DC Penalty! what a joke
Crashed out of the game in the middle of chase, and thats what I get!! a 15 minutes penalty and a depip from rank 1 to 2! thanks devs! what a good job
All of you think I disconnect all the time please refrain from posting
I only disconnected once 36 hours ago and it was only once, since the penalty started again I can tell I disconnected about 5 times in total
And yet I’m yet to experience this once. Probably dumb luck but it’s really strange.
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A Small price to pay. Games crash, It happens but not so regularly that this should be a problem. It's a once of thing, I'd rather on the very slight occasion have this happen then go back to the DC epidemic.
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You must have crashed several times. One single crash doesn't give you a 15-min penalty.
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yeah I had the basement bug happen to me
and for some reason killer called me a hacker after I finally died, no idea what happened to him!
you cant really force someone to play a game they dont enjoy, people still give up on hooks, I find it useless
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What about your previous dc's today?
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Last time I did intentionally leave a game was 2 days ago and I had a 5 minutes penalty, so you can imagine how surprised I was to see a 15 minutes after a crash
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None for 36 hours at least
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True but it's an online multiplayer, DC penalties come with the territory and should've been in the game from the beginning. If you DC you ruin the game for 4 other players. That kind of behavior needs a punishment. At least now players will give up instead of outright leaving.
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when you get a ghost face tbaging on top of you waiting for you to bleed out and not even looking for hatch, you just gotta leave right?
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Am I wrong or can the game tell whether you crash or dc without dedicated servers? Pretty sure it can tell. so why is dedicated too dumb to tell? Might start a separate topic about that later.
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but the d/c penalty didn't really change anything. It just punishes people who crash. Because the people that want to d/c will either still d/c or just run to the killer to get downed & give up on first hook.
I mean, I guess the killer gets more points that way... but it doesn't help survivors any.
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You can maybe check my logs then! my last intentional DC was about 36 hours ago and it was only 1 DC cause of an annoying kid tbaging on top of me for 5 mins waiting for me to bleed out as last survivor and I had 5 minutes penalty
I was in a Chase with Oni, all sudden my player froze, couldnt move, Oni was moving, he hit me once, and he was moving around me no idea what did he see, then a Loading Screen! boom 15 minutes! score board showed me and Oni as DC
Didnt take a screen shot of that score board as I didnt think I would see 15 minutes after pressing continue!
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The DC penalty is a joke.
Lately I’ve been getting killers who refuse to hook survivors they deliberate keeping you slugged for 4mins because they want you to force you into DCing. I can not stand being slugged. It’s the one thing that angers me the most in this game.
Me and my friend were playing together. I got tunneled to death and the other survivors just Killed himself. My friend and the random survivors were the only two survivors left. He down them both and instead of putting them on the hook and end the game. He just stood over their bodies nodding, spinning and lunging his weapon.
It’s is unfair you are being forced to stay in the game longer than it’s needed to be. Of course my friend DCed because the killer was refusing to put him on the hook and end the game and of course my friend gets unfairly punished for 5mins, because of a dick head killer.
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So waitting 10 minutes is better than 5?
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It's odd, I thought the first DC was 5?
Hrmm. Interesting...
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Teabagging for 5 mins when bleedout is 4. Lol.
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Unfairly punished for DC? No that's fair.
They didnt want to wait 4 mins to bleed so they can wait 5 mins for DC.
How is it hard to understand sometimes you lose, and you have to accept that?
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How hard is it to put a survivor on the hook when you already won?
It is indeed unfair that you can wasting someones time and ruin their gaming experience because you as the killer feel the need to be a dick head.
that survivor is being held in a game longer than its needs to be. You shouldn’t be forced to wait and sit until you die when you can die on a hook.
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metaphorically buddy, didnt wait more than 2 mins and just left
tell me about it, am sure there was a glitch of some sort, How I crashed out of the game and the DC Penalty was a surprise for me
What a genius! am here to play buddy, get chased, hooked, unhooked, fix gens not to wait with raven flying on top of me cause the killer was butt hurt he couldnt get me for too long.. I bit you are one of them sweatlords (: Game isnt about wining or losing, there are no winners or losers, everyone makes bloodpoints at the end of the day
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If they don't enjoy the game why are they playing?
Not enjoying the game isn't the problem people bring toxic as well as people not being able to take a loss is the problem. It happens on all different games from Madden to overwatch.
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dc penalty should only work on ragequitters and not on real crashes. dc penalty should be removed, until this is fixed.
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How do you determine if it’s a rage quit or a crash? When you answer that we’ll talk...
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am sure a they can tell if someone pressed Esc and Leave from someone who just crashed
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Yeah but you are lying so.....it's hard to take you seriously.
Maybe you would have had some merit, but by opening with dishonesty you've basically thrown any argument you have out the window now because of it.
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lol, do I look like I care for your opinion? am sure programmers who coded this game can get logs of DCing, so I didnt really need your opinion, but thanks for the input anyway :)
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Oh that wasn't an opinion, that was a fact.
You opened with dishonesty and now no one is going to really listen because of it. Do with that info what you will, try and evolve as a person, or just lash out at everyone else instead.
Good luck with whichever you choose.
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am not really following! where do you find me dishonest? I have no reason to lie dude, If I left the game that many times then I deserve the penalty but I didnt and also in this particular situation it was a genuine crash! my last intentional DC was at least 36 hours ago! dont get your point but okay suit yourself whatever you say dude
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What? Basement bug is fixed already
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They can see that you DCed, but they can't see what you did on your end. If you feel this is a bug, report it to the support team. The forums won't be able to do anything for you besides give you people to complain to.
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They had explained it in one of the recent streams.
There is no way to tell if it's a legit crash or someone pulling the cord out or turning off their PC or alt+f4. It's not rocket science, even I figured it out without needing them to explain that...
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How do you tell which is which? The games, I say games because all games with DC penalties can not which is a rage quit, a connectivity issue or game glitch.
2 of the three are not game devs problem. They can only control glitches and bugs by fixing them.
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From my knowledge there isn't, and if there was the next step would be to just unplug your router. Cause why should some one be punished cause their internet went out that's not fair is it.
The fact that people are defending someone who disconnects cause that person doesn't like what happening in a game is the funniest thing I have ever seen, because guess what there is someone on the other team who most likely doesn't like what's happening as well
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i’m sorry what? You’re ok with people just giving up but not dc’ing because dc’ing ruins the game for everyone?
isnt just giving up ruining it for everyone also? What’s the difference?
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I mean it happens. Sometimes you just trip and fall on your internet cable several times a day and THEN game crashes.
Tough luck.
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I thought it was said in a q and a or somewhere else that they couldn’t tell, that’s why everything including crashes will be classed as a dc?
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Lol that wouldn’t fit the narrative. Just wants to be able to dc anytime it suits.
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man/woman up and run no mither or unbreakable or this
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Never said I'm okay with it but realistically there's no way around people leaving the game when they want to, Giving up on hook is the lesser of the evils.
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How many DCs did you take on the chin before it came back to bite you? 😂😂😂
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I’m confused. How is giving up the “lesser of evils” just giving up means they aren’t helping anyone or doing anything either. It’s pretty much the same thing. so why not just let them dc if they want.
im just struggling to see what the difference is between ruining it For everyone by dc’ing over just giving up.
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I dont get it why people think I disconnected a 100 times before it came back to bite me
you think I became rank1 disconnecting millions? I dont care about games dude
I Promise you I didnt disconnect any games for the past 36 hours and it was only one DC
ffs people acting smart pisses me off
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It gives the killer the hook and gives the survivors some time while the killers busy hooking that person, It's a small difference but it's something.
If we just let people DC we'd go back to square one. The Reason the penalty was implemented was because people were DCing left and right with no consequence. People are always going to find a way around the penalty but the fact that it's there is enough to discourage others.
Again, I never said Giving up wasn't bad, It still ruins the game
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If it started you off with a long penalty, that's one thing because at this rate, I can go either way on if it's a dev issue or multiple DCs. I've seen plenty of red ranks DC because they know they can make that up with just a couple of games. By the same token, it wouldn't surprise me if DC penalties are broken much like other things in the game...
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hey, i got banned for cheating but i never did that! *sarcasm off*
Cool story bro...