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What's your least favourite map?

arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

It doesn't have to be your least favourite map balance wise, just the map you hate playing on the most.

Can't put all maps seperately to the poll options so please specify which one in the comments.

What's your least favourite map? 129 votes

Macmillan Estate Maps
Taigasourglobe 2 votes
Autohaven Wreckers Maps
lsanders92creeping_death 2 votes
Coldwind Farm Maps
EsskayYucchiTapeKnotElikDr_LoomisTodgeweihtMang_AnwarAzgarthusLarikalAwkward_Fiendasparagus 11 votes
Crotus Prenn Asylum Maps
FoggyDownpourAztreonam78StindeRullisiSunaIIanuxOMNISCIENTx 6 votes
Backwater Swamp Maps
FatelancearslaNJacoby2041Aven_FallenFog_KingFichteHiroBrucecastro81DetailedDetrimentanonymous31337Stefan_ParaschivFoxfire47KirannacondaOwlzeytazerling7953Cephalon_LebronKattAkrozTheEntityNea 17 votes
Haddonfield / Springwood
WeederickHunter__Seiko300PandomGhostRoaster29NescauSpartagone45BabyCameron10KnucklesAvilguspichumudkipPlantCollectorWSNLHazDaBoiIronBarneyRooster18ArdjetDarkHunter99GamekeeperHexBananaBread 23 votes
Yamaoka Estate Maps
HommeBizarreDocShamefulKingMegMain98Trwthjmaximo93skinboy142[Deleted User]konchokAhoyWolfoTechnicRaven014GreatTurkiPurgatorianIcewhisperPainaSRHuntcornbreadeaternoname11223345Spectre13 24 votes
Red Forest Maps
BossSN1P3R5G3TH3AD 2 votes
Lery's / The Game / Hawkins
Dwight_FairfieldInjiJetTheWaffleCatCheersVolantConch1719LALYTHIAxEathen4321alaenyiatoxicmeggKnotEnthusiastLx_maliceGOODBOYMODZZnimesulidePapiQuentin_GothicPrincessPlayer35ChildofGodzireael_amberulm 33 votes
AdelooRiead19970UistreelAlgorithmicalPlaquerJoelwinoDeshChurchofPig 9 votes


  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    Backwater Swamp Maps

    I despise both Pale Rose and Grim Pantry, but especially Pale Rose makes me depressed. Don't really know why I hate them so much.

  • Ardjet
    Ardjet Member Posts: 85
    Haddonfield / Springwood

    I don´t like how you put all the inside maps together, as they´re quite different. I absolutely loathe The Game, but I like Lery´s and Hawkins.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241
    Haddonfield / Springwood

    Springwood preschool loop is so annoying, please can we have a different set up now and then?

  • HazDaBoi
    HazDaBoi Member Posts: 70
    Haddonfield / Springwood

    Haddonfield is 💩

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    As a killer, Ormond is just too bright and hard to identify scratch marks.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179
    Yamaoka Estate Maps

    The Yamaoka estate and sanctum can eat ######### with its tall ass grass bullshit and horrid pallet loops.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    Coldwind Farm Maps


  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096
    edited March 2020
    Lery's / The Game / Hawkins

    Its The Game map for me. My playstyle doesnt really sit well with that map.

    Lery's and Hawkins are aight. The new look on Lery's is SICK though. Been having allot of fun on that map.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • creeping_death
    creeping_death Member Posts: 25
    Autohaven Wreckers Maps

    I hate autohaven. Also coldwind

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344
    Haddonfield / Springwood

    Haddonfield. I hate to play it as survivor and killer. Hawkins and Ormond are pretty high on that list too.

    xOMNISCIENTx Member Posts: 64
    Crotus Prenn Asylum Maps

    I tend to get very lost in asylum maps ;-; I am into spacious maps, seeing from afar

  • Foxfire47
    Foxfire47 Member Posts: 232
    Backwater Swamp Maps

    I despise Backwater as Killer AND Survivor. I also do not like Haddonfield or Springwood for Killer and Survivor as well.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    As Killer, Ormond is the worst, a plethora of safe loops between safe filler pallets, and a main building that gives the Myers House a run for its money. It feels like fractured cowshed's loops around the Myers house rather than an empty field. For survivor, definitely Pale Rose, finding totems is a nightmare, there are so many dead zones and visibility is incredibly poor, I always feel I have to stick to the docks and shack since every other place spawns with 1 pallet.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Dead man saloon

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123


  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited March 2020
    Yamaoka Estate Maps

    Please delete Yamaoka maps. They’re the absolute worst. I wanna die every time I load into a Yamaoka map.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    Backwater Swamp Maps

    Idk, I just don't like playing on Pale Rose and Grim Pantry. As a Killer, the Gens are normally far apart and there is this God Loop in the main building on Grim Pantry. As a Survivor, there are few Pallets and vaults. There are some pretty cool hiding spots though.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464
    Lery's / The Game / Hawkins

    The Game is safe pallet heaven when you're killer, with RNG dead ends that will randomly end your life as survivor. Plus it's insanely claustrophobic and tremendously unfun all around.

    And Hawkins is the opposite. Every pallet is unsafe, but there's a million of them, and the hallways are miniscule so you can't use half the killers in the game's power. Plus more RNG rooms.

    Just delete every indoor map. Lery's isn't bad, but it's still not great either.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    Yamaoka Estate Maps

    I had to go with yamaoka, on all systems but the ps4 the new one is far too dark. It benefits none except stealthy claudettes.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    I can't see auras on that stupid map. Any hex perks that I would usually defend are now defenseless because I can't even see them. Also the loops and the main building are both ridiculously survivor sided, at least crotus penn has a big dead zone and mediocre loops outside of its stupid main building. And for some reason all four survivors spawn together in the shack so much and finish the gen before a killer can even reach it.

  • shadowwings8810
    shadowwings8810 Member Posts: 28
    Yamaoka Estate Maps

    It's hard to navigate in this place. I've gotten used to the swamp but this place makes me groan 10x worse.

  • Yucchi
    Yucchi Member Posts: 250
    Coldwind Farm Maps

    ######### CORN. I CAN'T SEE #########

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Yamaoka Estate Maps

    I cant see people on this map. On Coldwind maps I can see through corn, but Yamaoka is so dark that the foliage hides them even better to the point of being invisible. I played a hide and seek gamemode in customs, and the winner of my seeker match picked Yamaoka as the next map (the survivor who lasted the longest gets to choose the map, while the first one to die gets to be seeker). The next seeker literally gave up because that map is broken for a gamemode like that, and now that map is banned for good reason.

    My point? Yamaoka needs to be fixed before other maps. Bedham is a close second, next to Haddonfield and Ormond.

  • Hunter__
    Hunter__ Member Posts: 53
    Haddonfield / Springwood


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    Red Forest Maps

    Way too gigantic.

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889
    Lery's / The Game / Hawkins

    I say this with no hesitation

    Fu^^ Hawkins

  • Psyhel
    Psyhel Member Posts: 21

    Shelter Woods.

  • Shdw_Void
    Shdw_Void Member Posts: 37

    I just hate Ormond. Just aesthetic wise and gameplay wise not that great.

  • Player35
    Player35 Member Posts: 119
    Lery's / The Game / Hawkins

    Hawkins, I just hate it. It's too confusing

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,214
    Lery's / The Game / Hawkins

    I like NOT playing in a maze, thank you very much.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    Lery's / The Game / Hawkins

    Since there is no stinky Saloon option, i go for the Indoor maps. I hate them, as Survivor and Killer equaly.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921
    Yamaoka Estate Maps

    I despise dark maps in general, including Lery’s. If I can barely see the Survivor I’m chasing or the pallet I’m trying to rush to, then you have a problem. Not to mention that playing against stealthy Survivors on dark maps is nearly impossible. I had one match as Clown where I got no downs the entire match and only three or four chases because I could not see anything and all the Survivors did was hide.

  • KurtKobainFreak01
    KurtKobainFreak01 Member Posts: 38
    Haddonfield / Springwood

    Springwood is a walking pile of flaming dogshit.