What’s going on? Is this game slowly dying?

Wait times weren’t the greatest then ruin was nerfed, they brought in dc penalties and wait times started getting even longer. On top of that, we also have a matchmaking issue which you would think would make wait times shorter since people are getting matched with whoever but this is not the case. Wait times are still long.

I’m in red ranks and haven’t seen a red rank killer in weeks. Lower ranks are getting destroyed and games are really boring at the moment.

Yesterday I didn’t get a killer that was a higher rank than 16. You can imagine what happened when a lobby of red ranks kept getting rank 16 or lower. The first 4 games I had..

  • afk wraith
  • afk huntress for part of the game then she couldn’t even hit 1 person
  • dc mid game
  • dc mid game

actually I’m pretty sure I had 3 killers dc yesterday.

I can’t confirm this but just by speculation, it seems that all these changes the devs have made is slowly killing the game. They’re forcing people not to play or people don’t want to play. Unless someone else can explain what’s going on? I’m on PS4 by the way. Not sure if other platforms have the same issue.


  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    Usually the reason for staying afk is for shard and rift...at least they are on the right track.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    Seriously stop acting like a baby, everyone knows that the game is in bad shape. However, if version 3.6.0 did not fix this, everyone can accept that the game is dead. After that, they can no longer collect the game.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    they may not have any competition at the moment but i believe there are a couple of games coming out this year that may change that. come april 3 when project resistance (resident evil 3) comes out, i'll be moving on to that. it's also an asymmetrical multiplayer game.

    with the issues with matchmaking, i'm wondering if they have already started testing the mmr system. matchmaking has been broken for ages but recently its just got 10 times worse and you are right, it's really unfriendly to beginners.

    i do hope they can save dbd because it can be a decent game but the way it is now, i don't know.

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    I can't do my stupid survivor challenge for escaping through the exit gates three times because they just dc or camp me, understand able though

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    yes. it is.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    No the game is not dying, the numbers do not back it up (pc). However for me I really dislike the matchmaking, i just have stupid boring games. Most games are a stomp, no matter which side whether you play killer or survivor.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I play on PC and the Survivors queue times are taking minutes.

    The killer queue times are taking minutes as well.

    At least 2 minutes on survivor and about 3-4 on killer.

    It's also Monday and everyone else is at work, so it's pretty understandable.

  • Ardjet
    Ardjet Member Posts: 85

    3-4 minutes or so for survivor, about 20-30 seconds for Killer tonight. No, the game is not dying, but there will always be a group that says so. There were people saying it during the Nurse patch.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    My guess your killer is somewhere in browns-yellows. Pick up some ranks, up to greens, and your que will be almost instant. All survivors that can't bear the queue time are trying a killer, but they're not ranking up and basically 80% of player base is in browns and yellows as killers.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    My killer queues get faster and faster, my survivor queues get longer and longer. I rarely have fun no matter which role I play. When the survivors burned a Lery's offering and a Petrified Oak offering, one DC'd the second time I slugged them. So yeah, decreasing the number of hooks on the new Lery's and all future maps, great idea. -_- The changes to sabo will only make it better, I'm sure.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    To me the definition of a dead game isn't a game which pulls nearly 30k concurrent players on Steam alone

    I think the health of the game is pretty stable, there's a distinct pattern of better figures on dlc launches and a slight dip during windows of nothing.

    While I agree people don't really want to play killer so much anymore, including myself. I don't think it's something which will lead to the game dying. We've had poop matchmaking times constantly since release on PS4 especially and after all that the game has found success.

    The 30k+ concurrent players is BHVRS safety net and they won't have to make drastic changes unless these figures took an alarming turn which they're not. A lot of killers are just playing Survivor or more casually at lower ranks because they can't be bothered ranking up.

  • DEadByUnbalance
    DEadByUnbalance Member Posts: 3

    The game is not dying on PC but, on consoles it will die if the game keeps having the bad matchmaking for Killers and Survivors alike, also all this nerfs, changes and reworks that are just making the trolls keep doing exploits and trolling... If you play this game all the time and still maintain a Buddhist zen like control over thinking about breaking your monitor/tv, computer or console after dealing with trolling and exploits screwing your game up you deserve a F*@ing MEDAL!

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    That ruin nerf was a band-aid and the way it was implemented was a sham. They must have known that games were going to fly and that certain emblems were going to be affected.

    I am not a killer if i have to follow a set of rules. Hamstringing me into doing ten hooks in a game is not going to make me way play this was.

    10 hooks, 2 or 3 gens left and winning more than %90 of chases results in the game that counts as perfect and 32k. Good luck getting any of this to work in the current game and at red ranks. Might work on 4 randoms who dont run meta perks.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Steam charts seem to reflect this, especially since the next chapter has been delayed.


  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    not to mention the toolbox changes they are going to bring in....faster gen repair speeds, 2.5 second sabotage time on hooks. not only will the killer get gen rushed even faster but they may have trouble hooking survivors depending on the rest of the team etc...good luck to anyone that wants their adept trophies now too.

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    I have given up on adepts for killers. Not gonna happen. I am not going to torture myself anymore with this game, i dont play anymore, for the sake of some useless achieve.

    This game was fun while it lasted and is in freefall now. At least for killers it is.

    Why have i spent the last hour and a half here on teh forums for a game i dont have installed or play?

    I have hope. That is all