Love Deathslinger - a survivor player

After the patch, survivor queue times seems faster than killer times, therefore I just played as survivor at this week.
I just LOVE the new killer. He is challenging to go against, deadly if you fool around him.
With most other killers, survivors keep playing Michael Jackson (moonwalking), running in circles, clicking flashlights and other silly things.
With the new killer, if you get too bold, he shoots you and things are not silly anymore.
That is what the new killer corrects. Survivors being silly against a killer. I HAVE to hide, to play careful, not be silly. A pallet must be dropped at the right time because I will be shot and it will protect me against a direct hit. I MUST run fast and vault and flee if Deathslinger is chasing me. I MUST be afraid and respect Deathslinger, because he wont forgive foolishness and goofiness.
And he does not feel overwhelming like Billy or Oni (not complaining, dont nerf them), because he has low mobility.
Wich made me feel again that playing as survivor is a worthy challenge, not a prank or goofy or daring game session as before.
It also helps that he's pretty bad, plus if you're behind something then you can still BM!
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Just for your information, survivor queue is faster because people are trying out new killer.
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As OmegaXII said, survivor queues are faster as the only thing for their side to try is the new map.
I don't know what rank you are, but the Deathslinger is only challenging right now cause not everyone plays the PTB and don't know how to deal with him. He's a lower-class huntress with a fun gimmick but his effectiveness is limited, he is ungodly slow, and his perk synergy outside of STBFL is non-existent.
I would say enjoy it while you can because once people understand how to loop him, that 110% base movespeed is gonna feel like a boulder around his neck.
Hard pass personally, but to each their own. Not gonna judge anyone on their killer choices when I used Legion in red ranks.
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That is actaully extremelly inaccurate. From what I've seen so far he has amazing sinergy with perks that the huntresss can only dream of. He can basically use any exposing perk with his gun, get you in close range and just insta down you. Also you can't mind game him around windows because he can insta shoot you unlike the huntress who first has to wind up her hatchet. And if he catch you he can easly hit over the window