We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Sick of it

BigFudge Member Posts: 240

What on Earth is going on with the matchmaking?? I had a spare hour tonight after my wife and son went to bed and thought I'd play a few games of DbD.

I gave up on survivor after a 30 minute wait for a lobby (rank 3 not that it makes a difference these days). So I load up killer because 1 match is all I have time for now, what a way to waste my time👍🏻

This is how my only match in an HOUR went

The second an asymmetrical horror game comes along that is half decent this game is going to tank (the coming months 2 are being released).

I love/loved this game but I find myself questioning whether I still play because its fun or because there is nothing else similar? I cant play survivor at all, and damn near every killer match has a lobby like this. It never used to be like this, why is it like this now? And why is NOTHING being fixed??

For those smartass people that will suggest I 'get gud' how do you suggest I do that in a 5 minute match where all 4 smash gens and are competent chasers? And thats without SWF teams being in the mix. I dont have the time to practise against these squads. I get an hour or so where I can just try to have fun and do my best.

This wasn't just one of those bad games, it was a match against a group of people whose goal it was to humiliate another person, winning isnt enough for them.

This game's just not fun anymore.


  • Mr_Happy_Hour
    Mr_Happy_Hour Member Posts: 21

    Literally same thing levels of red ranks happened against me last night, but my killer stat was at 12.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    not to be a jerk or anything but the matchmaking in that game doesn't look that bad.

    i do think that the gen repair speed needs to be fixed though. do you have the perk corrupt intervention? if you used that and discordance together...less gens for them to work on and it's more likely they will be on them together.

    i don't play killer enough to know the best perks to use especially at the moment with the way the game is so it's just an idea.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    The problem lies in the fact that the gulf in skill even between rank 1 and 4 is huge. These survivors absolutely obliterate gens and someone like me doesnt have the time to maintain the level that these people play at.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I mean, im at rank 12 killer facing 1s and 2s and not doing terribly. Maybe is was just a bad game/actual swf.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    This opinion may seem biased but this is how I view the game in its current state:

    Survivors - have to do anything and everything in their power to survive, and rightly so. Escaping the trial is the objective, nothing is off limits and the killer's fun isnt something the survivor needs to worry about, this is a competetive multiplayer game. I dont think anyone would disagree with that statement

    Killers - have to do anything and everything in their power to kill all 4 survivors as quickly as possible. Nothing is off limits and the survivors fun isnt something the killer needs to worry about, except survivors having fun is the absolute priority for the killer nowadays for some reason, and any form of efficiency towards the killers ONLY OBJECTIVE is actively punished.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    It was SWF as they were coordinating to got down in front of lockers for Head On all game. Not ALL matches are like this. Bit for someone who gets limited play time and is rank 8, teams like this are too much. And im facing them so often its getting on my nerves

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It's not even the matchmaking or ranking that's bad. Survivors are just too powerful now.

    One mistake the Killers make can cost them the whole game against good survivors. I've lost 2 chases once at the start of the match, and then the game was over before I could even make a comeback. Because you can easily equate one mistake as losing 2 gen's.

    Survivors can make so many mistakes, and because so many safe loops, and second chance perks exist they get away with it hit free. Top survivors on stream - go with meme builds, and get back to back wins against top killers using 1 crutch perk, and 3 perks to just bully the killer. Top players go Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Decisive Strike, and Borrowed Time w/ a med-kit, and literally just dominates in the match because the killer can't maximize on any of their mistakes.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    First time ive played killer since uploading thia post

    Its nearly every game now. Do the devs even care that this is happening??

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited March 2020

    I heard that they working on the mm, so that it not shows ranks anymore.... :D

    Guess, that will not really be a help. The dissatisfaction will just raise after a few weeks and people will cry for nerfs, for everything, more as before because then are not the ranks anymore the reason to lose the matches, but the "unfair gamemechanics" ;).

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    Dont know about anyone else but im still having a great time.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    Yea I think im gonna take a break from this game. Thanks for giving a ######### devs 👍🏻