Nerf the doctor, it's not even fun to play against

Just played a doctor with Distressing, Unerving Presence, Overcharge, and Pop Goes The Weasel. He used "Calm" and "Obedience" as add-ons.
You spend 90% of the game pulling yourself out of madness and trying to heal while skill checks are appearing randomly, shaking, and going backwards half the time.
On top of that the perks make the possibility of hitting a skill check extremely difficult.
No other killer causes so much difficulty throughout the match (which is based on skill checks!).
Add to that that he can now stop you from vaulting and see where you are half of the game.
It's unreasonable, skewed, and above all not fun. On top of that the sound effects are extremely annoying. Any child could 4k with the doctor now..
I hate playing him but that's more because he gets to see where you are all the time. As someone who much prefers being a sneaky snake over a runner, that saddens and irks me :(
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My only issue is not being able to slam pallets down on him. Other than that, I just get a headache from how loud his matches are.
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I wouldn't know what they would do, most killers aren't very strong as is. I do agree that if I load up a game as a survivor, I tend to play Pig, and see it's a doctor my heart sinks. This is because I know odds of winning just dropped heavily simply because of the character. I love that there is a strong Killer for once, even if I don't use them, as KM (Killer Mains) have been needing some love. I would rather see a strong well balanced Doctor than what we currently have. That being said, I agree that the Devs shouldn't take him off the shelf for tune ups. However I do think that KM deserve the little free wins the Doctor offers right now. So DBD Devs, work on him but let KMs have a bit of fun for a while. ;)
-The Pig main
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But...he isn't even THAT good. He still annihilates low ranked Survivors and struggles against high ranks. If you can learn to dodge the shock, you win.
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Overcharge. For real? Honestly, high rank survivors will succeed at a skill check even if its a one nano meter to hit. Had to remove Overcharge from my doctor build. It's not that efficient
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I have plenty of game experience "under my belt", I hit 98% of my skill checks.
He still makes the game less playable. Or are you arguing that playing against him is more fun and you get objectives done quicker because you have so much experience under your belt?
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Oh boy, you should've seen old ruin. If you believe it or not, to avoid that incredibly overpowered perk you had to hit GREAT SKILL CHECKS! EVERYTIME!!!
So op man.
Sarcasm btw.
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We are aware. Most of us have been playing for years. Thanks for the useless post.
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Why do you complain about "difficult" doctor skillchecks then?
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All you took from my post was skill checks? Maybe re-read it and then try typing something useful.
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From the looks of it thast what that build wants to accomplish. I don't see the point in this post. A killer's power negatively affects me therefore that killer should be nerfed.
He's not broken nor unfair to go against.
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its only going to be worse his backwards skill checks is going to be his base kit, unless they changed it from PTB
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Your post is literally nerf doctor because his skill checks are unfair and these build specfic perks make those skillchecks worse.
...And you list two other things doctor can do which is prevent vaulting and find survivors
There's not alot of complexity there.
Still boils down to a killer's power can negatively affect me therefore he should be nerfed.
Post edited by Mandy on6 -
No.. it doesn't boil down to that.. that's your perspective and a terrible one at that.
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This, coming from a guy that uses Up The Ante in every build.. Thanks for the advice.
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If thats the criteria then nerf survivors. They are No Fun to play against.
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So the skillchecks are fine? Ok then.
90% of the game healing and snapping out? He gets really easy injures on you then. If he's not in a chase with you he can only afflict madness with his static blast every 60 seconds. He needs at least two static blasts to put you in Madness T3 (if you are in Madness T1 already). So you have to snap out every two minutes on average. It's also much easier than before.
He stops you from vaulting, if he hits you with his shock. You can dodge it and then vault/throw down the pallet. He can't M1 for one second after shocking.
He can see where you are for a short amount of time every 60 seconds if you are within his TR. Not half of the game.
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I'm guessing you play the doctor and that's why your upset. Hey bud, if that's the only way you can get cheap 4ks it's OK. Just own up to it.
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Imagine complaining about a B tier killer.
While it is funny that BHVR failed spectacularly at their stated goal of making him less frustrating, Doc needed a buff, because he was awful. Now he gets elevated from C tier to B tier and people immediately cry about it.
This post shows what's wrong with the DbD survivor community, in a nutshell.
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I love to play against doctor and most of the time he gets destroyed. He's not even close to be a A tier killer and I believe you should practice with some kind of skill check simulator.
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Hey guys I don't think it's about skill or skill checks. Seems to me they want to be chased by a bear that can not under any circumstances catch them or am I wrong?
In before anyone says that's no fun...
Bullying a person on the other end can be fun. Not good fun but pissing someone off knowing they can't do anything about it. I think this is what most complaint's are about
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i hate doctor and usually suicide on hook against him
Post edited by toxicmegg on0 -
If skillchecks are your problem, just train more, overcharge is extremely meme and should not even be taken seriously as a perk.
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When facing the doctor.
1. Make sure you split up and dont all hang around the same gen.
2. Dont camp pallets. Throw them down early if being chased when nessary.
3. Use lockers to avoid being found if killer is nearby but doesn't know you are there yet.
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You must all be purple ranks. Yes doctor is easy when he's rank 9. I'm rank 1 therfore I play rank 1 doctors. When you guys get to this level let me know how you're opinion changes.
If you read my post you'll see the doctor I played maximized on his abilities (to a point most killers can't because THEY DON'T AFFECT YOUR SKILL CHECKS). Maybe the capitals will help you read..
It all plays together. Your single minded and narrow points are moot when it's the entire package I'm talking about.
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He always could stop you from vaulting and dropping pallets. You probably didn’t know that because he was such a bad killer that no one played him. Now that he’s ok and not strong at all you complain about it. It just shows how bad of a survivor you really are. Instead of asking for a catered nerf in your advantage why don’t you try getting better at the game and admit you got outplayed fairly by whatever doctor player made you create this post.
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I'm rank 1. Your post is baseless.
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I’m rank 1 both sides. Doctor is so easy to counter. No way would I ever believe you are rank 1 with this kind of post. Get better at the game.
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Fortunately, I don't care what you believe. Your a teenager.. Go to bed.
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Do you think that makes you special? Who isn't rank 1?
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Read the posts instead of jumping in thinking that you have a point to make. I was responding to his insult insinuating that I need to "get good".
Thanks for adding substance to the conversation....
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It’s obvious you are lying. GG to the doctor that made you so mad to make this post. We need more players like him.
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Did you miss the post where you were told no one cares what you think?
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You’re referring to this post you created about a doctor? Get better.
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So when you want to use being r1 as something to give you credibility why do you write bs such as doctor now being able to prevent you from vaulting since he could do that also before?
When you want an echo chamber where everybody agrees with you little boosted boy you should make a blog nobody cares about and disable the comment function. In a forum people will respond and are free to do so. You need to git good, end of story.
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I exclusively played/play Doc(pre buff)/Legion(post changes)/Freedy(pre buff) in red ranks and doc was always capable of what you are crying about..
his tracking was actually superior before and he could always stop vaults but now its quicker to connect after denying one.
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I agree, doctor needs to go.
He is worse than before, truly despicable killer.
Remove him or nerf him into the ground please
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Everytime someone brings a good argument, you start flaming like "you lowranks" and "your single minded". Kinda dumps any attempts to discuss with you.
You claim to be rank 1 and play against red rank killers. FYI ranke mean nothing. I wouldn't call myself a red rank survivor, yet I reach red ranks every season. And the matchmaking rarely gives me red rank killers btw. Also you talk about the "entire package" and still come back to skillchecks all the time. Skillchecks really shouldn't be a problem at true red ranks. And you say you hit 98% of your skillchecks. So the doc even with that build shouldn't be a problem at all. Or do you mean 98% good skillchecks against non docs?
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Hit your skill checks. Killers aren't meant for your "fun" only, Einstein.
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Having mained the Doc for a long time this actually made me chuckle. I actually chuckled cos that means he is working as intended.
The new addition is the reverse skillchecks. When i first faced them i nailed them but them asked myself if that was a bug cos i had not played doc in a fair while favoring freddy who cant be looped as much as others.
Here is how i play against DOC and i nearly use the same build you described.
STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM HIM AND HIS TR. Not saying this will work every time but if he cant spot you right away there is a good chance you can start working on gens. Just hope he does nto ahve ruin if he is good at chasing people off of gens. Do half or a quarter of a gens and move on. On opposite side of the map. If you all rotate and reverse his gen kicks then progress can be maintained on lots of gens at the same time. Dont 3 gen yourself with a doc. That is certain death. And i see a lot of people 3 genning themselves lately.
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Dude skillchecks are already super easy, and Ruin skillchecks are gone. If you can't hit skillchecks with a little bit of added difficulty that's on you, not Doc. There are far worse killers to play against
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Lol He's getting buffed next patch
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The issue I have with doctor is compared to all other killers he is overloaded to hell and is given surveillance without any perks by just exsisting due to passive madness. Either do that for every killer or make that ######### an add on. He can keep the madness passive just not everything else associated with it.
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You should try owning up to the fact that you clearly have 0 clue how to actually play against him. You literally are complaining about his skill checks that you can't hit. They're extremely generous, and its clear that you're an inexperienced player.
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Compared to the spirit or billy he is weak though.
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Could you please explain to me what you want to say, my brain is too slow. xD