Switch Platforms


Hello all, I have a question, and would like to avoid the platform fanboying answers if possible.

I've played on PS4 for a while now and have almost all of the killers and survivors. But the matchmaking is horrendous, so much so that, because I play casually and main killer only, my rank 12 constantly is faced with full red and sometimes purple swfs. I'm not looking for the "just git gud" solution, as constantly being outranked, getting hatemail for not killing anyone or only getting one, getting teabagged and vault spammed until I go and hit each person one by one twice at the end is just not going to help me get better. I need a challenge, not get genrushed and 3-man bodyblocked with flashlights all night.

Would it be worth it to switch to PC, which seem to have at least moderately better match balance and has better control on camera with mouse/keyboard, or because of the amount of content unlocked, just stick with PS4 and hope matchmaking gets fixed?


  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2020

    The game definitely runs better on PC. Survivor's won't be able to 360 you most of the time. On console she sucks but on PC the Nurse is the best killer but only if you have a ton of practice under your belt. The match making is just as bad. You may have a 5 min wait or a 1 min wait as killer. However even at rank 18 you will sometimes get thrown at red rank survivors. I would dare say PC players are more toxic than console players. At least in the end game chat. I don't know how it works on PS4 but on xbox they can still send you hate messages. On PC, once you back out of the score screen they can't send you messages unless they send a friend request and you accept. I have had to block certain people on steam. They looked up my gamertag and posted hateful comments on my profile or pictures. If you haven't invested too much time into console and enjoy the game id say pick it up for pc the next time it's on sale. Otherwise take Kote's advice and "play something else" :P