Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Please try to argue how this is fair



  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    what? lmao

    i have no idea what you're rambling on about.

  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214

    Agree that keys need nerfed. My point is anything can happen in the game I'm just not assuming whats happening like you are. I'm not referring to the clip at all, I'm purely speaking in hypothetical. I believe the topic is about how it feels to lose 3 gens instantly not that you can win from any scenario. Can you try looking at it in different perspectives or is your perfect playstyle all you see?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    I don't see the point, I feel it's unfair to jump into a discussion and say "but what about keys", it makes no sense and trying to discuss with someone who will just say "yea but key" is entirely a waste of time.

    You say yourself "I believe the topic is about how it feels to lose 3 gens instantly" but immediately bring up keys as if 3 gens correlates to finding a key? lol.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    I would like to see gen times lowered to 40 seconds for 1 week.

    Simply because I would find it amusing to find survivors on the internet saying it isn't an issue and was needed.

  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214

    But it does correlate to it? I only brought it up because of your solution for the killer to win. "Just patrol the 3 gens on the otherside of the map" There are posts on here about killers having the 3 gen set up and then lose because of the key so thats why I brought it up.

  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214

    He stated somewhere he was playing huntress for the daily. The point I think hes trying to make is at that point a killer feels absolutely powerless at that moment and that can sour the rest of the game. Its like when a survivor kills themselves or doesn't understand looping properly dies early for no real reason, the other survivors more than likely feel powerless and lose the will to even try. Yes you can still bring the game back but at that moment your emotions and brain tell you otherwise and cloud your judgement.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    The outcome is not irrelevant because the game is designed to have the most intense and decisive gameplay when 1-2 gens are remaining. The fact you feel entitled to have survivors not doing gens at the begininng is what causes your loss of morale, simply because your expectations are irrealistic.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    sURvIvOrS will never be able see why killers are frustrated because all they have to do is go afk holding M1 at a generator. They dont understand the franticness of having a "really good start" finding someone, chasing for maybe 15-20 seconds, getting a hook then having their time limit to do stuff cut in half. What sURvIvOrS dont get is that the killers play time is based around survivor. Thats why we say gen speeds are too fast, because we start of with a seni good game then all of a sudden we are stupidly behind and having to tryhard to makeup for it. Remember, when 3 gens pop 90-95 seconds into the match, the killer has at MOST 180 seconds until the next two are done. Thats the timeframe we have to work with.

    90-95 seconds for first 3 gens accounting travel time.

    Another 90-95 seconds for the last 2 gens.

    Bump that up to 120 seconds assuming the killer is really tryharding and manages to make.people scatter.

    We dont care about 4king. All we want is to not be frustrated and stressed when playing a game we otherwise enjoy. Thats the reason I dropped LoL for nearly a year and a half.

    Even when the killer 4ks, after a speedy match like that? It doesnt make you feel like you outplayed or won because of equal skill, you won because you had to play dirty and tunnel and slug, eat DS and BT. All the while the survivors with DT heal infront of you and move to a generator right next to you knowing you cant do a dang thing to stop them.

    Stop saying killers want 4k, we just want to play the game for fun.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited March 2020

    I would argue that knowing who space-myentireexistenceisabouthatingonagame-coconut actually would work against this.

    Seriously that dude needs to get a life or atleast play a different game.

    Now to react, idk why this is even worth making a post about honestly, he had 1 on the hook which apperently took a while, while 3 others all were doing gens sooo yeah.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Here's the full match for everyone saying that because it wasn't a full match it wasn't sufficient evidence.

    Also remember. This player is a hag main, not a huntress main. It's not exactly easy to consistently land cross map hatchets unless you've sunk around 2,500 hours into huntress alone

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The further my point, it would be like watching Tom Brady get bullied on the basketball court and pleading, “guys he is an NFL player not an NBA player but look how hard it is for him.”

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I would be embarrassed about even recording this match to he honest. Abandoned a chase with an injured survivor to go back to Jane who was hooked. Downs her when she gets unhooked, power to the people gets used and rather than use that as an opportunity to go after the broken person and leave Jane to waste time getting healed, they just tunnel Jane. Next time Jane comes off the hook even though the Huntress knows 2 people were close to finishing a gen, off they go to tunnel Jane again, who this time has had time to fully heal so it takes another 2 hits to finally get someone out of the game

    The David chase after the final gen is awful too and when they finally get them, they just camp. So much skill shown off in this game. Hag main or not it just shows how ######### some killers really are and why the devs should not be balancing based on their experiences.

    Do you honestly think that Hunteess deserves 4 kills? 3 kills? Or even 2? For the performance in that round. It was a terrible game from the killer side.

    Those 3 gens that popped were all really close to one another(all survivors appear to have started separately?), the area that she needed to cover had reduced a lot and they because they all popped at once she knew that only those could have been worked on but still kept the tunnelling up, even whennit was p obviously throwing the game for her.

    You can tell the killer is a miserable twat anyway based on how quickly they cancel out of the scoreboard. We never see their rank, so they could be rank 20 for all we know and they were being nice and saying gg but because they played shite off they go and then probably hit the forum for a good cry about overpowered survivors.

    I would be curious to see if they played the offering that separated all survivors at the start as a way for them to create a video like this.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Honestly, why would anybody try to convince you this is fair and that maybe the killer didn't do as well as they could have, or perhaps luck was against them. Several people have pointed out glaring issues in every single one of these posts you keep spamming up, and you have ignored it. You aren't interested in being convinced, you simply want people to agree with you.

    I'm not going to point out what several people have already pointed out, and quite frankly as someone who plays solo mostly, Gens do not always go this fast. Sometimes bad luck or bad team mates can make it impossible to do even one gen. The right killer with the right pressure can be good enough to obliterate a team at 4 - 3 gens. And then very rarely, we get a sweet spot where three gens get done and then everything goes to sh*t.

    There are varying circumstances when it comes to individual games and genrush is not the only one. So no, i wont argue that this is fair. I know it's fair because it isn't every game and there are plenty of killers I have seen smash people with 3 gens done, 4, none, and somehow snowballing with NOED at 5 gens done.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635
    edited March 2020

    I still wonder why ppl on this forum are not able to get the point of the videos.

    He found a survivor after 30 seconds with spawning time included. Then 30 Second chase whats quite good. Then while searching for a new survivor 3 gens pop.

    How can ppl be so blind and discuss his gameplay afterwards or that he tunneled, instead of question the first 1:30 min of the game. And thats what this video is trying to show.

    Is it ok to have a good start as killer and 3 gens pop after the first chase? Thats the question. It doesnt matter if every game is like that or if its a rare case. I ask myself if this should be possible at all.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    5:17 two injured survivors - better run to healthy David and let him loop me around one single pallet for 1 minute and 13 seconds till bloodlust does its job! I think it's fair to say the survivors deserved to escape as their decisions were quite simply correct. Also their endgame rescue was flawless.

    As for the quick early gens that's just natural when you get your first hook after 1.5 minutes give or take. First of all you can physically get the first down way faster and secondly the game isn't over just because 3 gens popped. The remaining gens are easier to pressure and people have to spread out and find their next gens after popping the gens they spawned on. At that point it comes down to the killer's tactics how fast the remaining gens pop - IF they pop.

    AND even if the last two gens pop they still have a gate to open still allowing you to get a down/kill.

    Remember the average result is supposed to be a 2k. Enjoy the 4ks when you get them but do not expect them like they were a normal thing.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Take what I say with a grain of salt as I only started playing killer this rank cycle.

    • The second that person found Jane,ran, committed to chase, and got led across the other side of the map only I knew 3 gens were going to pop. They gave up early game as a killer. Early game as a killer is CRUCIAL. The first 3 minutes will make or break a game. If you commit to chases early you're not applying pressure and making yourself known. You have to let survivors know you're going to double back and they won't be free to leave easy. This will cause them to become more selfish, sandbag, and eventually make mistake after mistake.
    • They shouldn't have hooked Jane the second time. They should have left her slugged. Slugging is more effective as it can negate borrowed time, protection hits, and forces the team to pick her up.
    • Dedicating too much time to Jane. She was giving them trouble. Yes they got the hook on on her and she died but is slowed down nothing.
    • Not making a point to see ALL the survivors in game. There's so much power in letting ALL the survivors see you unless you're a stealth killer it's insane.
    • Spent TOO much time looping a David when exit gates were the main objective. That was 2 minutes wasted. Meaning they can pick between gates. Then sitting literally by hook instead of proxy camping. Sitting by hook did nothing except set them up to rotate protective hits. Sitting under a hook during end game is the stupidest thing a killer can do unless they have an instant multi person down or recovery swings.
    • They took pop but didn't utilize it effectively as they followed one person in an area with what I like to refer to as low gen density. Don't take perks like pop, surge, overcharge, etc. if you commit to chases and don't hard camp gens. Take perks that work for how you're playing that day or at that moment. I have 6 different Myers builds that I set up so I'm not hard relying on one perk.
    • Not finding your obsession and forcing them to make dying light work for you. I've had games where I will let it be known I have dying light and slug my obsession so that the others will pick them up. We both know I'm not going to kill them so they know that's one survivor they can count on getting things done.
    • Respecting palettes as huntress. Take the stun of fake the palette. Never respect palettes if you don't have to.
    • Not listening to audio. There were multiple times survivors were near them and they didn't turn around or investigate. Again letting a survivor know that you're not blind does more work than any perk.

    Personally, I think their main issue was not recognizing their gen set up and giving up an are with 4 gens extremely close for an area with 3? spread apart but with more open space to chuck hatchets. Yes I am only a rank 15 baby Myers who plays perma tier 1 Myers with no add ons (don't judge it's fun) and stalk daddy shank boy but I get so many red and purple ranks in my games that are constantly pissed for applying to much pressure so they can't gen jockey and ######### at me after game or just d/c. Yeah I have games where I make one or two decisions and it costs me great but it's not the end of the world. ######### happens. Learn from it and more on.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Take what I say with a grain of salt as I only started playing killer this rank cycle.

    • The second that person found Jane,ran, committed to chase, and got led across the other side of the map only I knew 3 gens were going to pop. They gave up early game as a killer. Early game as a killer is CRUCIAL. The first 3 minutes will make or break a game. If you commit to chases early you're not applying pressure and making yourself known. You have to let survivors know you're going to double back and they won't be free to leave easy. This will cause them to become more selfish, sandbag, and eventually make mistake after mistake.
    • They shouldn't have hooked Jane the second time. They should have left her slugged. Slugging is more effective as it can negate borrowed time, protection hits, and forces the team to pick her up.
    • Dedicating too much time to Jane. She was giving them trouble. Yes they got the hook on on her and she died but is slowed down nothing.
    • Not making a point to see ALL the survivors in game. There's so much power in letting ALL the survivors see you unless you're a stealth killer it's insane.
    • Spent TOO much time looping a David when exit gates were the main objective. That was 2 minutes wasted. Meaning they can pick between gates. Then sitting literally by hook instead of proxy camping. Sitting by hook did nothing except set them up to rotate protective hits. Sitting under a hook during end game is the stupidest thing a killer can do unless they have an instant multi person down or recovery swings.
    • They took pop but didn't utilize it effectively as they followed one person in an area with what I like to refer to as low gen density. Don't take perks like pop, surge, overcharge, etc. if you commit to chases and don't hard camp gens. Take perks that work for how you're playing that day or at that moment. I have 6 different Myers builds that I set up so I'm not hard relying on one perk.
    • Not finding your obsession and forcing them to make dying light work for you. I've had games where I will let it be known I have dying light and slug my obsession so that the others will pick them up. We both know I'm not going to kill them so they know that's one survivor they can count on getting things done.
    • Respecting palettes as huntress. Take the stun of fake the palette. Never respect palettes if you don't have to.
    • Not listening to audio. There were multiple times survivors were near them and they didn't turn around or investigate. Again letting a survivor know that you're not blind does more work than any perk.

    Personally, I think their main issue was not recognizing their gen set up and giving up an are with 4 gens extremely close for an area with 3? spread apart but with more open space to chuck hatchets. Yes I am only a rank 15 baby Myers who plays perma tier 1 Myers with no add ons (don't judge it's fun) and stalk daddy shank boy but I get so many red and purple ranks in my games that are constantly pissed for applying to much pressure so they can't gen jockey and ######### at me after game or just d/c. Yeah I have games where I make one or two decisions and it costs me great but it's not the end of the world. ######### happens. Learn from it and more on.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Wow... all your replies are people trying to argue that gens being done is "impossible" and what happened before the clip hurr durr.

    Come on people OP told you what happened why do you have to argue the premise instead of the question itself

    Hot FACTS

    Its impossible to pressure 4 people at once.

    Its impossible to stop a gen from being done even if you stand on the other side of it kicking repeatedly.

    Repair rate 1cps

    regress rate .25cps WHHYY

    Survivors only need 105 seconds of obj each to escape AT BASE it's much lower with skillchecks perks and items.

    Survivors who aren't doing obj are "pressured" however there obj time can be spent by other players. So as long as he can waste 35 seconds of killer time the team can do his obj. 35Number is much lower with items/skillchecks/perks

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    First off, Thank you @SpaceCoconut for giving us the video.

    I have seen a good amount of criticism in the chat here, but remember what he said: he kinda lost hope in the match after that 3 gen pop.

    Did he have a decent 4 gen: yes

    Could he have looped a differen/better target: yes

    Are your criticisms of his gameplay valid: I can agree

    But like he said. He kinda lost hope afterwards. Clouded judgement afterwards led to the "just 1 kill" mentality of the match. It looked like he just wanted it to be over, but was still gonna play somewhat.

    Is this what DBD is all the time: no

    Does it feel like it is becoming the norm: honestly, yes.

    Most of the games I play tend to have at least 1 gen done quick. I dont have video proof, but I legit had a gen done in the first 15 seconds of a match in the ptb with deathslinger. It was 4 people on 1 gen with 2 toolboxes. Worst part was that I immediately started walking there as soon as I could. I literally had 0 chance to stop that as deathslinger.

    What is my point of the post? Please go a bit easy on him. It's hard to keep playing perfect when all you wanna do is leave.

  • InTheBushes321
    InTheBushes321 Member Posts: 72

    3 gens out of 5 is 60%. Did we skip 8th grade math? If 3 gens pop, that's 60% of the objective.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Well you can't pressure gens when chasing a survivor. So being it natural is the problem. As survivor when i see gen pop super fast i'm just so ashamed, as killer i'm frustrated.

    Here is the full game :

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    You know how braindead your argument is? And by the way if that happened after 80 seconds it means that killer was simply chasing one survivors for that amount of time. I can counter your argument with:

    How did killer manage to kill one survivor with 5 gens remaining to fix? Can you answer that question?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,480

    But that just sounds like you simply disliked survivors doing 3 gens. Like, context matters when it comes to balancing, because if you made mistakes and didn't play that well, which I feel is likely since you say that Huntress is one of your weaker killers, then the 3 gens being repaired is not a balance issue. And it's hard to calll those 3 gens being repaired a balance issue because the match still isn't over and killers can still win with two or 1 gen left.

    This just sounds like you don't want survivor to have any chance of repairing gens fast, no matter how bad you play. Not saying that's really what you mean, but it sounds like that. And that wouldn't be balanced at all. I even agree that this map is a bit survivor sided, but still. It's only natural that survivors will be able to make fast progress with their objective if the killer plays poorly. And such a short clip from one match doesn't prove anything when it comes to balancing, because again, killers can still turn games around even when 3 gens get repaired pretty quickly, and we couldn't see if you played well or rather poorly. Depending on killer and map of course.

    If one isn't that good with a certain killer, then they should expect to lose to survivor teams that are really good, for very obvious reasons.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Okay so 3 gens got done early, but they were all on the same side of the map... on Suffocation Pit...

    You realize this is advantageous for the Killer, yes? I've lost many games as Survivor in this exact situation.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020

    This footage is by far not enough, dont really know if the huntress ######### up, or if the survivors where good or anything else. There are many more factors then just genspeed or pressure that influense into the game lenght.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    this is why i linked the video but apparently it's hard to read previous comment ^^

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    No I am not here to watch every single video that got posted here honestly.

  • angelnsky
    angelnsky Member Posts: 17

    Clips can be edited

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    and not here to watch the full video that you asked for ?

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Noob killer, bad build, what else is there to say really?

    Run into a game with greedy perks like BBQ and iron maiden and expect not to get stomped by (what I assume) is a SWF who do the gens instead of dull totems and chests?

    Just another example of why corrupt intervention is the best killer perk in the game currently.

  • InTheBushes321
    InTheBushes321 Member Posts: 72

    Yeah, that's the problem. That 3 gens can get done in 80 seconds. That a game can theoretically be done in 3-4 minutes. Do you understand this? Too difficult, maybe?

    Yes, by facecamping. And that isn't even a guarantee. If the killer got a kill normally, and not by being dirty, then your team is objectively bad at the game, and the fault is on your team of survivors.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    And a killer like billy or oni can down the entire survivor team in under a minute with infectious fright. A tunnel mori can be done within the first minute of the game, especially if you are cheesing it with a stealth killer.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    80 seconds is a decent amount of time for gen to get done and if you dont see that i feel sorry for you.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,246

    This is why i run whisper on huntress now.

  • InTheBushes321
    InTheBushes321 Member Posts: 72

    No, it isn't. When you consider how long chases take, multiple survivors on one or several gens at the same time, lack of slowdown perks - 80s is not reasonable, at all, especially at red ranks where I play. Only certain killers are viable, and if your survs are good, then not even viable killers win. Especially when over 80% of the maps in the game already favor survivors.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    To be fair though over half of red rank survivors play like garbage, in a rank 1 survivor and my teammates spend sooo much time doing NOTHING... I know because I run bond or kindred every game