Fan made chapter: Tyrants Reign

Riot72 Member Posts: 17
edited July 2021 in Creations

New Killer: The Tyrant

Ability: Oppresion

Perks: Change of Heart, Hex: Greed, and Divine Right

Speed: 4.6

Terror radius: 32m

Build: Tall

New Survivor: The Deal - Maker

Perks: Contract of Silence, Contract of Obscurity, Contract of Survival

New Map: Corrupted Castle

A once mighty, Tyranical King now a servant to the entity. The Tyrant is searching for a way out. He made a deal with the Entity that in exchange for the right of Divine judgement, he would act on behalf of the Entity in its realm. The Tyrant quickly realized his error, now wanting out, using his disconnection from the entity, and high stature in society, The Tyrant continues to sacrifice survivors in hope of finding an escape for himself. His perks Change of Heart, Hex: Greed, and Divine Right, allows him to strike down his enemies quickly.

Oppresion: Using knowledge he gained as king, The Tyrant quickly subdues all who would dare oppose him, use the active ability button to enter the Oppresion stance during this stance movement speed is reduced to 4.4 with 1 second activation/deactivation time during the transition movement speed is 4.2, during Oppresion attacks have a longer recovery time by 15% as well as no lunge, however for every hit attack all survivors within the killers terror radius suffer the damned¹ status effect for as long as Oppresion is active. Using the secondary action button you can use the Lance charge which charges at a speed of 4.8 directly straight for 3 seconds (not manually interuptable) breaking any pallets hit (ending the charge and stunning the killer). Oppresion stance has a recharging power gauge that takes 30 seconds to fill, Oppresion can only be used when the gauge is full giving 30 seconds of Oppresion, upon cancellation the gauge is depleted.

Damned¹ - The survivor cannot change interaction phases, meaning that if the survivor is interacting with a generator they cannot stop however no skill checks will be activated, if a survivor is in a locker they cannot exit, they cannot vault, if they are healing another survivor they cannot stop but no skill check will be activated, etc...

Change of Heart - You become obsessed with one survivor, when you injure this survivor with a basic attack the obsession changes, everytime that your obsession changes your terror radius increases by 5/10/15 meters for 5/8/10 seconds.

Hex: Greed - A cursed totem is spawned when the exit gates are powered, for as long as this totem is activated sacrifice speed is increased by 15/25/35%, and when a survivor is hooked all survivors suffer the damned effect for 5/8/10 seconds.

Divine Right - Everytime a survivor vaults or drops a pallet during a chase this perk gains a token, up to a maximum of 4/8/12, for every token your missed hit recovery speed and pallet break speed is increased by 1/2/3%. Everytime you loose a chase gain bloodlust or break a pallet this perk looses 2/2/1 token. Anytime you gain a token all survivors not in a chase, and in your terror radius suffer the damned status effect for 5/8/10 seconds

The Deal - Maker: No longer having a name, The Deal Maker traded it all to escape, all that remains is the walking hollow shell of a women, she escaped the Entity, as well as life itself... Her perks Contract of Silence, Contract of Obscurity, and Contract of Survival allow her to use the deals she has made with entity to make personal survival a bit easier, but at the lack of true living, and jolly cooperation.

Contract of Silence - You no longer cause noise notifications, but you now randomly get noise notifications for skill checks, and suffer the corruption² status effect level 3/2/1 (*stacks) when not working on a generator.

Contract of Obscurity - You can no longer see any auras and see fake auras on occasion, other survivors cannot see your aura (this does not Trump perk effects like empathy, but does Trump item effects), if you are working on a generator the killer cannot see it's aura when they are outside 32/24/16 meter radius, and the killer cannot see your aura even with perk effects. You suffer the corruption status effect level 3/2/1 (*stacks) for the entire match. Your scratch marks are a murky black.

Contract of Survival - when injured you take on the Broken status effect, leave no blood trail, or grunt in pain for 60/45/30 seconds. When you are the last survivor alive the hatch makes no noise, your exit gate opening speed is increased by 10/15/20%. When the 3rd survivor is sacrificed the killer can see the hatches aura for 30/15/10 seconds. You suffer the corrupted status effect level 3/2/1 (*stacks) for the entire match

Corrupted¹ - level 1 - you hear a faint heart beat at all times with no directional sound

level 2 - you hear a close heart beat at all times. You emit a 6 meter terror radius

level 3 - you hear a very close heart beat and terror radius at all times with a bloodstain on your back. You emit a 12 meter terror radius

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