BHVR Your PS4 dedicated servers are crap!!!

The last 2 days I have been kicked out of matches 4 times. I constantly get kicked out of lobbys and get the message that there is not internet connection. I am currently suffering through yet another DC penalty when I haven't DC'd at all.
I can stream Netflix in full HD for hours without so much as even buffering. I played another online game yesterday for over 3 hours and never once had a moment of trouble.
But the moment I try to play Dead By Daylight I can't keep a connection. This started after the dedicated servers. BHVR I HATE you for creating a game I love yet forcing me to play on your worthless servers. I guess it's time to put away Dead by Daylight and find another game because the only time I have any issues whatsoever with internet connection on anything is this game.
So as I sadly have to take my leave from this game I wanted to make it known from this point out that before I purchase any game in the future I will look to see if it has the BHVR label attached to it. If it does I will know not to buy it as BHVR can't be trusted to ensure their customers get a quality experience.