The ultimate tip on having fun as killer

Let Survivors Go.
No seriously, when you're not under the pressure of gen speed, chase, pallet/window loop, and not aiming for tryhard 4K, killer game is much more fun for killer, just messing around with survivors, get couple of hooks and you'll have tons of bloodpoints.
And soon you will be on grey rank. Btw not bad to be an grey rank, devs listen to you much more often.
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I have a better one.
Don't play killer.
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If killer rank matters that much to you or anyone doing rank 1 killer achievement, then don't listen to this.
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I play for bloodpoints, and I barely get any playing casually. I would let survivors go if it meant I get the same amount of bp.
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Only applicable if you play survivors
Just a joke :)
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Good idea. Just lose, do not bother to win.
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He's saying if you stop trying to win you will have more fun.
A response/similar post could be said about survivor. If you don't just m1 on a gen all game and you go looking in boxes, breaking totems, hiding, playing with the killer, etc. You will have much more fun as a survivor. It's just not a good way to win or gain rank.
Casual =fun
It's the same for both sides.
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I sometimes play protect basement chest bubba and i've had a few laughs
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So play as a killer and ignore the objective of the game that clearly tells you if you won or lost.
Will you also make a guide on how to have fun as survivor by just running up to the killer and trying to make friends with them?
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You were real close, but the better answer isn't "Let Survivors Go." It's "Let It Go" once you stop being so concerned with the outcome of the trial triumphs are pleasant surprises and defeats are less about losing and more about figuring out what didn't work.
This saying also works for survivors as well, though that is admittedly an easier role.
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I kinda like that idea. If no one is playing killer the devs will have to fix the damn game if they want to stay in business.
Yeah if you let them go they say "GG EZ" To me saying EZ is code for "You suck" Which is why I never say EZ. I say GGWP.
If you kill them they say "Tunneler, try hard, camper" and my favorite "REPORTED!!!!"
When I play killer I have fun when I just don't give a damn about the survivors opinions.
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Or make bots.
Gotta make excuses for new survivors to have an enjoyable experience after all.
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I honestly believe the only reason we don't have bots is because BHVR can't program one. Killer is basically a unskilled laborer in a warehouse for Amazon. As soon as they work out the kinks in robots they won't need the work force anymore.
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And what if letting survivors go isnt fun for me?
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Sure I'll let survivors go...if they are my obsession and can't kill them yet cause of my perk(s). But seriously I have fun if I down a toxic bunch of them who like to tbag and flashlight at pallets. Best feeling in the world when they message me all salty and sweet.
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Honestly people forget to have fun in this game. Everyone gets so caught up in only winning that they make it unfun for their team/the other side. They take everything personally to heart and lose their cool, forgetting it's a video game at the end of the day.
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There's a Trapperbot in the Tutorial.
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TLDR: Chill 7head!!!