Want to hear something funny?

So back in March I made this random guide full of perk ideas (Destruction of property, Urgent Struggles, Slow and Steady, No Time to Stop, Thrill of Pain, Hex:Sealed Route) and me being me. I just randomly send these to the devs via facebook. Not to be all like "hey. These should be in the game" but just for opinions and so.
Now the perks I want to focus on are Urgent Struggles, Hex:Sealed Route and if we swap to ANOTHER guide which was a Killer idea called the Shark. One of its perks is called Stolen Prey.

I'll do Stolen Prey first. The Shark chapter idea was released in 2017, September 17.
Basically what the perk does is that when someone gets unhooked. The unhooker's aura is revealed for a while depending on the perk's level and if they aren't injured then you are able to One shot them for a limited time. Now. What does that perk sound like? Sounds like make your choice. A perk that came out with the Pig which was released on January 23rd, 2018. The differences being the time that the survivor has exposed on and the fact that Stolen Prey has no range limit you have to be at and you can see the aura.

Now to the perk ideas guide which I sent to the devs on facebook (Which I also received the message that the person sent saying they'd let the dev team hear about my ideas)
My perks idea guide was made on the 30th of March.
One of the idea perks is called "Urgent Struggles'. It only adds a small amount of speed to your struggles and at the cost of using it. You have a faster sacrifice speed. Now.. A perk that increases your wiggle speed. Sounds like Boil over, a perk released in the Curtain Call chapter of June 12th, 2018. The only difference being that Boil Over is actually BETTER and doesn't have the sacrifice speed.
One of the other perks is Hex:Sealed Route and this is a bit of a different one.
The original concept is that the Entity would randomly block a certain amount of windows in the map and they would stay blocked for the entire rest of the match until the hex is destroyed. Now doesn't that sound an awful lot like Bamboozle.

I'm gonna go off a ledge here and say that, possibly excluding Stolen Prey. Urgent Struggles and Hex:Sealed Route might have inspired Boil Over and Bamboozle. Since well.. i did kinda show it to them on Facebook.
But hey. That's just a theory. A PERK theory.

if you wish to see the perk idea guide and the Shark chapter idea. Here are links.


  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Hmm tricky one.

    They do sound similar but they also seem like logical ideas people would come up with if they really sat down and thought about perks.

  • Valtiel_Redfang
    Valtiel_Redfang Member Posts: 29

    @Rex_Huin said:
    Hmm tricky one.

    They do sound similar but they also seem like logical ideas people would come up with if they really sat down and thought about perks.

    Well i'll be honest. I was actually tired while creating the perks and they would need some tweaks. But I did think hard on them. Numbers isn't exactly a strong point of mine.