How To Red Rank
This is actually a question and guide mixed together. First. How to be a red rank survivor:
Just smacked Rank 1 survivor and would love to give you the tips on how to do it yourself.
First and likely most important: Gens
If you are not in a chase or being stalked. Be. On. A. Gen. I've seen too many people wasting time hiding when they hear a heartbeat. Unless you have some certainty from spinechill, just assume the heartbeat doesn't apply to you. Chances are, someone is being chased.
START WITH THE MIDDLE GENS. They are the easiest to patrol as killer. So do them while the killer has the most gens to patrol, thus giving you the most potential to get it done uninterrupted. The more outer gens that get knocked out, the easier it is to bounce to the ones in the center of the map. So do the center early. Make the killer patrol far and wide by the end. Don't corner yourself.
Second up, roughly equally important: Chases:
Rule number one in a chase: glance forward, look behind. Looking ahead should just be glancing to see where to go/when to vault. The majority of your camera time should be looking at the killer. You can juke them if they look away. ESPECIALLY after you make it through a window. You can watch which way they run and go the opposite. Keep your eyes on them. That's why it's important to watch.
If you are not in a chase, identify the nearest pallets and loops. Get a plan.
Once in a chase, run tight circles around the longest part of the loop, trying your best to keep the killer on the complete opposite side (meaning change directions when they do). Toss the pallet at the last second. And hang out there.
If both sides attached to the pallet are short and of roughly the same length, it is not a "safe" pallet. You can get mindgamed. If one side is long it becomes "safe" and you can run that loop infinitely until the killer breaks the pallet. Trick is: don't panic, and don't vault the pallet unless you need to AND the killer is on the LONG side of the loop. If he's on the short side and you feel the need to vault, run at the pallet like you were gonna vault but don't. Then just keep running the loop. Chances are they will double back because they thought you were gonna vault. And now you are back to infinite.
Always tight turns, hug the walls (you take corners faster than killers do because of model sizes) so the more corners you take, the more seconds you buy.
Learn to dead hard for distance. You will get a feel for "I'm barely not gonna make it to that pallet in time" or "I'm gonna make it but I'll still take a hit when I throw it". Right when that thought comes to mind. Dead hard. And boom. Now you made it to another loop.
Learn to loop the jungle gyms (watch some pros or YouTube or twitch streamers). It's not hard. There are only two types. One type has 2 potential window locations, same loop but just a slight difference in how to run/when to window vault. The other is always the same. And of course the shack. Which is also always the same (minus the new map).
So far we are busting out gens and chases which SHOULD BE 90% of your game. Problem is, most people only do that for like.... 50-60%. Wasting time particularly fighting over altruism. Which brings us to our third point: Less Altruism.
If someone is on a hook. USE THAT TIME. You can bust out like half a gen before they hit the next stage. Here's how I do it:
Usually someone else/everyone else are being vultures for the hook save. So I just stay on my gen.
If the person gets about 3/4 through their current hook phase timer. I head to them for the save (maybe more/less. Basically give yourself JUST enough time to get in there and save em before their next phase). Otherwise. Progress your gen. 9 times out of 10, someone will yank them off the hook before you even feel pressure to go get them.
Exception: if there are only 3 of you left. One is on the hook. And you KNOW the other is being chased (see the chase, or the wiggly things around the obsessions name). Then get em off asap and get back to your gen.
Always heal others if you have time.
Never heal yourself with self care. Medkits, other survivors, Perk heal, or rush for Adrenaline are acceptable.
Never use urban evasion. You can do the same thing as urban by just walking regular and then ducking when the killer looks in your direction. Save the perk slot.
Don't be too altruistic. Save others if you can, but until you have the running skills. Just get out. It will award more BP and rank than you trading yourself for the hook.
Perk suggestions: Decisive Strike (pro tip: it's broken. 3/4 through the timer, if you are in a chase. Just get in a locker. EZ), Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Adrenaline/Choice.
Choice: I suggest against borrowed time until you are confident in your dead hards and DS ability. Because the only time you should be using it is in endgame collapse, potentially hook trading and getting yourself out with the other perks. Remember, most of the hook saves will be other people most of the time. You are a gen/chasing machine. Don't let Borrowed Time entice you off your gen so you can be one of the 3 vultures waiting for the save to do the same thing. Do your gen.
Welcome to the red ranks.
Now! If you made it this far, have a cookie. Maybe two. But don't get greedy.
Question: can someone give a realistic answer to how to get to rank 1 with killer? Perk suggestions, the whole 9 yards?
I enjoy Nurse, Hag, Freddy. I'm not liking the Nurse bugs right now tho. So any tips for builds/add-ons/playstyles/etc? Thanks!
How to red rank as nurse:
Perks: BBQ, Nurse's, M&A, I'm all ears
Addons: both CD addons
Playstyle: First, learn the muscle memory and the basic mindgames (doubleback behind a corner, 360° to make you whiff and so on). At the start of the match, don't blink. Try to identify the gen the survivors are working on and blink on it. You'll get a gengrab or at least a first hit for free most times. Then down and hook the survivor. BBQ shows something? Go for it. If you're really good you can aligne downs really fast and snowball at this point. Nurse's and M&A support BBQ with detection and provide you easy hits and downs. No auras? Patrol near the hook and be ready to blink back to it. Down the savior and look for BBQ again.
That's basically how that build works. "I'm all ears" is your backup for maps like lery's, hawkins or the game. It's also really useful on other maps, so i prefer it over IF because i hate slugging.
See ya in dae fog!
EDIT: "Object of Obsession" is a counter to this build, so try to kill the object fast or raw force downs with "I'm all ears".
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How to red rank as both roles: just play more.
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Despite the exquisite detail you gave me.
But I gave examples, what I've learned, how-to, etc. That's what I'm looking to get stirred up in the comments. Little things that help top tier killers. I'm good at killing until like rank 8. Then it gets tough.
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With killer? Unfun tunnel is the way to go.
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Ew. Lol
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Seriously though, given the absurd gen speeds, you should play top tier killers (Billy, Spirit) and try to secure a kill early on. Tunnelling and slugging survivors with DS is often necessary (SWF teams will go out of their way trying to save their buddy) . Don't waste time at god loops, don't respect pallets and try to make sure that the last 3 gens are close together.
That's my best advice if you want to stay at red ranks, but know it won't be fun. Survivors use killers as a tool in order to have a good time. Show no mercy.
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I love it, thank you for the advice.
I'm terrible about giving up on chases. I need to learn to abandon. But it's hard. Sunken cost fallacy.
Spirit. I love mindgaming killers. I main nurse, hag, and pallet Freddy. All of which have mindgaming in their own capacity. But I just can't get the spirit under my belt. I SUCK at her lol. So! I can open a new thread if need be, but since it applies I think I'll leave it here.
Any spirit-specific tips? People stop running and then they are just GONE lol. Do I need Stridor?
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Stridor and Sloppy Butcher are great perks for her. I don't main spirit though, so I can't really help you there. However, this video is really well made. It will definitely teach you something.
When it comes to abandoning chases, it can be hard. However, if you haven't caught the survivor after about 40 seconds I'd say, you should consider leaving him (a lot of it depends on the map. Does he have strong loops at his disposal? Yes ----> leave him and patrol gens. No ----> continue the chase.) Some loops are big no nos, and you should try to avoid them unless you have bamboozle. For example, the main building in Scrotus Penn is a waste of time.