General Discussions

General Discussions

So do I just become toxic and be an ######### to reach red ranks again?

Member Posts: 60
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Game is a joke, keep getting pit against people who are 8 ranks higher than me who like to flashlight click, teabag and moonwalk for seemingly no reason and yet the game isn't survivor sided btw, lmao.

People wonder why killers camp, tunnel or leave matches, smh

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  • Member Posts: 72

    Ultimately you have to ask yourself, is it worth it for you ? When all is said and done, does the positive outweigh the negative ?

    Granted you can try some strategies to tilt the equation more to the positive side, (ask me about what to dodge in lobbies, best lobby dodger in OCE) but never the less the question will still be, well is it worth it ?

    This is coming from some one playing killer less and less with one foot already out the door.

  • Member Posts: 1,776

    It's not the flashlight clicks, tbags or moonwalks that make the game survivor-sided. Just sayin'.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Nah just the genspeeds the perks the maps and the devs.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    They're allowed to do stuff like that because they know they can afford to waste their time and still get an "ez game"

  • Member Posts: 1,131


  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Unfortunately playing killer to stay in red ranks does require a try hard mentality. And often a need to tunnel someone at some point in the game. It is 4v1 so at the highest level it should be hard .

    I know for me I just want that 4k as a killer. And have been conditioned to see this as a win condition by the emblem system. If I had started the game under different emblem conditions, where I could reach red ranks with a 2k average perhaps it would be different.

    I guess this is why we see so few red rank killers anymore, and when I do I don't even blame them when they tunnel me out of the game. Don't get me wrong, I hate it, but it is a necessary evil at red ranks because of the skill of many of the survivors.

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