How is this ok? In any circumstances

27 seconds for one gen. 27. With only one toolbox and one prove thyself .
How the heck did that manage to get into the game? Is the concept of having an early game just gone to rot in a dumpster fire ?
When it happened otz even he sounded worried, otz. One of the best killer players. In the end if he hadn't had stblf , if the person on the shoulder was struggling. He might've only gotten 2 kills. When he's trying his best. Otz.
How's your average Joe or Josephine supposed to deal with this?
I love how when people share these videos it's always of killers getting 4ks. They also only ended up finishing 2 gens LOL
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How is your ability to slug and knock people down so fast OK? Why should it not be possible to get survivor objectives done fast if you can do the same? It’s not fair for survivors. How about you don’t have ebony Mori’s that rob survivors of playtime. Or they slow down hook timers so it’s not worth camping them anymore? You gotta think it needs to feel fair for survivors too
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I’ve seen two teammates down before first gen less than a minute into the game. How is it fair that you’re capable of doing that?
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The gen went fast but that can happen. The massive map made it tougher for him but he still won. Stbfl helped him but if he had a better build he he would have done better.
Instead of surge he should have run pop. You need good slowdown gen perks and if you don't have any then you can't complain if the gens are done quick.
So what you should really take from this video is. Should I run corrupt and pop? I would say on Clown yes.
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...they finished 4. And usually the videos shared always end up in 4k's because that's the most entertaining matches to watch on YouTube.
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I get what your saying. But don't you think it's a little unfair that killers are forced to run certain builds whereas survivors get free reign to run whatever they want to?
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To quote a friend of mine
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27 seconds for a gen is no news, coop repairing is a thing since the beginning. With 3 people it takes 33 seconds, you only need a little speed increase to save those 6 seconds.
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Survivors dying fast are several survivors making several large mistakes and a killer capitalizing on it. The example video shows how unpreventable gens are in the early game.
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first reply
misses point as usual
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And here we go again...
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Apparently, killers just need to let those two gens go because the devs don't care about killer agency.
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The goal is not to win the game with 5 Gens still up.
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as a survivor I also feel like I have to run certain builds too. You mean to tell me you’re looking at the scoreboard at the end of the game and seeing everyone running different perks? I don’t think so. Majority have DS, BT and DH. There are perks that almost seem mandatory to give yourself a better shot at staying in the game. Rather in fact, I think some need a buff Tbh. DS is only a one time use and people still complain about it. It should be more like every time you get off the hook it protects you. Because why should killers get their rehooks that easily? Most of the time I don’t get my 3 hooks because of Mori or Lag that kills me on 2nd stage. It’s unfair a lot of the time and I yet I still hear complaints. From a solo standpoint it’s more often than not a frustrating experience. I wanna have fun too and get heals and experience those heart pounding moments, but killers have learned to get really good at keeping people from playing the game. Think about it from the perspective of one person as opposed to all 4. Idk why this 4K thing is what people expect. But it happens frequently from my perspective. Not everyone is amazing at looping so that means you’re #########? That’s the way the games designed yet you people complain about that when people get good at it. 🤷♂️ It’s rough out here man
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So "one of the best killer players" apparently had such a hard time that he only 4k'd with only 1 gen done.
Yeah devs , fix it! There shouldn't have been any gens done!
Calling him "one of the best" is a bit of a stretch. Add a "streamer" in there.
I'm pretty sure there are better players than him or at least as good who don't stream. And Since when being "one of the best" means you can't have hard time (even though a 4k with 1 gen done isn't rly a hard time to begin with lol)?
These silly fanboy threads....
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Okay, im gonna list a few points cause some people dont seem to get.
1. "But he got a 4K anyway" yes they did, but
A. This is the higher levels of play.
B. Not the focus of the video
2. "Why do killers wanna 4K with no gens done? Thats unfair!?!?!" Short answer we don't.
A. We aren't asking NO gens get done, just maybe the ability to get to the generators first before one is done, before we had any chance to get to it.
B. Large maps cause this problem, swf teams as well, the killer spawns and runs to generator, gen pops before he even gets to see it. That's an unreasonable penalty that we have no control over.
Again, not asking for "4K No Gens" just to maybe have enough time to setup, or at least look around for a person. We talk a lot about how killers pressure and need to pressure.
However the thing NOONE really wants to talk about is "survivor pressure" We even have (some) defense against survivor pressure but are demonized for using it. The biggest example is NOED
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which has nothing to do with the main topic of them repairing a gen in less than 30 seconds.
but yeah the fact that in the end the killer won negates that whole thing.
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It's otz though. He usually 4ks a lot.
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To reply to the OP
Gotta love when people push an otzdarva video to push a point but completely miss the whole situation as to how it got there.
3 people on a gen leaves the gen time at 33 seconds. With speed increases, as it was shown post game, the speed went down to 27 seconds thanks to PTS and a toolbox. It's honestly waaaaay better than having 3 gens pop in 2 seconds, or having 3 gens pop in 60 seconds. (The way it used to be)
How is it okay? Well 3 players on a single generator will do that to you.
And end of the vid, Otz still 4ks in legit the worst map for killer in the game with the lowest tier killer.
Funny enough, I saw the vid before I went to the forums today, I thought: Hmm someone Is definitely gonna take this video and put it in the forums to push some sort of silly narrative.
I was right huh
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I can't believe. I just can't. Just saw this video before, and I had to ask myself if someone will end up posting that video on the forums. This video proves in absolutely no way that gens are a problem. Just because one gen got finished really fast, doesn't mean the killer lost already. Once a killer starts downing survivors, that's when they get momentum.
Not even considering that he was still able to win the match, Otz was also playing a killer who is considered by many as the worst killer in the game who needs some serious buffs, and that on a map that is gigantic and pretty unbalanced.
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In the first match they finished four maps. But it's true, these videos prove nothing, Otz still wins and that with one of the worst killers on probably one of the worst maps for killers. Using this video as an example why this game is unbalanced is really not a smart move at all.
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Then what exactly is the point?
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If survivors are playing that bad then that's on them. What's a killer to do here? This was a quick find and short chase.
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Yea I understand what you mean but I think it works both ways. Survivors feel like they need to run unbreakable or ds most games. If you aren't running a gimmick build, I don't understand why you aren't running their best build.
The difference with survivor and killer perks are that every survivor perk works on every survivor. Whereas a perk like monitor and abuse works great on Myers but not on Huntress. There are a bunch of really good perks on both sides.
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The problem is that two people down that early in the game hinges entirely on the survivors playing very poorly. It's in their control -- even a phenomenal killer can't force that.
A gen done 30 seconds on hinges on the survivors not being braindead. there's no skill or luck involved -- they just walk over to the generator and hold m1 -- and it's entirely in the survivors control. There's nothing even the best killer can do to stop it.
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Take discoordance. Git gud.
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Killer end chase or game quick. Survivors fault. Survivor fixed one gen fast alltogether. Not killers fault for sure😂
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Double standards from killers at its best, again. You just show that the game is fairly killer sided.
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What would pop have done in this case. Gen slowdown perks are not the issue here. Maybe corrupt could have helped, but this is the result of the ruin nerf.
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That is all
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There is a lot of people here complaining About the stuff the killer does, but that isn't the point. The point is that if it were a setup killer, like the trapper, then that first gen and the map compounds against the killer. If it were somebody else, like a green rank on consoles, most people would give up. This game is not balanced as it should. Killers shouldn't be against survivors that are way too good for the killer, or survivors that can't do crap. The ranking system and the stupid maps are the problems, and most killers couldn't come back from that. If otz had been a god tier huntress or nurse, the map and gens wouldn't matter because they are the best killers on PC. Console, however, the best is Billy. BILLY! Good survivors can escape Billy easily, on console. Because the skill gap on survivor is so much lower than killer, then killers are gonna stop playing, and the problems a lot of low ranks are having are gonna get worse, killer or survivor.
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Killer didn't just "win", 4k with gens left is "win and..." territory.
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Thanks for actually reading the post :) updoots ahoy
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Thats the way it is and it has to be unfortunatly. If survivors are together, they are able to finish the first gen in less then 30 seconds. Is this a big deal? No, absolutly not.
He was playing clown, the killer with the weakest map control. On the biggest map. Without Corrupt Intervention. If he had a different killer on a smaller map and Corrupt, this would have never ever happend. Even if it would have been the same map and the same killer, Corrupt alone would have done the job.
Otz chose a different approach to play this round, and it payed off in the end. When you go for some build like that, you have to pay the price, but you get value on somewhere else.
Also, you overestimate Otz. He is good, but for sure not one of the best killers in the game.
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Sadly, most killers don't care about the survivors fun, or enjoyment of the game. It's get in, kill fast, and move on to the next one. Due to recent changes to the game, and how fast gens can pop, and how fast matches can be, killers are racing the clock. ( Example ). Hook, tunnel, mori. You're going from 12 hooks down to 4, and eliminating time spent on chasing. Survivors get a short irritating match with few points.. also, I think that ds shouldn't be a one time use. Same with unbreakable. ( killer main that also plays survivor )...
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Imagine if you could never save anyone before the second huge stage because you wouldn't be able to get there in time... Discordance is kinda like that...
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No discoordance is usefull in any case
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Mostly yes, but when you are in a chase, you need to give up the chase or you know that gen is lost. Unfortunately many killers can't be in two places the same time. If I can't chase off people from the gen and down an other survivor in the same time.
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And somehow when Otz still ends up with a 4k, a 27 seconds gen is fine?
You’re missing the point of what people are saying. People aren’t saying that streamers that play this game 24/7 can’t come back from this.
People are saying that a gen shouldn’t be done 27 seconds into the game.
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Thank you. Updoots ahoy again
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gEN tImES aRE fINE - every survivor main.
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It's not. Lol. It's too much to argue in a reply tho.
The game is fairly fair.
Killer sided at crappy ranks
Survivor sided at red ranks
The problem? It's all in the hands of the survivors. That's the complaint. Good survivors can crush any killer. Not all survivors. Good ones. Not the ones in this video who hide instead of chase, who wait at pallets instead of looping, who bodyblock on a killer with STBFL, who bodyblock for someone not wiggling.
Video is a good killer who made (one? Mistake) vs bad/par survivors who made AMPLE mistakes listed above. And they still got 4 gens.
That's the complaint.
Fixing it would ruin rank 20-10 play. So it just is what it is: fairly fair
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Weaklings die. Big deal.
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3 survivors downed in LESS than 2 minutes in as well, can't just pick and choose what you want from the evidence and ignore what's happening to the other side
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Should i remember you that this game is 4v1, or thats illegal to mention.
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With the first gen, it wouldn't have helped. I'm only saying he should have had pop in response to the thread mentioning he needed stbfl to get more than 2 kills.
I will say though that gen would've probably popped regardless of old ruin. Not in 27 seconds but probably in 40.
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3 downs and I believe 2 hooks already, if you need about 10-12 hooks to end a game as Killer, 2 hooks is 20% of the full objective (completed in UNDER two minutes).
1 gen completed in LESS than 30 seconds, if you need 5 gens to complete this main objective, 1 gen is 20% of the main objective (completed in LESS than 30 seconds).
I'm not considering the exit gates time and I'm not considering the chase, pick up and search time.
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Maybe if you wouldnt so gen dependent you d better as a killer
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If you not going to play like trash you can end game fast as a killer as well.
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Let's change the situation, let's say you are a survivor and in 10 seconds of the game someone on the team goes down. After that your team got more focused and guaranteed the escape of all of you.
10 seconds to get downed, but still a 4 escape. Does the 4 escape affected the time it took to down the first guy ?