So if I read the patch notes right...

- Hangman’s Trick got nerfed (6 meters max btw lol).
- Sabotaging is still crazy fast.
- A killer still can’t hook a survivor on a hook that’s being sabotaged in your face.
- Saboteur is 2.5 seconds to break a hook without a toolbox.
- Nothing changed for Deathslinger except bloodpoints.
i’m still gonna be positive ;)
Feedback is important btw.
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The ruin feedback really made an impact then.
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Don't worry though dropping a survivor only gives 25% wiggle progression now. 🙃
Slug meta it is then.
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Yep. Only for survivors though.
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You also forgot that all crows are disturbed within a 24 meters of the deathslinger shot I kinda like this one.
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You forget: "E FOR THE PEOPLE!"
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Not only did he not get any buffs he actually got nerfed with the crows being set off every time he They also nerfed gear head so now that perk isn’t getting used ever.
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General consensus: "Deathslinger struggles to actually down survivors which makes 110%ms hard to justify."
BHVR: nerfs Gearhead
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Hey at least they had the decency to nerf him before the DLC got released. Unlike Oni.
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Third dlc in a row I won’t be buying.
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oh right, I forgot the insane perk that is Gearhead. Thank god the devs looked into that and balanced it. whew.
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I see, a man of culture as well
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You know that you're a DBD veteran when you see the forums on fire after another dumb decision from the dev team and your only reaction is "hmmm, another Tuesday release day..."
I just hope Deathslinger gets buffed before the year is out...
Good god I hate this game.5 -
I'm equipping Agitation, Mad Grit, and Hangman. Anyone who sabo's is eating dirt.
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Unless they pop out and sabo from behind the hook at the last second, getting a free block from the post that you have to walk/swing around.
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I expected there to be posts but not at much as this. I thought since the devs had an extra week to balance things out they would’ve done better but uhh...heh.
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camp tunnel and slug, make this game as miserable for survivors as the devs make it for killers.
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I think you need to calm down. We still have a year to go. I don't know about you, but that's so much time. They surely will do something. Feedback counts, so keep giving them feedback.
Also big question here: why can't a headshot instadown the survivor because back in my day a headshot was a instakill.
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Though the hooks are removed at pretty fast pace, I one can say that it isn't as bad as you think... Yeah with some coordination and swf, it could really being down some killers moods; but in random games it's basically worthless unless you wait for the right time and guess the right hook. I say this isn't much of an issue because it also doesn't take long for the hook to return in game anyways.
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They nerfed Deathslinger's perks and gave a QoL fix to Karina's perks.
Typical behaviour, got to make the survivor experience as fun as possible without any consideration for the killer.