How would you change DS?

Survivor main here. I think that DS is a really OP perk that should be changed. I play killer occasionally, and DS is super unfun to play around, as the only counter is slugging, and no one likes slugging. However, DS is an important perk for the game because tunneling is extremely annoying and DS is one of the only counters to it.

I think that DS should be active for 30 seconds, plus another (5/10/15) seconds for each survivor that is still alive. It should also become inactive once another survivor is hooked. That proves that the killer is not tunneling, and gives your teammates an opportunity to save if you are being slugged after the killer tunnels you. It also makes it not broken if there is only one teammate left in the match.

What changes would you make to DS?


  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Disable on EGC. Or overwrite with another status effect. You get deep wounds, you don't get your DS.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Honestly if it just de-activated when I hook someone else that would easily be enough, you could keep its current duration.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513
    edited March 2020

    Im fine if it lasted a infinite duration but deactivated when another survivor hooked or if you work on a gen or unhook and if you get downed it doesnt go away. Makes sure a tunneler gets punished. (Also obviously disable during egc) but not a normal killer who goes after different survivors.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Deactivates if someone else is hooked, unless the survivor is on the dying state

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I would let the timer stop in a chase and add 30 seconds. Additionally i would add a few limitations: If you get fully healed, start repairing a gen, heal another survivor, perform a hook save or use an other item than a medkit, DS deactivates. This way the killer wastes even more time when he actually tunnels, but the survivor gets punished, when he uses DS as an invincibility tool together with "Unbreakable".

  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144


  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    And people say that I'm a killer main while even a SURVIVOR MAIN knows it. My idea is to: The perk activates when the killer is within 24 meters away from you when you're unhooked, it lasts 15 seconds, the timer stops if the killer is within 12 meters or chasing you, if the killer slugs the timer also stops. So noe the perk is actually anti-tunnel

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    The old ds should return, frankly, I'm always saying this, but I am aware that I am not taken into account. Maps aren't completely resized yet because it's not easy to resize a map. So I repeat this for the last time, the maps will be resized, the pallet amount will change, the safe places will be reduced and there will be especially fragile walls. Do not complain as the old ds OP when the old DS is back, this is your unfortunate situation, I am still seeing the 3-person ds-throwers as well as the murderers who make 4k.

    Let them use the right to escape once, others have to make 50% wiggle. Do not waste time and remember that this is about ds behavior. Bad or good will vary accordingly. I know it's hard to get used to the facts and changes, you don't have to justify me, but you better get used to it.

  • DoingGens_You
    DoingGens_You Member Posts: 10

    That would be abused by high mobility killers like Demo, Freddy and Billy, but it's a good start.

  • DoingGens_You
    DoingGens_You Member Posts: 10

    I feel like old DS wasn't really fair, I see it as more of a punishment for tunneling rather than a punishment for downing someone.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    Why wouldn't it be fair? DS is not op, even because of this I stopped using ds. Because the murderers are determined to wait for their duration, they are still waiting to wait even though there is no obsession. I know that DS does nothing against mori, but even if we add animation to it, it will still not benefit. This time he will insist on waiting 60 seconds for mori. As I said, let them exercise their right to escape once, especially there are risks of missing check.

    As I said, it is early to discuss but I am not currently using decisive strike because the killers are constantly waiting for their decisive time. I specifically told the developer. It's really too early to discuss this. Currently, the balance is still broken and I leave the killer afk. Because there are still a lot of safe places, the size of the map is tight and there is still a world pallet.

    I couldn't imagine how many seconds they repaired a generator. 10 second? 17 second? Do not forget this still early to discuss this, but there are possibilities to make 4k on the new map. This is at least an indication that the developers are on the right track.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    Simple change - "The decay speed of DS {doubles/triples} when not in a chase." {BHVR can test out and decide on the decay rate}.

    Reason for change - Players that are tunnelled aren't penalised for being tunnelled, but they lose the ability to punish the Killer if the Killer does something else.


    • A Killer knows the Survivor may have DS so decides to Slug them. The Killer leaves the area to do something else before coming back to the downed Survivor. The Survivor doesn't have DS or has been healed and ran away. (The Killer is penalised for tunnelling but can play around the Perk; the Survivor still has an chance to be saved.)
    • A Killer chases a Survivor into the Locker. The Killer goes somewhere else. (The Killer is penalised for tunnelling but if they come across the Survivor again they won't have DS, the Survivor has a chance to run away.)
    • A Survivor is unhooked, their un-hooker is being attacked. They body-block a hit and go down, their un-hooker goes soon after and is put on a hook. (The Killer can either play around the Survivor with DS by leaving the area and hooking them later or stay there and safely secure 1 sacrifice with a potential second when the DS runs out.)
  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    Reduce the skill check size

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Here wo go again. How do someone has to say that if you change it to deachtive on hook it just makes it trash, cause it could be easily rejected by the killer in hooking the rescuer while the DS one is slugged to avoid DS, which just shouldnt be avoided.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    DS is good as it is. Besides we need more anti-tunnel perks.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,312

    Old DS would be very different nowadays because perks that make the obsession change exist. Like Nemesis, Furtive Chase or whatever, For The People - it wouldn't just be one obsession-DS if any of those perks were involved.

    And besides, in my opinion wiggle-DS was the worst part of old DS. At least you could play around obsession DS and intentionally eat it, juggle them to a hook or slug them in particular. Wiggle DS had no warning whatsoever.

  • hanscardoso
    hanscardoso Member Posts: 83

    My technic is never slug, make them use DS as soon as possible.

  • Stonuk
    Stonuk Member Posts: 91

    Works for 15 seconds after unhooking. That would be fair.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    If you want to shake the Meta, ask for more Anti-Tunneling perks.

    DS was changed, and it works perfectly fine as it is.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Since its often gets abused i would say it should be disabled if you start working on a Generator or go into a Locker. Also it is very annoying if a Survivor with DS Active blocks me to get a hit instead of the guy i was chasing just because he know he has DS. Thats not a punishment for tunnler, its just a abuse. Same goes for Borrowed Time. I get so many matches where right after i hoom someone, a other guy just unhook him in front of me with bt. Of course i got after the unhooker but then the guy who got unhooked just run infront of me because he can take a extra hit but then people like this, complain when they get tunneled. I just cant understand this guys sometimes.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    I did not understand anything from what he said. However, as I understand it, yes, there are advantages that can change obsession. Someone who is not obsessed has to wiggle to skillcheck. This is not the bad side, this is the good side.

  • Raven9
    Raven9 Member Posts: 298

    Laurie says that her advantages are a difficult character. This can happen when the old ds come back yes, good idea

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    DS is fine as it is. Most killers don’t leave hooks and they’ll just try to tunnel one person out of the game as fast as possible.

    Funny how when you play fair DS isn’t so much of an issue.

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    This is completely fanciful, 60 seconds is a ludicrous amount of time, and punishes the player for getting too many downs overall in addition to tunneling.

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    I'd say DS should behave the same as the Deep Wound timer, but have a significantly shorter duration (say, 30 seconds). Sprinting, vaulting, and dropping pallets should all keep it up, but once you aren't on the move, it quickly goes away. This way, it doesn't just equate to a blunt force of 1 minute invulnerability.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Buff: DS timer stops when you are being tunneled, its bullsht that you would be punished for being good at evading the killer.

    Nerf: Once unhooked you are not allowed to do anything other then heal or being healed. Working on a gen, healing someone else, jumping in a locker, taking a protection hit for someone else, it all turns DS off.

    DS is also turned off completely once the EGC has started.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Honestly dude, as a survivor main you should know the scenarios in which its complete horsesht, you use it for that very reason.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Just an idea for making it more anti tunneling perk then free immunity without any indication.

    So, first I'd give a survivor that has active DS that white outline (it could be changed to like red or something) like in Freddy's dream world to indicate that survivor has it. Then I would increase it's timer on 2 minutes but with more conditions that disable it. So those would be that any interaction besides selfhealing, vaulting, dropping pallets causes it to be deactivate. In other words you can't do gens, enter lockers, heal others, do unhooks, sabo or anything that would progress the game in any way besides getting yourself a new start by getting healed in those 2 minutes that you have it active.

    That would completely eliminate all BS factors that it has ( at least for me ) while keeping it very strong anti tunneling perk that can't be easily abused.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited March 2020

    It deactivates whenever the Survivor performs an interaction (ex. entering a locker, repairing a gen), when the gates are powered, or when another Survivor is downed. The reason I say downed instead of hooked is to prevent the Survivors from piling on top of each other and forcing me to pick up the wrong Survivor. I can easily see SWFs trying to do this just to be an ######### to the Killer. With these nerfs, DS will only punish true tunnelers and not Killers who capitalized on your mistakes.