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Why is OoO allowed to hard counter certain killers?

Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

Specifically, Trapper and Hag. Moreso Trapper. Nine times out of ten, when this perk is used, it's a SWF, giving the perk even more power. Tunneling the user into the dirt usually ends up costing the match, since they want to waste your time. Ignoring them will simply disable your traps for most, if not all, of the match. Isn't there some way to d̶e̶l̶e̶t̶e̶ change the perk in a way that doesn't shut down trap abilities?


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    The annoying thing for me is that swf ruin this perk. I'm a solo player and I love this perk because it helps me position myself better and even duke the killer, and although its balanced in those situations, I do understand that its completely unbalanced with swf.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i do believe there will be changes to the perk at some point, the question is just: when?

    I totally agree though, on top of the perk only being used by eighter toxic players or unknowing poor souls just trying to get their adept Laurie achievement it also hardcountering certain killers is even more reason to change it.

    though, these changes would need to get rid of the aura reading aspect the perk has, so it would basically need to get reworked / drastically changed, which isnt exactly an easy thing to do, so it takes more time than just adjusting the numbers on some other perk real quick.

    but yeah, the perk needs to change. i really hope they are already working on it...

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Thats not how a game is supposed to go. In games should be counters yes but not that hard that your entire ability is getting negated almost completly.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    agreed, but it is what it is and if we look at how the devs treat their own (goldmine) of a game, Im not holding out hope so...I do what I can to...cope....hey that rhymes!

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,542

    Personally, I think that the Perk is not balanced for Solos either. Sure, the benefit of OoO is bigger the more players are in a party, but even as Solo you can get information you should not have. This is mostly because the Survivor can see the Killer when the Killer cannot see the Survivor.

    In my opinion this should change - if the Killer and Survivor are looking at each other, they will see each other. If the Killer is looking at the Survivor but the Survivor is looking away, the Killer should see the Aura (and OoO should lit up). If the Survivor is looking in the direction of the Killer and the Killer is not looking back at the Survivor, no Aura Read.

    This would basically turn the current state around, making it much more risk for the Survivor, while still providing some Benefit.

    Overall I think this Perk needs changing, this whole "Undetectable"-Stuff came solely because of Object of Obsession. But instead of just changing that one Perk, they came with a new mechanic which also nerfed other Perks (Dark Sense, Alert for example).

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    pretty sure thats how the perk is supposed to work...

    though imo it shouldnt at all work with aura reading and instead with a position reveal for both sides in certain intervalls (every so many seconds). that way the survivor still knows the general direction and position the killer is in, without being a dead giveaway on what the killer is doing (e.g. setting traps)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    ive thought of that and had a few ideas to change Sole Survivor accordingly.

    lets be honest, Sole Survivor itself needs to be buffed, currently basically no one is using that...

    ive thought of maybe a token basey system, where you gain a token each time someone else than you is hooked and spend a token when the killer tries to reveal your aura - instead you now reveal theirs for 3/4/5 seconds. i am unsure whether the position reeal block should be passively active at all times or also be token based... though, unlike Calm Spirit, this would not hide the screams, just the little bubble telling the killer where something happened.

    that way the perk would be better than now, and also have synergy with my OoO again.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2020

    I will ask because I feel dumb but why Does Object of Obession counter trapper and hag more? I feel like Small Game is a MUCH better counter to Hag and Trapper. I mean doesn't OOO only let you see each other and not the traps placed. Small Game let's you know you are coming to a trap and has a VERY short cool down. I mean I can see how OOO can be tough but Small Game has become my go to perk for both Totems and traps. I mean just being able to see a killer when you look at each other can only do so much but then again I play solo que. I feel like my combo Spine Chill/ Small Game is nice against Hag and Trapper because I can still get the knowledge when the killer is looking at me AND when a trap is near PLUS do totems.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2020

    I am just a little confused because OOO says both Killer and Survivor see each other.

    "A supernatural bond links you to the Killer. If you are looking in the Killer's direction, your link will reveal your Auras to each other."

    Plus what you are saying sounds like a perk that would almost benefit the killer than the player using it. I mean why would anyone us it if the only time you see the killer is if you are looking at each other. If you are not looking at the killer he can see you? That means the entire game unless I am looking at the killer he sees me. Wouldn't that benefit the killer more because unless I am looking at him the entire time he sees my aura? All I know is he is looking at me? That is what Spine Chill is for.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Aaah okay makes sense then. Thanks for the answer. =) I will say I am seeing users that think the perk works different than what I am reading. I read it and it says "A supernatural bond links you to the Killer. If you are looking in the Killer's direction, your link will reveal your Auras to each other."

    I mean that does not sound to great and probably why I do not use it. I mean it's almost like Babysitter except only time you see each other is when looking at each other from a certain distance other than that I feel like it is kind of eeeh. I mean okay we see each other then look away and once again POOF no idea what way either one of us are going. lol I guess I just feel there is much more stronger perks on both sides of the game that need some looking at. lol

  • BabyClaudette
    BabyClaudette Member Posts: 109

    There's a big downside with object too: the killer can see you as well. Anyways, how often do you see an OoO anyways.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,542

    Well, currently, OoO is high reward and mediocre risk (even low risk, if you are super careful and have some luck the Killer might only notice Midgame or Endgame that you have OoO). With the change I suggested, it would be mediocre reward and high risk. And I think if you want to run a Perk such like this, you should have a higher risk than reward.

    Also, when OoO is lightning up, the Survivor can look around to see where the Killer is. So it not only works like Spine Chill, but also gives information when the Killer is full map away.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    OoO is just really bad designed in my opinion. The devs refuse to rework it (together with Sole btw), because they are a group of weirdos with a weird balancing mentality.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    It's pretty baffling that OoO is still a thing. It's completely busted in the hands of a good survivor, solo or SWF. Permanent wall hacks against Freddy in dream state. A huge head start against M1 killers when paired with Sprint Burst. Ranged killers get no element of surprise. The aura revealing isn't detrimental to a skilled survivor. If anything, the supposed downside actually enhances the survivor's ability in a chase because it allows you to gain so much initial distance at the start of the chase.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    More recently. I realize there was a challenge revolving around it, but that seemed to have died off. Two days ago, I ran into it three times. Twice on Trapper, once as Plague. One was a solo, or a two man, and the rest was at least a 3 man. Last night, twice, back to back, both 4 man. I can handle it with any other killer, usually, but it's Trapper where it makes me feel powerless.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    The one thing I hate abour OOO is that icon lights up and surv still kmow that you coming even if you have undetectable.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    funny how killers mains don't like OoO because it soft counter traps at best but are okay with doctor hard countering loops and stealth with even less effort talk about hypocrisy

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I agree 100% that SWF teams probably abuse it but they abuse almost any perk. Thanks to them the perks us Solo que players use get nerfed so bad that our one hope in the match sometimes is gone. I do agree though things need fixing but I can honestly say with all honesty I have no ideas how to truly fix the issues. I am not trying to be mean at all but I see so MANY post telling Devs what to do but most the time it is just one idea and the idea itself will just cause YET another issue. This and many other games are a constant circle of solving issues. I guess the developers have their games and we have ours. lol I think SWF is breaking most the game and perks and the perks themselves are kind of okay.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Why would anyone EVER use a perk that is HIGH risk with little to no payoff or reward? I mean really is it really a high reward if both the survivor AND KILLER see each other. It is not like the survivor has constant sight the killer does not have. If the killer does not notice your aura when he stares at you isn't that on him? The perk ONLY works when BOTH parties look at each other giving BOTH knowledge of each others location. I mean other than that how beneficial is the perk really? I have never once seen this perk used in ANY games but Spine chill used every game. I guess maybe it is only good in SWF teams.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Give it a minute cooldown. There it's fixed.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I personally don't like OOO because that means the player who is using it is a toxic pos. I've never had a good experience with anyone who uses OOO and I will avoid them at all costs to hunt other teammates unless they are obviously working on a gen.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    In solo its just a strong perk to know killers whereabouts

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Is OOO really this overused? Also is it really used by only mean people?

    I only ask because I have never not once seen it used. I also still do not understand this fear of a perk that kind of works for both survivor and KILLER. I both aura's only show when BOTH parties are looking at each other. It isn't like Spine Chill or Premonition where the survivor knows when the killer is coming but the killer doesn't see them.

    Sorry I am just trying to understand because I have never seen it used. I think maybe I should try it once in my games to see it in action and I play Solo Que only.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I really don't like object of obsession I'll might take some leniency if I see a Laurie running it because she might be doing it for her adept.

    But if you're running perk and you're not Laurie. I'm going to tunnel you if you want to run a perk that basically Screams Come get me don't be surprised if the killer decides to devote their attention to you.

    The amount of times of survivors that get annoyed at me for tunneling them when they had that perk for my only response to be don't run a perk that lets me see you from across map

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I mean why give it a cooldown? It almost sounds like a bad perk because you give away your location to the killer as much as you learn the killer spot. You may be right though maybe a cooldown wouldn't be so bad.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    another unnecessary complaint. Killers have SWF problems. So now solo survivors have SWF problems being the cause of all these killer complaints which in turn leads to calibrating the game to meet the standards of pro level play. Solo survivors still don’t have a chance. There have been so many games I’ve played where killers just mow people down because everyone’s doing their own thing. Throw some Mori’s in there this game makes you not want to play it even more. All because killers just want to be catered to. Why is it you feel as though survivors don’t need to know where you’re at at all times and communicate that to teammates? That’s the point. If they work together they should kick your butt. If they don’t well then they’re just bad. But don’t complain about this kinda stuff. It really irks people like me that try to solo with perks that people typically complain about. DS, BT, OoO. It’s kind of outrageous. You’re the killer, you move fast, some way faster than they should be able to with add ons attached. Ebony Mori’s are Just excessive. Use the perks and builds you should be using to find them. Stop worrying about what they got. You know? The list Just goes on and on. I feel like killers need to be nerfed imo. People complain because they’re noticing a compromise or weakness in their strategy and just don’t know how to counter it. It’s rather infuriating. I think on all accounts killers (their perks, abilities, add ons and offerings) are by far really strong despite gen speed. Being concerned over a survivor perk is just unnecessary and unfair to survivors ability to have fun too.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited March 2020

    It completely negates killer strategies as they can basically sit back and give a play by play of the killers every action. If they come for you just stop looking then hop into a locker. Or do their god loop thing where they jump through the same window 15 times. Then you just wait for the rest of the gens to pop.

    You used to also be able to negate the downside with Sole Survivor but it appears to be glitched. Could possibly still do it with Distortion though. Haven't tested yet.

    It's too good in the niche it fills. Killer doesn't nearly get as much feedback without much sacrifice. A gen versus sitting there looking stupid.

    But a cooldown would guarantee that the newer players won't nearly have as much trouble with it since it won't give away their position the entire time. Bhvr is all about that new player experience am i right?

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    In the first thing you say by being able to give a play by play of the killer do you mean if you are playing SWF? I do not play that way at all. I cannot relay any messages to anyone. Heck I am lucky to somehow hint enough with the two hand gestures to follow me and they actually do.

    I can see how it is SUPER STRONG if players are using mics but maybe that is why I have not once seen it used in solo que. I keep looking at it when I am queing up and just think sounds nice but also kind of useless because I can't let me team know.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I take it from your post you've never been, or at least sustained, high ranked games as a killer. Believe me, you'd change your mind. it's different in lower ranks.

    OoO is a hard counter to Trapper. It's kinda like Plague shutting down survivors ability to heal, but without the pools to cleanse.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    It's a poorly designed perk and the devs are unwilling to change it.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    I think it hurts stealth killers more, but I'm ok with it being in the game. It doesn't make that huge of a difference. If that player was already good enough to run you around for 5 gens before you kill them anyway, Object of Obsession isn't going to make them any more likely to do that.

    The reality is just that the game is still heavily survivor-sided when it comes to top tier players.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    "Soft counter". Also Doc cant negate loops, you maybe just dont know how to play against him. Before you try to talk about entitlement you should inform yourself what are you even talking about lul. And I never said I dont like OoO. I even appreciate it having one in the game, with that I always know what 1 survivor is doing, that can help me alot to apply even more pressure.

  • Skankle
    Skankle Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2020

    It's crazy to me that they've jumped around the issues OoO brings for so long without changing the perk itself. They introduced the entire Undetectable status to counteract OoO neutering stealth killers, which at the same time hurt perks that no one thought was anywhere near an issue like Kindred, Dark Sense and Alert. It still completely stomps on the likes of Hag and Trapper and is obnoxiously powerful in a SWF context.

    The perk needs a fundamental change.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    What part is wrong?

    I used it today and we both could see each other. He came right at me because he seen me. It is not a perk I will use again because I did not like it. I felt like anytime I farted we seen each other and I hated trying to do gens while we seen each other. ALSO it is right in the description how it works.

    "A supernatural bond links you to the Killer. If you are looking in the Killer's direction, your link will reveal your Auras to each other. This effect applies only if you are outside of the Killer's Terror Radius. As the Killer's Obsession , this effect applies to a maximum range of 56/64/72 metres. Otherwise, it applies to a maximum range of 44/56/64 metres."

    I mean I am still confused as to what part you is saying is wrong. The killer and me played and cat and mouse the entire match while I did gens and I hated this perk because I felt like it went off WAY to much and the killer and me seen each other 70% of the match. I almost never got to stay on a gen to long before he was coming my way. The perk worked exactly as described. I ONLY had vision when BOTH of us looked at each other and never had vision when he didn't. I guess maybe I was that one special person that the perk worked as described or maybe it was a glitch.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    A simple change- disable DS, BT and exhaustion perks for OoO users. :^)

  • SoulSever
    SoulSever Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2020

    It is not overused, it is rather rare, but when it is used it is crippling to all but stealth killers and Nurse.

    In groups you have information on the killer at all times, that is agreed upon as a problem.

    The thing most people fail to realise is that it is also problematic in solo queue. The ability for the killer to see your aura is entirely negated by the fact that you can also see theirs, Object users will often use it to run very early and/or to a god loop in order to force chases to last around a minute. This usually prompts the killer to either tunnel or ignore that person entirely, this drastically reduces your options as a killer due to one option having your focus exclusively on one person while the 3 remaining survivors repair generators and the other having one survivor who is practically immune for the duration of the match.

    Conclusion: Object has practically zero risk with an absurd reward.

    Edit: Grammatical errors.

    Post edited by SoulSever on
  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    When you look at the killer, and the killer looks in your direction, you both see each other. However, if you are looking away, in that you can't see his aura, he can't see your aura. Which is what is meant by 'hiding your aura.' On the same note, you can look at the killer, and see him, even if he isn't looking at you.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2020

    I only ask because when I used it today it only worked when we BOTH looked at each other for me. I honestly hated the perk so much. I did my best to never look at him because the moment I seen his Aura he seen me and here he came. lol I guess maybe mine is bugged or something. It could have just been the map as well. I don't know the name of he map but it was the one with the building dead center and a gen is on the bottom floor next to the stairs. The killer was always in there so any time I looked even slightly any place but a corner I seen him and BAM he was after me again. lol

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I guess maybe I just had bad luck in the game I used it in and the killer just happen to constantly be looking at me. I can see how it can be a BIT OP, kind of like a Killers NOED Totem can wreck a game. I personally hated the perk because it seemed like a high risk perk and I hated the nerve wracking feeling I had knowing the killer COULD see me If he wanted to when I look at him. The entire match I felt like I was looking at him and not on purpose and it caused him to find me ALL THE TIME. I went back to using good old Spine Chill. lol I also wanted to apologize for being dumb and just not agreeing that OOO is dumb. It needs a nerf but then again thanks to SWF most survivor perks need nerfs causing me to really think about just quitting the game for a while again. Thank god Secrets of Mana comes out soon and FF7 remake. =)

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    yeah soft as the survivors don't see the killer at all the time unless he is just trying to do so and the killer also has the perk to see the survivor + seeing traps doenst mean you fully negate them or can avoid them sometime you can see a trapper trap a loop but you couldnt disarm the trap in time and now you are getting chase and that loop that you had is no longer usable

    sorry but doc does negate loops all he has to do his shock the pallette or window the survivors wanna use as soon as the survivor get near it and the survivors can no longer use it , there is no playing againts doc fully counter loops

    i am a rank 1 so i know what i am speaking off unlike you it seems , if you can''t abuse doc stupid easy to abuse power to get free wins too bad for you

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020

    Not really, I loop pretty easy doctors and get very often 4ks with him. As I said, if you dont know how to counter him in loops then he might seem op but thats not true at all. He definatly cant negate looping. Also ranks dont mean anything, you cant compare skill cap with ranks in this game.