I kinda understand why people want Voice chat

Wylesong Member Posts: 642

I know this may just be me venting but 3 games in a row I had fellow survivors literally standing right in my way blocking me in so the killer could down us all. I mean I get it maybe being a mistake but 3 games in a row and twice in one game by 2 different people. Then you have the smart people who stand there while you are 100% ready and safe to be unhooked or picked up off the ground but nope, they wait for the killer to sees them then run to you and give away your hiding spot on the ground only to pick you up to be slugged right down. If they had just not tried all together you would have had a better chance of bleeding out or trying to find the hatch. I would have rather those odds then be slugged and hooked.

I know me choosing to D/C from anger was my choice but because I play on the switch there is no way to communicate my frustration. I would have been nice and asked why, but we do not get that chance so I can only watch as it happens over and over again until my frustration boils over and I need a long break from this game. lol

I understand now why people want voice chat though. If I had been on a mic I could said "RUN YOU (possibly not nice word)" but instead had to watch as this survivor cornered me between a shack and tree and blocked my only escape. I also love the survivors who forget running leaves scratch marks and run EVERY WHERE! Oh you are over here hiding try to heal let me RUN all around you leaving scratch marks and then maybe heal you. OH the killer found us how did he do that? OOOOH the BRIGHT RED scratches on the wall that's right. rofl

I know before people tell me to get over it I did say at the start it was just me venting. I am over it but I do understand with some reason now why people may want voice chat. This solo survivor stuff is downright insane at times.



  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    -They add voice comms

    - You politely inform them at a hurried pace for them to please remove themselves from the immediate area as it is imperative they not become a burden

    - They stand there anyways


  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    I get where you're coming from, but voice comms would kill what little decency there is in the game. I'd rather not listen to some big head deep voice dudes with anime profile pictures rage every 5 seconds cause they get downed by the killer (on xbox almost every person with anime profile pics are toxic, shame since I like anime). Then people would also have to deal with those who decide blasting their music through their mic is perfectly fine. Then on xbox, it'd literally be 2012-2014 COD voice chat all over again:

    -Raging squeakers

    -Guys with kids/babies crying in the background


    Not to mention it would promote more toxicity and try hard attitudes. You'd get people trying to tell you what to do 24/7 and asking what build you're running and constantly criticizing you for your play style if it differs from theirs or from the meta. The xbox DBD community does not have enough decency for in game comms. Maybe there'd be a few people here and there who would casually talk but it's doubtful, on xbox at least.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    I'll be for it only if it's a proximity chat and only if the killer can hear the survivors talk as well

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    Like someone said before me, it would have to be proximity only and the killer should be able to hear it to. Not to mention a nice "toggle off all VOIP" if you don't feel like hearing a 14 year old tell you how they ######### your mom.

  • Black_Mage102
    Black_Mage102 Member Posts: 4

    Gimme those big hard N words please. That’s most voice chat nowadays lol

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    A subject we can agree on 🤣. Also you mentioning you play on switch, brings a lot of light to many of your comments. It blows my mind that voice chat isn't apart of the game yet when the dev's are so diligent on not balancing the game around SWF. Instead trying to "balance the game to close the gap" as they say. There is literally nothing they can do that makes solo play on level playing field as SWF, because if you add perks to get the effects of SWF. That's still taking up whole perk slots to even have a small portion of what it's like to be in a SWF - while SWF's get to go a full 4 perks with no fallback.

    They can't ban the use of 3rd party programs used for communication, because it would be impossible to track, and then they would be banning people on word alone - without any real proof. So trying to avoid the use of comm's is also impossible.

    The only remedy to the situation is to just give the players the ability to use voice chat, which there is also the great reccomendation of proximity chat. Which would still be weaker, but at least it's something, and remains in line with the game.

    Obviously there would an option to mute someone, it would be really stupid for there not to be. Also there would obviously be the option to deactivate it entirely, just don't expect the dev's to nerf anything because players don't want to use the tools already available to them.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    If people really want comms, I think we should go about the Splinter Cell way.

    Survivors can talk but the Killer can hear you talking. The closer you are to the Killer the louder your communication is to the Killer.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    You make a valid point lol voice or no voice people will still be toxic I guess

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I agree it is a hard balance. I wouldn't have honestly yelled but would have like to at least be able to ask why they trapped me in the corner and did not finish the gen that just need a tap to finish. I would hate to have ragers though in the game and I know it would happen sadly. =( I play to have fun no matter what happens. I honestly at times even risk myself for my team so the killer bothers me.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2020

    I have over 1000k Hours on switch and the worst part is when stuff like toxic players do that stuff like they did to me I can't even message them thanks to nintendo not allowing any REAL means of communication. The game itself at least to me is fine and the portability is nice being able to lay in bed or go out for a few drinks and pizza and play is fun. I just hate no communication. I am not even just talking mics but cant chat with words and ask why and what were they thinking.

    I also agree there would be a mute option. I mean hell I cannot play Friday the 13th without muting at least 1 or 2 kids who talk like they are tough or just all together loud. The only small problem would be on how they do voice chat. If it is the type like F13 then just because you mute the player does not mean the killer can't hear them shouting next to you. lol It would be interesting to see how they do it IF they do it.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I completely agree with you that the killer should be able to hear you. I mean if you are talking and others can you hear you why not the killer? It makes you play smart and pick and choose when to talk.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    That wouldn't work as its a buff to SWF. They can just use the likes of discord and not the in game system so the killer couldn't hear them.

    They could of course always enable voice chat if a mic is detected but that's not a good idea or the best practice.

    SWF then can just use another source such as a phone, tablet, another PC, soundcard, console to party chat again still working around the system.