steam screenshot don't play killer on there much
PS4 screenshots that last one was tonight they were the most toxic
i mean really when is this going to be fixed?
What time of day are you queuing up at? Makes a big difference.
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i play morning and night and i get this
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Playing against better players than you will force you to learn and improve. Trust me I've been there.
Also, not gonna tell you how you should play, but the sooner you drop NOED and learn to stop relying on it for kills, the faster you will get better.
38 -
This is just the sad state of affairs this game has gotten to because of how the devs balance the game, nothing you can do about it.
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It shouldn't make a difference. It is almost as if you are blaming them and saying "you played at the wrong time of day." These matches should simply not exist. But hey, when the devs look at their stats, everything is just fine.
45 -
not the point alot people use NOED point is the matchmaking is messed up they not fixing it. like I said I shouldn't have to face rank 1 which were all toxic as F
I play for fun not to be competitive this not esport game
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I don't think you are paying enough attention to the disparity. If you are paired with people too far above your level, you are not going to learn anything.
51 -
Seems like the survivors had a fun time.
Ergo, not a problem.
Pretty good job so far.
33 -
The short answer?
It isn't fair. Hopefully, MMR will fix this
11 -
this not even more normal set up forgot to switch after task set up is Ruin Barbecue & Chilli Surveillance and Thrill of the Hunt.really what is
T bagging and clicking flashlights going to teach me? which in the last screenshot that all they did and looped really good wanted pull my hair out in that match
7 -
I just afk if 2 gens are done before my first hook or they have excessive crutch perks. I'm not even gonna stress myself out when the game is supposed to be fun.
17 -
Who the ######### runs BNP on an Alex
5 -
Get used to it. Killers are a dying breed and the Survivors need to be provided with a victim to bully so the match making will pair up anyone who is available.
I recommend you dodge all lobbies that have even 1 item, bright multicolored clothes, bright hair or quads of the same character, especially blendettes. Don't play weak killers and stick to Spirit or Billy. Play Hag or Bubba for camping potential.
Make the game fun for you, forget about following survivor rules - play how you want, not how they want.
28 -
Your best bet for Adept Clown is to burn a Hawkins map offering, bring Flask of Bleach, and the yellow feather addon. You need to throw your vial and immediately hit them during intoxication to reduce their speed up.
Be careful bringing the Pinky Finger, if you choose it. People are known to suicide on hook against insta-down mechanics.
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This is a little besides the point, but Spirit Fury is an awful perk to run on the spirit. I'd recommend something like Pop goes the Weasel or Sloppy Butcher, to provide more slowdown for you. Also I would switch out Ruin for Corrupt Intervention if you have that perk. If not, you should invest in leveling up the plague since two of her perks are top tier and in the meantime use the other one of the two perks I listed.
1 -
I hate this stupid response.
It wouldn't be fun for a novice wrestler to be consistently put up against John Cena. Sure, one or two matches can be entertaining, but it gets old very quickly with how often it happens, especially on the weekends.
And FYI, not everyone wants to get to rank 1 and get better, some people just want to be able to pick up the game and casually play.
21 -
I've been getting the same thing on PS4. My level 17 killer is going against red and purple rank SWF's. It's not fair so I don't let it bother me. There's nothing I can do. I just try to get better, unless it's verses three Claudettes on Sanctum of Wrath. Then I don't even try to do anything. I just want them out as fast as possible and me into the next game so I can try again.
0 -
I swear I commented but it's gone...
I've been getting my rank 17 killer vs red and purple SWF's on PS4. It's not fair by any stretch so I don't let it bother me. There's nothing I can do with that matchmaking. I just try to make smart plays, but I don't need kills to have fun playing this game anyway. If it's three Claudettes on Sanctum of Wrath though, I don't even bother. I just want the game done as quickly as possible so I can get into a game where I might have a chance.
4 -
I Just had one of those! Wasn't so bad actually i was clown so i could smoke them out. Hooked everyone at least twice but they were maxxed out high ranks so it was serious work to get two completly sacrificed.
Still fun, i wonder how they felt getting found and hooked all the time
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Yeah that's a fair point. I'm not saying that these rank disparities aren't a problem, they certainly are. I was just trying to give some kind of positive advice on how to look at things as they are now.
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They were probably shocked. The good thing about finding Claudettes is that they're almost always garbage at chase because they rely entirely on being invisible.
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I had half of my rank (green) and half red rank facing me as Doctor. (And The Pig at some point..) So for me it's been half red half my rank. I'm sorry that you were more unlucky than I was with red ranks matching with you.
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its usual thing already
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funny i been trying to get killer Adept on steam i got 1 Legion but i got all killer Adept on ps4.
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she only had Spirit Fury for the task i was doing and forgot to swich it when i was done.:P
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thanks the last one really did me in tho.
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It's fair because if the game didn't match you with those players you would have been waiting for another 3 hours to get a match because of how few people playing in your region match your rank. So use it to learn how experienced players play.
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Hes not blaming. Hes simply informing him. Youre right. It shouldnt matter but it does. And him telling him that is not placing blame bro
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There nothing to learn except getting disrespected.
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Doctor know how to stop them.
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It's not. The devs claim their new matchmaking system will magically fix it, but I'm highly doubtful. There aren't enough killer players. What's the new system going to do, create them out of thin air?
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True that what I say to those red ranks that I can play my way and you play your toxic way.
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I'm so sick of it. I just want to work on my archives and I'm constantly getting stuck against red ranks while I'm way, way below that on Killer. And it's a never-ending cycle because the more I get paired with red rank survivors as a green killer, the paler green I go until I'm grey because guess what...
It's REALLY HARD to get better at the game when you're just getting crouch spammed on. I KNOW I'm not as good as a rank 3 survivor when I'm a rank 14 killer. I'm not going to improve unless I have a chance against people my own level to hone those skills.
They don't put professional boxers against elementary gym class. Jesus Christ.
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If i queue up at night then the matchmaking destroys me. Otherwise, its all good.
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It's understandable cause it's much easier for survivors to rank up
3 -
I actually agree you can learn by playing against people much above your level, but that will depend on what the person is seeking in the game. Also, depending on how great is the gap between skills you will only get frustrated, annoyed or start thinking its impossible to beat them and leave the game altogether.
Most people will be at the middle of a distribution, meaning, they preffer to have a challenge, but not so great it is almost impossible for them to beat. So, this matchmaking will positively make people avoid playing, thus its not healthy for the game, it doesnt matter if he trust your judgment on getting skills by being reckt continuously.
Also, it wont matter if he uses NOED or not. Against a good red rank team an inexperienced killer can use his best build and will change absolutely nothing... sharing your same wisdom: "trust me".
2 -
Yes and no. If you've got a green rank killer going against solid rank 1's, killer won't learn anything except how to be destroyed. There's not enough time to learn anything. Plus it doesn't help matters if you never play people outside of red ranks. I got hit with the rank reset bug and knocked a few cocky purple/red players down a rung, because I am used to the top players, but I'm still lucky to get brutal against top teams. So my skill has improved, but it only shows when I play people close to my own rank.
But yes, it is so very sweet to wreck a team that's trying to be toxic to a "yellow rank killer", because I've been forged by the best in the game.
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I think what people arnt realising how easy it is for survivors to rank up and how hard it is for killer, the problem isnt match making. Its literally that there isnt many survivers at that rank because they are all red ranks and since there isnt many red rank killers anymore they are being matched with lower ranks. Your still going against the same skill level its just that the ranking system isn't good.
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Just pressure gens?
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So you are basically saying him "git gud"
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This is what I'm struggling with at the moment, it's all well and good saying to drop noed to get better, but when you get gen rushed by a team that is far more skilled than you, it's hard to get the practice in and I do honestly think you should be punished for gen rushing, if that being noed then so be it. I too am tired of being bullied by red ranks when I'm green, the games are over too quick to really get me any practice 🤷🏻
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People saying the time of day is the main factor are only half correct. I could play during all hours of the day and still get rank 10 killers and I'm a rank 1 surv. It's just chocked up to luck. I'm personally beginning to lose hope in the rank system ever being decent, but I still hold on because I want the best for the game :/
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So, you demand a fix because someone is playing better than you? 😂 it’s called GET BETTER at being a killer.... if the survivors are getting better obviously the killers can get better also.
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Exactly! All of these people lately coming on here upset because the game isn’t “equally fair” or “I didn’t get a fair chance to win as much as they did”.. nobody wants to get better or more aggressive, they want the game to be bogged down with handicaps so that everything is fair and everybody gets a participation award
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You have like 11 devotions. Have any of them been on killer? What was your highest killer rank achieved?
You may be playing a rank 1 survivor on their first devotion. Just making point time in game should mean something.
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You must be new around here.
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But wouldn't MMR match people closer to their devotion level as opposed to their current rank?
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BHVR call it "matchmaking" when it is lack of people having fun playing killer.
The toxic behaviour is most likely kids playing on SWFC (survive with friends comms) as they laugh at how easy the game is for them.
BHVR doesn't want to address and never mind balance SWF/SWFCs so players like you either leave the game or become a survivor to have fun too... stats then prove survivors spend more money instead of looking at the symbiotic relationship that must exist for killer & survivor to exist.
I main survivor now but occasionally will play killer if I'm bored of waiting for "matchmaking"... BHVR will be fixing "matchmaking" by introducing "batch matchmaking" this will cause killers to wait longer and not make me want to wait for killer or survivor and thus the game continues to die.
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As more players leave, matchmaking will become more lopsided. Eventually, most casual killers, tired of playing against toxic af red ranked swf squads will just quit.