Playing one side makes you lose train of thought for the other side
I’ve come to realize that once you play one side more than the other it makes you more inclined to be upset with the other side.
When I play survivor, it’s frustrating when I’m camped, tunneled, and slugged but what else are killers supposed to do? With 2 gens left, all 4 survivors still alive, and a loop heavy map...they have to ensure a killer a play a bit like a douche or they’ll lose. You can’t always play fair and have 12 hooks and target different survivors as a killer especially against good teams.
As a killer it’s triggering to have 3 gens pop after you finish your first chase but what else are the survivors gonna do? They aren’t going to sit around a twiddle their thumbs while you don’t the entire team. Doing generators is the only thing required to escape and if they’re an optimal team they are going to split generator progress. It’s the smart thing to do. You can’t get mad at them for playing efficiently.
Most players get upset and angry at the other side when they play optimally but don’t try to grasp and understand why their opponent played the way they did. Instead they want to send hate-mail and be nasty toward them. Some people should just try and understand their opponent logic :/
Its called Bias
I play both at Reds (at least before I quit) so i generally am more neutral
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I realised the same thing myself. Generally, I play against others how I would want others to play against me. In the grand scheme of things, this means nothing, but it's the rule I always use when playing online games.
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the list is long but ruin and now breakable walls are laughable and made me stop
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It depends on the person. Personally I play 80% survivor but I think of every game as "what would I do in their shoes?". So if a gen is nearly done next to the hook and the killer stays close I can't blame him for that.
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I understand, I am somteimes triggered when i die as Survivor, but Im also triggered when no one dies as killer. So yeah basically this game is full of bias ideas
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There is no need to play both sides, as long as you dont totally lack gamesense.
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There is. Its impossible to know everything without experiencing it yourself.
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Its not.
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I’m fine with getting camped late in the game, when the gates are powered for example. But it does piss me off when it’s literally my first hook with no gens done at the beginning of the match. And I’ve been noticing a lot more campers recently.
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Pretty much this. Though I don't think you have to play both sides evenly to maintain a fairly balanced perspective.