gen to pop.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Please explain how a survivor could “abuse” A timer being extended while killer is near a survivor on a hook?

  • Fengmin200
    Fengmin200 Member Posts: 64

    The old ruin was already useless. All perks totem are useless!

    It quickly exploded.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I feel if they did that killer could still camp just be far enough outside the radius which in return gives just enough space so hook rescues can be made and new chase begins , not just uncloak and slam the rescuer into the ground or be undetectable as ghost face hiding in a bush behind the hook 😂 Come on man... lazy ass people don’t want to find someone else force them to

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Its outrageous how much more points I will earn as killer compared to survivor. This is why survivors should keep their add ons if they escape and killers shouldn't. I never run out of my preferred add ons as killer anyways. And you can always run Franklin's if surv items piss you off that much.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    No but most strategies should have counters. That includes tunneling and camping. You have spirit fury to "punish" survs that loop and stun you. Ofc I'd call that a counter. Not a punishment smh.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    It's not a punishment lol it's a counter. Dont like bt? Grab the surv off or hit him before and after he goes for the save.

    I fail to see the problem here. You have survs being reckless with a perk they brought in to do so. You dont even need a perk to deal with that situation. Dont like bt? Play Myers or a different stealth killer, like lol.

    You have plenty of perks and killers that, "punish" survs in all sorts of situations. What kind of entitlement do killers suffer from to think they are allowed to get away with whatever they want and never me disrupted by perks and items. This game constantly allows all players to bend the vanilla gameplay. With every new chapter it becomes nearly impossible to prepare for every perk or killer. Its just how it is at this point. Play a different game if you dont like being, "punished."

  • yoyofrost
    yoyofrost Member Posts: 17

    How about make kicking actually useful? Right now kicking a gen without Pop is 4/5 useless because it gets cancelled with a tap and the regression rate is incredibly slow.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Why dont they just make to where the timer only slows if it's just the killer near the hook? If there is a survivor too then the timer goes to normal.