Why prove thyself is still a thing?

Just curious. Is not the game fast enough?

I played with ghostface. The swamp. Survivors who barely knew how to move un chases, all less than 30 seconds.

First chase, one gen

Second chase, another gen.

So goes the game. Each generator in a chase impossible to make shorter. They didn't even know how to do loop, they just threw the pallet

I have 3 gen away from each other. I use pop several times. I manage to kill one, as soon as I hook, the generator done. impossible to believe, it was marked and the chase lasted seconds, it didn't even get to a loop.

I look at the perks, 2 prove thyself. The speed bonus it gives is ridiculous. Three people can repair a generator in the time it takes me to hook someone up.

Sorry if you don't understand. English is not my native language


  • Androuruguayo99
    Androuruguayo99 Member Posts: 55

    I just searched. my mistake. Forget that do generators with 3 people only takes 33s. Fantastic

  • forthelulz
    forthelulz Member Posts: 306

    0.4s for 2 survivors

    5.6s for 3 survivors

    6.5s for 4 survivors

    I can't understand how you came up with those numbers?

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I don't think people realize that Survivors used to have Prove Thyself in their basekit—before the Legion's release, co-opping on a gen did not slow down gen speeds. All Prove Thyself does is undo that nerf. Don't really see how it's a big deal when that was what we'd already had since release.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    No worries, I'll break it down for you. The first important thing to know is that Prove Thyself doesn't stack, so there's no benefit to having multiple Prove Thyselfs on the same generator because only one of them will actually have an effect.

    If two survivors complete a generator together without Prove Thyself, it will take them 44.4 seconds. If one of them has Prove Thyself, it will take them 40.4 seconds. So Prove Thyself actually saves them 4 seconds for that first one, my mistake. I'll edit the comment above to reflect that.

    If three survivors complete a generator together without Prove Thyself, it will take them 33.3 seconds. If one of them has Prove Thyself, it will take them 27.8 seconds. So Prove Thyself saves them 5.5 seconds.

    If all four survivors complete a generator together without Prove Thyself, it will take them 28.6 seconds. If one of them has Prove Thyself, it will take them 22 seconds. So Prove Thyself saves them 6.6 seconds.

    I rounded off the decimals wrong when I did those original calculations, so my apologies, I was very tired. 0.1 seconds isn't much though - the point nevertheless stands that Prove Thyself does not actually make the huge difference that a lot of people seem to think it does.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    you complain about something that literally is VERY necessary . Imo it should actually be faster. The toolbox nerf was a hard hit because killers can kill just as fast so why didn’t they get hit too? How is this game fair for survivors when killers have the advantage in literally every single aspect? By every single one I mean latency too. So many games I’ve dealt with laggy Hits from killers, rubber banding, etc. I’m kinda disappointed in the gen speed tbh. Killers have thanatophobia which make it almost impossible to get a gen done by yourself. So... you’re telling me you’re complaining about teamwork getting a gen done too fast for your liking? Survivors need to be able to survive a little better than what it is now because I think killers have it too easy at the moment. Chases don’t last long enough! Killers are typically good at cutting the chase short from what I’ve seen constantly through all my games. Maybe you’re just bad. But at the moment I can tell you based on plenty of experience more often than not if I’m not with 3 survivor friends of mine it’s typically in the killers favor majority of the time. It angers me to see people complain about things killer has to put up with when game after game I see how my experience is cut short because the game lagged and killer got off an unfair hit on me when literally every hit matters because I’m not even getting my 3 hooks. The individual experience is extremely ignored in this game because this game is calibrated based on the maximum potential from SWF teams.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, but 4-person generators are still hugely inefficient compared to how quickly they could get the generators done if they all worked on them separately, not to mention very vulnerable to attack and rare or even non-existent on most maps.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,075

    Prove Thyself is a bad Perk, mainly good for the BPs. You will be more efficient with Survivors on different Generators anyway, since you will not need Prove Thyself for that and the Killer has a harder time to defend those Gens.

    Prove Thyself is only really useful when the last Gen(s) are being done, because then Survivors most likely group up.

    But I always feel that people who complain about Prove Thyself did not understand what the Perk actually does.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I know, it's just a common complaint that I wanted to address for the benefit of anyone else reading.

    Incidentally, just for the record, I'm not a mod, just a normal community member with a fancy avatar.

  • forthelulz
    forthelulz Member Posts: 306

    Yep, I know it doesn't stack. What I meant is the numbers that you use don't actually add up even when using your break down of them. On top of this the numbers you're using to begin with, are incorrect.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited March 2020

    Well, you can tell that to the Gamepedia wiki admins I guess. I'm sure they'll be glad of the feedback. I can even tag them here if you like, if you wanted to contact them on their profiles or something.


  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    That assumption is wrong. The game always applied a penalty to one's repair speed if multiple Survivors were on the same gen. What actually changed with the Legion update is that the devs made the progress reflect this behavior as it previously only showed debuffs from Perks/Add-ons, but not from game mechanics.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020
  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    no, survivors still had the same exact gen times while co-opping on a gen. the only thing that update did is show the red bar when 2 people are repairing a gen together.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213
    edited March 2020

    Plenty of slowdown perks and add-ons available on multiple killers. If you encounter to many prove thyself players, take thanatophobia....

    Besides toolboxes have now gone the same path as the nurse - nerfed into oblivion. So what are you actually complaining about at all ? No justification about it whatsoever.

  • forthelulz
    forthelulz Member Posts: 306

    For every other survivor working on a generator within 4m you gain 10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other survivors within range.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    Yeah, that's what Prove Thyself does. I don't understand what's wrong.

    And the numbers @Fibijean used are correct. You can analyze, test those numbers and do the math yourself if you want to. In case you still think they're incorrect, tell me what values are correct according to your calculations.

  • forthelulz
    forthelulz Member Posts: 306

    Other than the initial starting values of 44.44, 33.33 and 28.57 the rest is incorrect.

    Assuming the one using the perk is only given the 10% repair speed bonus once (so 10% total regardless if there are 1, 2 or 3 additional survivors) and not 10% for each other survivor (so 10% for 1, 20% for 2 or 30% for 3) even though the wording makes it sound like they would get 10% for each survivor. That means that:

    20% for 1 additional survivor = 44.44 - 8.888 = 35.552

    30% for 2 additional survivors = 33.33 - 9.999 = 23.331

    40% for 3 additional survivors = 28.57 - 11.428 = 17.142

    I doubt that it would grant +10% to the person using the perk for each additional survivor but if so that means that:

    20% for 1 additional survivor = 44.44 - 8.888 = 35.552

    40% for 2 additional survivors = 33.33 - 13.332 = 19.998

    60% for 3 additional survivors = 28.57 - 17.152 = 11.428

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    A Generator takes 80 Charges to complete. Since one individual Survivor repairs a Generator in 80 seconds, the repair speed of a Generator with only one Survivor repairing it is 1 c/s (charge per second).

    Keep in mind that there is a penalty applied to the Repair Speed for each individual Survivor that starts repairing the Generator (0.1 c/s per additional Survivor).

    The default repair speed for two Survivors without Prove Thyself is 0.9 c/s for each Survivor. Prove Thyself applies a 10% speed bonus to each Survivor: 0.1 x 0.9 = 0.09 -> 0.09 + 0,9 = 0.99 c/s

    This means that the repair speed for each Survivor with Prove Thyself (when 2 Survivors are repairing a Generator) is 0.99 c/s for each Survivor. Since a Gen takes 80 Charges to be completed -> 80 : 0.99 = 80.8080808080 -> 80.80808080 : 2 Survivors = 40.40 seconds

    It would take up 40.40 seconds to repair a Gen with an additional Survivor with Prove Thyself equipped compared to the normal 44.44 seconds.

    Let's do the same for 3 Survivors:

    Default repair speed (3 Survivors) : 0.8 c/s -> 0.2 x 0.8 = 0.16 -> 0.16 + 0.8 = 0.96 c/s for each Survivor.

    80 : 0.96 = 83.333333333 : 3 Survivors = 27.77 seconds

    And for 4 Survivors:

    Default repair speed (4 Survivors) : 0.7 c/s -> 0.3 x 0.7 = 0.21 -> 0.21 + 0.7 = 0.91 c/s for each Survivor.

    80 : 0.91 = 87.912 : 4 Survivors = 21.97 seconds

    Also, you forgot that only other Survivors count for Prove Thyself, yourself not, so if you're repairing a Gen with one other Survivor, only a 10% speed bonus will be applied.

    EDIT: The DBD Wiki's Article for Prove Thyself was changed to reflect what I just told you: https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Prove_Thyself

    Post edited by FichteHiro on
  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    two gens done for the first two downs is actually pretty good on your part.

    it’s the last two gens which determine whether you win or lose. If you can down and hook one of the first people again and put them on death hook next then you have a real shot.

    once there are only 4-5 gens left on the map, it becomes significantly harder for the survivors. You will almost never stop those first 3 gens. Just focus on keeping the gens clumped together and ensure they don’t get the last one.

    ¿Tu habla español?

  • forthelulz
    forthelulz Member Posts: 306

    Let me preface this by saying that I'm basically stuck at work only able to use my phone, I'm bored and pretty tired due to my usual rig breaking down on me at the last minute so I had to take a beaten up old one on the road instead for this trip and can't sleep for more than 90 minutes at a time because the bed in it sucks!

    I didn't forget, the main reason I brought up the numbers being incorrect is because the perk seems to state or is at least worded in a way that makes it seem that it grants 10% repair speed bonus to the perk user and 10% repair speed bonus is also given to each other survivor.

    However, even if I only give the other survivors and not the perk user the 10% bonus for a maximum total of 30% as you state, I'm still unable to get the same numbers you do. You say that the bonus is only given to the other survivor, so with only the perk user and 1 other survivor that 10% is the maximum bonus but in your explanation here and on the webpage when you break it down it appears that you did give each of them 10% for a total of 20%.. but it just might be that I'm just not able to correctly do the math and/or am confused..

    For example when you say:

    Default repair speed (4 Survivors) : 0.7 c/s -> 0.3 x 0.7 = 0.21 -> 0.21 + 0.7 = 0.91 c/s for each Survivor.

    Are you saying:

    With 4 survivors the default is 0.7c/s per survivor, and out of the 4 survivors that only 3 will get the 10% bonus added onto the default while the perk users will only get the default? So since 10% of 0.7 equals 0.07 this is added to the default 0.7 for a total of 0.77c/s to be given to each of the 3 other survivors and the perk user gets 0.7c/s total? Wouldn't that be 0.77 + 0.77 + 0.77 + 0.7 = 3.01c/s?

    Just for the hell of it say the maximum bonus with 4 survivors was 40% instead of 30% can you show me how that would look compared to your previous example of:

    Default repair speed (4 Survivors) : 0.7 c/s -> 0.3 x 0.7 = 0.21 -> 0.21 + 0.7 = 0.91 c/s for each Survivor.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    "Prove Thyself" is fine. Like many people mentioned, it's mainly a perk for players that like much interaction with the killer (to get their gen points faster).

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    You should be happy if people run that, that means 2 peopel are on a gen you can find and chase.

    3 survivors all on different gens, that is an issue

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    Let's break this here down: "Default repair speed (4 Survivors) : 0.7 c/s -> 0.3 x 0.7 = 0.21 -> 0.21 + 0.7 = 0.91 c/s for each Survivor."

    The default speed for each Survivor when 4 Survivors are simultaneously working on a Generator is 0.7 c/s due to the penalties applied. The perk user gets the effect from the other 3 Survivors, and they get the effect from themselves and the other 2 Survivors who are not the perk user.

    If you read the description carefully, you'll realize it says: For every other Survivor working on a Generator [...]. This means you don't count towards the bonus, but you get it from others. I agree it is kinda confusing, but that's how it works.

    Three Survivors contribute towards the perk, so it's a 30% speed increase to everyone's repair speed.

    0.7 c/s times 0.3 equals 0.21 -> 0.21 plus the default 0.7 c/s equals 0.91 c/s for every Survivor.

    Since a Generator takes 80 charges to completely repair, we have to do 80 divided by 0.91 c/s, which equals 87.912. This divided by 4 (the Survivors who are repairing the Generator simultaneously) is 21.97.

    This is the amount of seconds needed to repair a Generator (4 Survivors) with Prove Thyself.

    The situation you presented

    If Prove Thyself applied a 40% repair speed bonus:

    Default repair speed (4 Survivors): 0.7 c/s -> 0.4 x 0.7 = 0.28 -> 0.28 + 0.7 = 0.98 c/s for each Survivor.

    80 : 0.98 c/s = 81.632 -> 81.632 : 4 Survivors = 20.4 seconds