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What do you think of the legion?

Asuz Member Posts: 138

Don't you think that he is very weak relative to other killers?

Is it possible to make -4 in the Legion at high ranks?

What tactics can be applied to the legion?

What is wrong with his ability (What is missing in his ability)?

And does the legion need rework?

P.S. I really like the legion as characters, but as a killer he is weak :(

P.P.S. Does it not seem to you that the theme that is being raised in the Darkness Among Us trailer is not revealed in the game?


  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I've played him a couple of times last week and I really enjoyed it, he isn't a killer I use often but I'm pretty sure I 4Kd both times, you just have to know when to hit multiple people and when to cancel and chase.

    The one thing I would like on him is a shorter stun time however, but it's not needed for him to be playable imo.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    They need to completely scrap deep wound and just let his power be that he can run faster, vault windows and pallets. He would be pretty op

  • Asuz
    Asuz Member Posts: 138

    What is the best approach to the killer as a defender of generators or as a chaser or all at once?

    Legion heavily dependent on perks?

    On which maps can the Legion not show its best?

    Is it difficult for the survivors to counter the Legion?

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641
    edited March 2020

    "What is the best approach to the killer as a defender of generators or as a chaser or all at once?"

    A) So the answer like all things in life is it depends. For example, if the game just started and I come across three survivors on one generator I'm trying to feral frenzy all three at least before focusing one. Usually what I like to do is frenzy all three then return to the gen and see who came back thinking I was going to keep chasing one of the others. But let's say it's mid game and I come across two survivors on the same gen, one is on death hook, the other is not, I may just say screw it and frenzy the death hook target, cancel, and finish the chase and leave the other one alone if I have the generator time to spare, it's really all about feel. Some of this feel can also be accomplished through the use of perks I'll talk about in a minute.

    "Is Legion heavily dependent on perks?"

    A) Are you reading my mind man?! They are dependent on perks but not more than any other killer, all killers need good perk builds at this point outside of maybe nurse and spirit and Hillbilly. For Legion my personal favorite is what I call the stealthy pressure build.

    BBQ and Chili / Monitor and Abuse / Hex: Ruin / Surveillance

    So Legion due to the map pressure created through the increased movement speed of frenzy is one of the killers that can use the new Hex: Ruin quite effectively. The idea with this perk build is every time you chase survivors off a generator it not only regresses 200% faster but it will also show white thanks to surveillance, if survivors start progressing the generator again it will glow yellow. As you chase survivors off generators you will start to be able to narrow down which ones they could be working on more and more accurately and this build makes 3 gens a nightmare for survivors. I once had a 5-gen defense going against an SWF team because of this perk combo, it's fantastic. Alternatively you can go with pop goes the weasel and thrilling tremors for a more down and hook based approach, tremors blocks unworked gens and shows you where best to use pop, but I find this combo doesn't give me the same level of information. Admittedly using Hex: Ruin is a hex totem so there may be games where it goes down early, still you can use surveillance with generator kicks if necessary or you suspect survivors will come back to a generator.

    You could also take out BBQ and Chili for Nurse's Calling to get some very sneaky hits on people trying to heal after frenzy.

    "On which maps can the Legion not show its best?"

    A) Like a lot of killers, insanely large maps are just difficult to pressure. Crotus Penn Asylum, Ormond, and Coldwind would be the three worst options. Legion in my experience doesn't do bad on Haddonfield as his feral frenzy can often counter balanced landing, at least for landing injuries.

    When I was pushing for rank 1, I burnt every hawkins offering I had, Legion crushes that map hard, same with Lery's.

    "Is it difficult for survivors to counter the legion"

    A) I don't know if you can really counter him, nor that you necessarily need to, he's going to do what he does, he will feral frenzy, he will cause deep wounds requiring mending, he will keep survivors injured a lot. If survivors spend time healing, they aren't on gens, if they refuse to heal and rush gens, he gets sneaky downs with Monitor and Abuse. Legion also has some very interesting addon choices that can alter how survivors can deal with him. For example the Legion Pin forces survivors hit during killer instinct to be un-healable for 60 seconds. Slap that addon in your slot when you see four med kits and watch the butthurt commence. Likewise you could run the smiley face pin and go for some aura blindness for possible slugging or the defaced smiley ping for causing mangled on hit with killer instinct. Just remember the first hit during frenzy does not impose these effects, if you want your first target to get them you'll need to hit them a second time, canceling your frenzy.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    Wasn’t Legion a group of people, specifically 4? I always thought the other 2 would pop in eventually. Also wish when he was released that each Legion character was slightly different. Like 1 would let you vault windows faster, one would let you vault pallets faster, one would put you in mending longer, and one could use their power longer, by default.

    Legion had a lot of potential, and to be low key 4 new killers in one package, but instead we got 2 and they are identical.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Technically depending on cosmetic choices you are one of the four, the cosmetic I use means I technically play as Joey, instead of Frank who is the default male or Julie the default female, I believe Suzie has a cosmetic as well. It's not well fleshed out admittedly, and I have no defense for their very bland lore and atrocious chapter introduction, I just do well with their mechanics.

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    No, we have 4, it's just that the other two of them have to be purchased. I love the stabby gang but there is no denying that they are just a vessel for cosmetic sales.

  • Asuz
    Asuz Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2020

    Perhaps they will rise to level 1 at level 12, playing only on the legion?

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I love to play as legion, I really do, but sometimes he just feels underwhelming.

    I have been using new ruin on him and its unbelivably good, it makes him really fun to play.

    I really hope he gets a rework in the future.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    If survivors do not panic and do not waste their time on healing, Legion has no power. :')

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    What elsw you like to use besides ruin on him? I know ruin is particularly good on him just curious what u run.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    Super boring and tedious to play as.

    Super boring and tedious to play against.

    Yeah I dont think they're in a good spot at all

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Yes he is considered very weak in general. But in reality... he is just very annoying to play against. Right now I'm pretty much facing everyone cause of the bad system atm and my build to make it as miserable as possible: Thanataphobia, Blood Echo, Pop Goes The Weasel and Make Your Choice. Addons are 'Broken effect' pin and 'Blindness effect' pin.

    This makes it so people injured are "broken, blind, exhausted, Hemorraged and suffering from Thanat so even when they do get to heal, slow asf. Make Your Choice is to punish healing cause the ones most likely to save hooks are ones able to take a protection hit or have Borrowed. Pop for what gens they've managed to do inbetween. This makes Legion annoying as hell. If they dont quit once they see the status effects, itll be a constant mend and save game buying lots of gen time.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Legion is a joke as Killer, he is weak and has more downsides to their power than benefits. The gameplay is very boring and frustrating and doesnt feel rewarding at all. Its very boring to play against a Legion aswell because he has no power to down someone, so there is nothing that spices up the chase against a Legion. Its very easy to bully a legion and there is no "danger" coming from this Killer.

    I love Legion from the disgn (especially susie <3) but they srsly need some help. Imo adding a secondary power to down survivors would help legion alot.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Legion is fun

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    for me from begining legion was a mistake which somehow got to the game he should get whole new power deep wound isnt fun for any side

  • Quake
    Quake Member Posts: 230

    I dont know your skill level,I guess u are a very decent killer with several thousand hours into the game but legion can be countered hard by survivors simply not stacking and not healing.

    By not stacking I mean the moment legion FF you run the hell as far away as possible from teammates,and not wasting time heading.

    Treat legion as a m1 killer all game and get out of.

    Of course doesn't always work and there are exceptional killers out there.

    My 2c.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    Spoken like a true Legion main! As a frequent Legion player, you hit the secrets to playing them well. Very informative post!

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Well, my current build on legion is

    • Surveillance
    • Ruin
    • Enduring
    • BBQ

    I put on BBQ mostly because I am farming BP for Deathslinger, but I usually run spirit fury or thantophobia instead of it

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Solid build, you have gen slowdown and information with something to help his weakness which is getting that 2nd hit.

    Right now ive been running thana, pop, bbq, and nurses calling!

    Tho ive been looking into messing with another build just for fun even if its not effective by itself. Thana, Nurses, Blood echo, monitor and abuse, for full power synergy!

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited March 2020

    Probably the dumbest killer ever created and a joke to what he turned into.

    I think they are probably the weakest killers there are. Maybe cowboy bob will take his place.

    His power lacks any kind of threat for the survivor there is no lethality just annoyance. Survivors only die to legion when they get to greedy. His biggest problem is probably that in order for legion to have any effect at all on the survivors, they need to group up, which doesn't happen after you know it is legion.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
    edited March 2020

    When I see a nurse “ok i probably have to actually try”

    When I see legion “lol”

    red ranks btw

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    I mean, this is just a bad killer player, regardless of it's legion or not though.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    He isn't a good killer, like at all

    His fatigue is way too long, he is punished for missing (On console, the aim dressing is horrid and pretty much if the survivor moves right the aim dressing completely hurts you more than helps), the entire screen pretty much goes black when in fatigue, Deep Wounds is not threatening at all on him, Franks Mixtape isn't worth the title of VR, Fuming Mixtape is laughable, and thats about it

    He isn't fun to play as whatsoever, and his trailer wasn't related to his power whatsoever besides being able to vault windows.

    I am pretty sure Legion was designed to be annoying, and at best he is just a killer who is punished for hitting survivors out of frenzy, and is heavily punished inside of frenzy.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    He lacks the ability to down people. Build-in enduring would be good for him.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    I've never played as him, only against him. He sucks to play against. Basically the second legion spots you it's pretty much over. You can try and run as long as you want but he's basically designed to tunnel hard. I've managed to escape the exit gates against him maybe once in the 6 or so matches I've played against him. I think it was because it was a baby legion and all he kept doing was using the mangle attack on all of us, but maybe he was just taking it easy on everyone.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    If a game is not going well, it's sometimes worth it as a Legion to focus on just landing as many hits as you can for points and to get Iridescent Chaser and Malicious Emblems, this will compensate for a really bad gatekeeper or devout score and allows Legion to safety pip a little easier than most killer.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    This is the best way to counter Legion yes, but really this counters just about every killer in the game right now, so he's not really unique in that regard. About the only killers not really countered by spreading out is Billy, Nurse, of course Freddy, and maybe Oni.

    If I hit the first target with frenzy and see no one close, I will follow until their speed boost from getting hit wears off, then try to cancel frenzy in a spot where I will have time to catch up before a pallet or window if possible, while you lose most sight when canceling frenzy it's not completely black, also if you are close you can track the survivor by wounded sounds, similar to how nurse players track while recovering from blinks. At that point it does devolve into a chase against an M1 killer and the Legion will have to be very good to determine if he should continue chasing his target or go to attempt to injure someone else.

    In a way he almost adopts a wraith like playstyle of hit and run tactics with frenzy and then comes back around (at least how I play him) with Monitor and Abuse and tries to finish the job by sneaking up on top of a survivor and downing them before a chase can commence.

    Will this work every time? Of course not, are some legion players bad? Absolutely, is he a top tier killer? Not even close. I don't recommend playing Legion to anyone, but I know I can win with him and that's enough for me personally. Should everyone try him? Again, I'm not sure, I think everyone should try every killer at least once and see which one has a style that works for them. At this point I've played enough of Legion to know his weaknesses and try to accentuate his strengths, same with every killer.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited March 2020

    I personally think it's the fun factor he's lacking in the most. I really don't see his power being that fun for either side. As Legion it's stab, run, stab, run, enter 4 second cooldown and play as an M1 killer. As survivor it's just mending simulator.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited March 2020

    OMg yOu poinTed aT hiM.


    Fr tho rip to that Legion bruh

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Really weak but also annoying to play against.

    Deep Wounds is a laughable status effect and needs improvements.

    Once injured, he's just a loopable M1 killer trying to run people down...that isn't ever going to be good. His power needs to be able to help him after they are already injured.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Very bad design. Just straight up sucks the fun out of the game as survivor and isn’t all that cracking to use as killer either.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    They should change his Mori so that when he does a Mori, all of Legion comes in to stab/slice up the survivor.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Probably the worst designed killer (gameplay wise) in the entire game.

    They are noob stompers because all low rank survivors will do is heal when it isn’t worth it and against good survivors they really don’t have a power. Their power is to give survivors Borrowed Time and a Sprint Burst.

    Annoying to play against and weak as hell to play as. I don’t see how anybody gets enjoyment out of playing Legion.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    The legion = edgelord fanservice.