most hilarious/fun way to depip as killer (without DCing)?

I reached rank 1 as Bubba last night. now i want to depip as fast as possible so i don't have to play sweaty to complete the upcoming tome. What are some stupid unviable builds that are hilarious? any killer setups beyond the obvious?
I play observer wraith: Discordance, Bitter Murmur, Spies from the Shadows, and Territorial Imperative. No addons. I just go around the map and just watch survivors work so diligently.
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Iri head huntress
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Tombstone Myers
######### the entity.
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Use nurse with speed add-ons and just chase survivors without blinks. Nemesis and play with your food as well
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Pick nurse and afk the match. You can do it all day for rift xp
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Any female killer, legion or school girl spirit to make it better, ghost face maybe. Use the Spirits perk Rancor. Then go find your chosen senpai and just chase him/her around until all 5 gens are done then kill em.
Then end of game be one of two things i type down.
"Where's my senpai! T-T" or "Senpai is mine you can't have em!"
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Legion with Enduring, Brutal Strength, Spirit Fury, and Distressing. You can only attack Survivors through Feral Frenzy; and cannot ever M1, Grab, or hook a Survivor. The goal is to get the longest chain of Frenzy hits.
It's fun to watch Survivors react in different ways. Plus you get to chase after and stab everyone for tons of Hunter, Brutality, and Deviousness points.
Not hooking is important, since you'll need to keep your Devout score at zero to go for a depip.
Also, while I can't make you do anything, I'd like to ask that if you depip you take it easy on the lower Ranked Survivors.
Get your challenges fine, but in more of a 'catch-and-release' way, and less of a 'curbstomp-the-less-experienced' way please?
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Unexpected Tombstone Myers.
Step 1: Get in T2.
Step 2: Go afk in front of a gen.
Step 3: Wait till survivors show up to toy around with you.
Step 4: Get easy T3.
Step 5: Have fun. :)
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Ghostface, use shroud, and then try to pretend your repairing generators. Every time your power get's removed you take a shot. Every time a survivor see's you and runs away you take a shot.
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Play as Clown. Chase the survivors and pelt them with bottles, trying for direct hits. If you have Beast of Prey and Distressing on him, use those for the BP boost.
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If you are patient, use Insidious, Noed, Rancor, and Bloodwarden on Nurse and go inside a gate (make sure no one is looking) and wait until they open it at the end and give someone a nasty surprise. If it's not the obsession you get to block the gates and have 1 minute of killin' time while everyone panics, if it is the obsession then you could still do that or just murder them. Don't worry about Rancor giving you away since Insidious blocks auras, they won't even know you have it until it's too late >:)
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Pick up a controller, Play as Nurse, play my best.
That's a guaranteed way for me to depip. It's also good practice for the inevitable kill all 4 survivors using the Nurse tome challenge.
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Lol playing nurse is a sure fire depip for me too!
Lots of funny, interesting ideas here glad OP made this. Plus remember rank reset is Friday
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i decided on playing the plague and chasing and vomiting on one survivor for 5 gens.
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I'd consider replacing Rancor with Mad Grit. SWF teams will body block you.
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Ambush only Amanda self-explanatory
Frenzy only Legion. Self-explanatory
One shot perk only- you can only hit survivor whilst you have a instadown perk activated. Powers do not count.
Perk you're allowed to use
Make your choice
Devour hope
Haunted grounds
No one escapes death
Remember these perks must be active to count in the case of make your choice if you hit the wrong person you have to leave them then go find the right one.
Trap pop Mandy- you are not allowed to Sacrifice, mori or let people bleed out the only way you can kill them is with bear traps
No one escapes Memes- you must get a 4K using endgame collapse. Blood warden and noed are your best friends. No Bleeding Out no sacrificing and no killing Them by your own hands. you must leave it all to The Entity