Deep wounds question for survivors

What causes survivors to randomly go down with Deep Wounds? Did you just forget you had it?


  • TimeMonster
    TimeMonster Member Posts: 152

    not survivor... but once, when i was playing PIG, i downed a survivor, put RBT on him and pick him up but i was flashilight blinded, and somwhere about this seccond, fist gen was done. After 1 minute and somwhere 30 seconds, i found this guy again, he still got RBT on him, he was healed and failed atleast one jigsaw box right in front of me. After some time i managed to down him, and hook, but someone unhooked him right infront of my face. I hit him, and of course there was BT. Spend less than 30 secconds to down and hook "brave hero", i went to nearest jigsaw box, and this guy took of his RBT right in front of me, and then he went down, because of his deep wound.

    I legit LOL at this moment.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I think since a lot of us know what each killer does etc we forget that the game doesn't hold your hand very much. Even I forget what some killer add ons do sometimes. How did the killer do that? Oh, an add on. I also know when I'm vsing plague I have brain farts and touch the generator and infect it before going to cleanse and then I just have to stare at the generator until the green goes away.

    There's so much stuff going on nowadays it's really easy to just not know a detail that might save your life.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617
    edited March 2020

    Doesn't hold your hand? The game now literally tells you of every single positive and negative effect you so much as sneeze at, usually with a bright glowy bar for good measure.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    To be blunt, what I think happened is he was running from the killer and noticed the bar wasn't going down, so he got on a machine to get his trap off. When he stopped to do that, the bar ticked down without him realizing what it did because of the mechanics.

    His attention was on the skill checks. Even if a new player took the survivor tutorial, it doesn't tell him about deep wounds. It's just basic stuff.

    Don't pretend this game's straightforward. To us it may be, but to the casual player, no.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    The only time I went down was against a doctor who semi chased me after a hook rescue so the timer went down a little and when I finally go away I snapped out of it and during this the bar went down and so did I 😅

    other than that, I have pretty much never seen any survivor go down from Deep Wounds I think..