Game Crash Rant.... Kinda

This may seem clickbaitish but that's just how this one is gonna roll. I've played 8 matches tonight and 2 of them crashed. That's a record for me after a new patch. Now I'm not complaining about the ban penalties if that's what you're thinking. I've had 1, 5 minute timeout for a crash midgame since penalties came in. these 2 crashes happened in loading screen at roughly 50%. game just froze and nothing short of ctrl+alt+del would fix it. 2 out of 8 isn't very good odds of a hard lock up of the game. hope you guys are on the fix for this soon. in the meantime keep banning those unsportsman like dc jerks that still plague this game somehow.
This bug happens to me a lot. My record is 5 in a row.
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@Dwinchester ouch, that's rough. i thought 2 was bad
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I can't even enter main menu without crashing