Protection hits... bugs

mithrios Member Posts: 120

I noticed some bug on protection hits.

Normally if you take a hit while the killer is carrying a survivor you get one token BUT if there are other Healty survivors near to you (trying to bodyblocking) you don't get the stack.

The same is apply when you try to unhook someone with other healthy survivors near to you ( and near the hook ) because the killer is facecamping, in that case if you take the hit you don't get the stack (even if you are the one who unhook).

Again, i take a hit close an injuried survivor and sometime i don't get stack

Anyone has noticed the same bugs? is frustrating work for something and see the game is cheating on you...

p.s: if there are those bugs why devs don't fix them, i really don't understand...


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It took me over 50 tries to do 3rd level D. King's challenge(taking protection hit and escaping). I escaped 18 times while taking a protection hit. But the game just says F you and gives you distraction points, while the description clearly says "Obtained when taking a hit from the Killer within 10 metres of an injured Survivor or when the Killer is carrying another Survivor.". This game is so ######### broken and then they come up with challenges that you have no control over and are nearly impossible to do

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    There seems to be a bug with pallets too. My character seems to crouch when I go up to pallets sometimes or in general seems to be this crouch walk glitch happening with survivors. It’s just a sh!t show on survivor side dealing with lag and whatnot. Kinda makes the game unplayable because life longevity is already short with Mori’s and hooks being camped on. Why make this game even more frustrating for survivors? Toolboxes got nerfed in this latest patch which somehow filled these matches with even more bugs and unfair advantages for the killers. People spend money on this game and I don’t know why further investments are gonna be made on my end because i just can’t play the game. Pallet stuns aren’t working correctly. Pressing RB on a pallet seems to do absolutely nothing when you need it to. Nah I just don’t want to be someone’s 4K every match that these killers feel their so entitled to because of in game issues. Eh.... I love the game but seems survivors have to go through a Lot of bs.... I’m kinda bummed ☹️

  • mithrios
    mithrios Member Posts: 120

    me too! the same bug

    if you are near an healthy survivor the protection hit doesn't trigger

    i don't think is hard to fix... devs are always so lazy?