Would an "Alien: Isolation" themed Chapter be fitting to Dead by Daylight?

Godot Member Posts: 806

I had this idea in my head for a while now. This isn't a suggestion, this is a question to the community and an interesting thing to debate/talk about.

Given that the Killer would be the Xenomorph otherwise known as The Alien, What would the creature's powers be?

Would a dark Space Station-like map be fitting to Dead by Daylight? Do keep in mind that simple "exit gates" would have to be changed to something like "vault doors", behind which are "escape pods", because opening a gate right into airless space wouldn't be a genius idea. xd

In my opinion, a chapter like this would include a very cool map with different exit mechanics, as well as a rather scary killer with interesting powers.

What about the perks though?



  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    I think we all know what the Mori would be like on a Xenomorph. I pity those that don't know what I'm talking about.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    But in this case, the Xenomorph would be under control of the Entitus, like all the other killers. That means it is restricted and not meant to be exactly like in the original movie/game as I see it.

    and if you played the game, you know you can trick the Alien in ways that should not be possible when considering the movie-lore..

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Imagine how boring the alien movies would have been if instead of sending Ripley, marines, or whatever(predators) to defeat the xenomorphs. All you needed was a board of wood.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    If we can have a zombie cowboy, nothing is off the table honestly.

  • Codela
    Codela Member Posts: 96

    I mean, we've also gotten the Demogorgon, so except for some licensing issues, I can't think of a solid reason of why it would be impossible to have a Xenomorph.

    That said, however, I'd love to get a killer that gets close to what the Entity is. I cannot think of a concrete concept right now, but somebody who's heavily influenced by the Entity maybe - maybe even the Entity itself? :P

    Maybe a killer that functions on a meta-level, shifting maps, tiles, loops, changing their appearances, making survivors question the game and match itself, pulling survivors into different mini-worlds from which they need to escape, fooling survivors about where generators are placed, ... I know that some killers covere at least partially one or more of those aspects and I'm aware that it's a bit of a weird concept, but I'd love to see something like that one day!

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, the devs did say that they want humanoid only characters, but I do think that the Xenomorph could be classed as humanoid with this type of image:

    The main visual and mechanical problems will arise from having that tail, though, considering that it's as long, if no longer than the rest of it's body. As for ability, I dunno. I do feel like it should possibly have a stealth ability and be able to possibly have it as a crouch/traversal ability where it is lower to the ground, in an animalistic all-fours style, and able to simply slide over/under obstacles, and jump up holes similar to Oryx from R6: Siege. Maybe not able to attack while in this mode, though, as that would possibly be a little too gamebreaking.

    It'd be nice to see some mobility that wasn't Hillbilly or something akin to a teleport.

    And normally I do agree with you, but I also have to point out that the same thing generally goes for Michael Myers, Dreamworld Freddy* and Leatherface. They've all had to endure humiliating moments at exit gates against toxic survivors.

    *for those who don't know or want to argue the point, Freddy is invincible while within the realms of dreams but has been pulled into the mortal realms and killed. He has also had his powers of a Dream Demon taken away, but this was in the later movies in the series where things were becoming more absurd and mainly done for plot reasons. This is also based on the original 6 movies before the reboot ROYALLY SCREWED the canon and origin story of Freddy Kruger. He is invincible within dreams for 95% of the movie time at least.

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    I feel like the demogorgan does a good enough job of filling the alien creature niche for the game. It's practically a supernatural xenomorph anyways. I still would like to see the inclusion of a near future sci-fi chapter.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583
    edited March 2020

    It would have an acid passive, every time the killer is stunned or struggled free, it counts as an "attack" by a surviver. And the Alien has acid blood, so survivors would go into the injured state, if they are already injured they obtain the "deep wounds" status, and their blood pools are highlighted to the Alien.

    Second passive is heightened senses, running, generator repair, totem cleansing, chest searching, injured/dying state, and entering lockers are 20% louder. Iron Will 3 will put the 100% noise reduction down to 80%.

    The Alien will have two active abilities. The first is a rush attack that moves in a directible line. The Alien is very agile so it's turning radius is a lot sharper than that of Billy or Oni. If the Alien runs into a survivor during this they are injured and unable to heal for thirty seconds.

    Their second active is a timed active, once one survivor remains, the Alien may feast upon it, the Entity will give points for a Mori but will count this as a sacrifice, pleased that the Alien had enough willpower not to eat all four survirors.

    *Edits: The Rush/Charge action would be a short duration, and would glide over window vaults and pallets, basically making them open pathways. The idea comes from Isolation and the original movie, where you see the Alien walking normally on two legs, and then crouching on all fours to get through tight spaces, but in both cases the Alien seems to be really fast in short bursts.

    Heightened senses would come at the cost of scratch marks, or maybe muted vision(more grayscale than full color), so I would probably put the passive at an even higher threshold, like 30 or 40% louder, and the range at which the Alien hears these increases by 8-12 meters. Breathing would be kept normal, but the injured/dying state, generator repair, totem cleanse, entering/exiting lockers, self-heal, healing other survivors, movement through brushes, these would all be a bit louder. I would even go so far as to give the Alien a 1 second aura sight on survivors who fast vault/locker. And blood pools are highlighted while not in a chase.

    The acid passive would be a small radius, 1-2 meters, maybe a little bigger.

    Post edited by Terra92 on
  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Ehhhh could work. But all the gimmicks they could have had are mostly taken by Demogorgon.

    But hooking people would be similar to cocooning them. Facehuggers would need to be a thing. Acid blood or spit. High mobility a must. So would stealth capabilities.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You don't need acid blood or Facehuggers. Acid blood would be too hard to balance, spit was never a thing and Facehuggers may as well be an instant kill, just on a timer. OR they'd just take too long to gestate considering the average length of a game.

    I did cover how you could add stealth and high mobility, though, and it would be nice to actually see a stealth/mobility killer in the game. And no, Wraith doesn't count.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    Nah i think it would be stupid. Don't see a story reason why would entity get xenomorph into a realm cz as story goes entity is attracted to violence and ill state of mind. If you ask me stranger things was also stupid to get in the story line. They did that to use as marketing to lure more players.

    On the other hand if they want to add few killers totaly story unrelated and for fun that is different thing then. But if you ask me i am against demo and xenomorph or any kind space alien things. I would like more of classic horors like demons, ghosts, series killers and ect.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    ...cz as story goes entity is attracted to violence and ill state of mind.

    < *demogorgon and xenomorphs literally rip people's faces off*

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    All of them are just in the service of someone else. Demo to some unknown intedimesional entity and xeno to its queen whic is led only by insticts.

    Yet again i said i am even against demo which were only used to as marketing to get more players. How many demo players is there acording to other killers anyway.

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151

    Isn't that what most killers suppose to be? (excluding gf, pig, etc)

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    in the first alien movie it was just roaming around trying to kill everyone

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556


    All of them are just in the service of someone else.

    So is leatherface. He's always doing what others tell him. Is he not valid for dbd now? Or is this underling rule not important is the slightest?

    Half of ghostface is kinda working under the other ghostface too now that I think about it 🤔

    Demo to some unknown intedimesional entity and xeno to its queen whic is led only by insticts.

    Hell... can you honestly argue that michael myers isn't acting on instinct? Or jason(which isn't in the game, but everyone wishes he was)? This instinct thing doesn't seem to matter either.

    Yet again i said i am even against demo which were only used to as marketing to get more players.

    Unlike leatherface, michael or freddy which weren't marketed to get more players... right? Or did you not realize this is just special pleading?

    How many demo players is there acording to other killers anyway.

    He is bottom 5th or bottom 6th depending on general vs red ranks according to the latest data the devs showed. Why?

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I feel like the xeno would be similar to demogorgon with a slash and lunge attack. Maybe even a Billy style sprint. I would like to see stealth ambushes from the ceiling, but this wouldn't work on most maps.

    I feel like there would need to have something revolving around the face hugger. Either a pig style where they have to find a surgical pod to remove it, or a spot where you can caccoon them and the team would have a short time to rescue them. Like two minutes to rescue them before they get mori'd.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    An Alien chapter, with a Xenomorph, ripley, and the nostromo, is still my most wanted chapter to date, how they would include it I don't know, but so many people have requested and made ideas for it that I think it would be a missed opportunity if they didn't do something.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Demogorgon has the same pick rate as the Pig.

    Also, Bubba was also a servant.

    Pig was a servant.

    Plague wasn't even violent or ill-minded.

    Spirit wasn't violent until she defended herself.

    By your logic, like half the killers in the game don't go along with the lore.

  • JPGalvatron
    JPGalvatron Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2020

    Acid spit actually was a thing. They may not be the best in the series, but Alien 3 had acid spit during one of the earlier scenes in the film. I believe Resurrection had it as well. If we're going to entertain the idea of a xenomorph appearing in DBD, I don't think it would necessarily be a must have ability in the game (especially with it rarely appearing in the films), but it was indeed a thing.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    I'm thinking Acid Spit would be a sort of special ability, not the actual power. It would burn and hit the survivors and would have a quick charge-up ability using M2 button and a long cooldown.

    LCTRL would make the Xenomorph crawl at a fast rate on all fours, and cannot attack while doing so. Maybe when standing up, the Xenomorph would get a slight speed boost, kind of like the Wraith? Whether it should have terror radius or not while crawling is something I can't figure out though.

    Regular attack could simply be claws, but I'm also contemplating whether it would be possible or not to make the regular attack revolve around the Xenomorph's tail, since it's supposed to be sharp and long.

  • JPGalvatron
    JPGalvatron Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2020

    Reminds me a bit of the older AvP games, which I'm a big fan of. No idea if it would actually work in DBD or not, but I like where your head is at. I'm also not sure where my original comment disappeared to O_o. I mostly wanted to point out that while people sometimes forget or attribute it to only appearing in comics, novels, and video games, they did occasionally spit acid in the films.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583
    edited March 2020

    I think the concept of acid shouldn't be in the attack but in being attacked by survivors. I posted a little above earlier but I'll reiterate, something like Decisive Strike, or a pallet stun, and anything that could be taken in the same vein, could be considered "damage to the killer," and could apply a short 1-2M radius "acid splash," in which anyone being carried and dropped is now suffering deep wounds, and anyone in the healthy state becomes injured.

    I would also amend my rush action to be able to vault windows and pallets without losing movement. Like it's crawling on all fours and moving quickly.

    When I posted my idea I thought maybe it could have the ability to wall crawl, but that would take a lot of coding and map redesign, and it would probably end up being really janky after all the effort anyways. It'd be better just to give the Alien a ton of movespeed like how you see it in Isolation or the original Movie, having the ability to move quickly through tight spaces.

    I'll edit my first post to clarify things.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I bet you were ok with the xenomorphs in Colonial Marines being killable which was a terrible game.

    Why use that argument if dbd wouldn't be the first to abandon the 'lore' that it must be invincible and insanely strong. A xenomorph could still be super strong but handicapped in other ways.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    I haven't thought much about the perks yet. A lot of people are complaining about gen rush (even though to me it seems pretty balanced thanks to Deathslinger and a lot of perks that counter gen rush, also the toolbox changes) and that there are not enough killers that can go for map pressure, so perks like that would be able to fix everything. I'm thinking...


    • Whenever a generator blows up by any means (this includes perks that make a generator blow up), all survivors within a 12/24/36 meter range scream and are revealed for 5 seconds.


    • When the last generator is repaired, every survivor who was working on it is highlighted and are affected by this perk. You are able to kill the highlighted survivor(s).


    • Each time a generator is repaired, you get a token (up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens). After 1 token, a random Dull Totem becomes a Hex Totem. As long as said Hex Totem is standing, each time you gain the 2nd, 3rd and 4th token, repair speed is reduced by 25% (up to a maximum of 75%).
  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    You missed my point, xeno and demo don't have mind of their own, some higher inteligence is controling them. Pig was a servant yet she did it wilingly. Ye we can say many of killers didn't want to be killers but demo and hexo are like hive minded creatures. Also i said that demo was out of content and light in dbd too. Ye they can go with alien killers but dbd is more in the light of the human ones, demons, ghost ect.

  • Hellbughunter
    Hellbughunter Member Posts: 83

    I think it would fit more in a game like last year. Where it's allowed to be fast and walk on fore legs. Having a Xenomorph slowly chasing a survivor on it's hind legs just doesn't seem fitting

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    What about that time in alien resurrection, when 2 are confined in a cell and one kills the other so it's acid blood creates a way out for him?

    What about that time when d'artagnan recognizes the kid and doesn't attack?

    They have intelligence. Not that it matters in any way shape or form.

  • JeffIsGod
    JeffIsGod Member Posts: 11

    I'd absolutely love for this to happen; as someone who is very into the Alien franchise I'd love to run around a spaceship as Ripley, completing generators and looping the Alien as they stalk me in a chase. It sounds like an awesome idea :)

  • wait4him2leave
    wait4him2leave Member Posts: 118

    I like the Alien series, but the thought of the xenomorph hooking people is weird. BHVR would be likely to make the Android a killer.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806


    I'm not sure why people even dislike this idea. Stranger Things also added a rather strange Killer and people seemed to like that idea. Personally I think a Xenomorph would be especially fitting in Dead by Daylight, given that it's a horror game. Plus I bet a Xenomorph Killer would also have a great chase music.

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    Honestly I think the xenomorph would sort of evolve as the game goes on he starts off as a drone 1 gen complete runner 2 more gens complete you can become a warrior all five completed you become a praetorian. The power would be calling a face hugger or when walking past an egg (or Ovamorph egg I think) a face hugger jumps out and blinds the survivor for 4 seconds