“Secret” Offerings For The Killer

I Think That There Should Be More Secret Offerings For The Killer Because If You Use A Mori They Most Likely Know What It Is Because The Shroud That Makes Survivors Away From Each Other Isn’t Used A lot Anymore From Any Of The Games That I Get In As Survivor, I Don’t Have A Problem With This But Possibly Add More Secret Offerings So Survivors Don’t Just Think “Oh, It’s A Mori How Toxic”.
The Splinter Offerings were also secret, however, the Devs decided to remove them on Patch 3.6.0. However, I don't think this is that huge of a problem, there are three Mori Offerings, each one having its own functionality. When Survivors see a secret offering, it could be a Shroud, or one of the 3 Mori Offerings, not necessarily an ebony mori.
There aren't that many offerings that could be secret, because most of them just award you with extra Bloodpoints. Maybe the Hook Distance and Realm Selection offerings could be secret? Idk. It would be definitely interesting to have some new secret offerings.
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I Never Got A Splinter Offering Even Though I Know They Turned You Into Another DLC Killer Like Mikey.
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If you purchased all licensed DLCs, then they won't spawn in your Bloodweb. However, even if you didn't, Splinter Offerings are all Ultra Rare so they are relatively difficult to find.
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Honestly a lot of offerings could be made secret without much issue if you ask me.
The -chest ones for killer, BP offerings that don't benefit more than one player and probably more. Would make the secret offerings less of a dead giveaway.
I wouldn't mind map offerings being secret either but I'm sure plenty of people disagree with that one.
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Oh, I’ve Purchased All Available DLC’s That Switch Has Because I Play Switch Version Most Of The Time.
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Yeah, then Splinters unfortunately wouldn't spawn. Moris would be the only Ultra Rare offerings you'd get.
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but let's be real the moment you see that secret offering you assume it's an ebony mori until proven otherwise.
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yeah, there is also a color difference between the shrouds' and the Moris' icons (the ones that appear when the game starts loading). The Moris' icons tend to be a darker and the shroud's tend to be a lighter tone of gray.
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Wait is that for real? Not much of a 'secret' if you can still tell what they are by the brightness of the hidden icon. I'm going to test this tonight.
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I don't know if it is intentional, but Killers' secret offerings, Moris (and Splinters), have a darker tone of gray on their icons, while Survivors' secret offerings have lighter tones of gray on their icons. I, to say the least, can see a difference.
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Reduced vegetation
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But, ebonies are more common on the bloodweb thanks to how its RNG works. You get more red and purple items the more times you prestige and since Ebonies are red, theyre more common. Especially with Huntress, Billy, Bubba, and Pig just because they have less red addons to get.
Since each killer has a few green addons to choose from, green moris are less common anyway. And since its worse for survivors to be apart, a secret offering is most likely going to be an ebony mori.