Can you get banned for doing nurse speed thing in kill your friends?

Can you explain me what you mean with it? How to get on top of buildings?
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there is a bug with one of nurse's add ons, that allows you to get a incredible amount of speed as shown in this video:
Some people say its bannable, and i want to know if thats also if its done in kill your friends
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I think in KYF its not bannable but i am not sure.
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You are most certainly not
- You are not exploiting the bug to win a game, you just want to explore and mess around
- In order to get banned you need to be reported, if you are playing with your friends with the objective of messing around then you are not gonna get reported by them (unless they are terrible friends)
- It would be bannable to do it in a public lobby where there is an objective and there is supposed to be a fair competition
Go ahead have fun
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Until we see an official banner announcement on the forums, like we did for the Legions bugged Nasty/Filthy Blade add-ons which made mending time infinitely stack, there should be no reason to fear any bans for using the add-on with exception to obvious abuse. Until BHVR makes that official announcement, I don't think they can really blame anyone for accidentally running it, unless they get reported by multiple groups of survivors for multiple games. Being reported for 1 or 2 games could be just the killer player discovering the bug, and then trying to recreate the situation for it so that they can record and report it themselves, more times than that though, and you're looking at someone who knows its a bug/exploit and are purposely abusing the hell out of it. Basically until the announcement makes the exploit/bug public knowledge, BHVR shouldn't ban players for it unless they are reported as 3+ times repeat offenders.
As for playing around with it in KYF lobbies, I don't think your friends are going to report you as KYF is more of a testing/training grounds anyway, and discovering bugs in that setting isn't really hurting anyone or gaining you points towards your rank, character levels, or BP pool.
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I just faced a Nurse doing this exploit. I understand accidentally triggering it, but this person was straight up trolling and being toxic with it. I reported this person in game and will submit a ticket.
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You reported the wrong person. You should have reported the Dev team for making this happen in the first place.
You reported a normal player, actual toxic player would just use hacks (getting banned doesnt mean anything to them)